
Blood Bound Quotes

Blood Bound by Patricia Briggs

Blood Bound Quotes
"Like most people who own their own businesses, I work long hours that start early in the morning. So when someone calls me in the middle of the night, they’d better be dying."
"I’m a vampire, Mercedes," he said gently. "Three in the morning is still prime time. But I don’t need a mechanic, I need you. You owe me a favor."
"Old creatures, at least in my experience, like to be a little vague when they’re asking you to do something. I’m a businesswoman, and I believe in getting to the specifics as quickly as possible."
"In our modern world, even the word seems…old fashioned. When it comes out of hiding briefly in a Charles Manson or a Jeffrey Dahmer, we try to explain it away with drug abuse, an unhappy childhood, or mental illness."
"The devout belief that the world is explainable is both a terrible vulnerability and a stout shield."
"Average citizens don’t get visited by vampires."
"Coming out in public was a bold step for the werewolves; one that could easily backfire."
"Werewolves cannot be mistaken for wolves: weres are much bigger than their non-preternatural counterparts—and a lot scarier."
"The ‘walker’ comes from the Skinwalkers of the Southwest Indian tribes, but I have less in common with a Skinwalker, at least from what I’ve read, than I do with the werewolves."
"I’m not a servant of the moon’s phases, and in the coyote shape that is my second form, I look like any other canis latrans: I have the buckshot scars on my backside to prove it."
"What I am is a walker, though I’m sure there once was another name for it—an Indian name lost when the Europeans devoured the New World."
"You aren’t cashing in your favor just to appear more intimidating," I said, looking up from the soft leather harness to meet his eyes. "You said you wanted a witness. A witness to what?"
"I’ve never heard of a demon-possessed vampire before. I tried to stretch my mind around the concept."
"‘All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing’," I murmured.
"It was not me," Stefan said, but there was something uncertain in his voice—as if he wasn’t entirely sure of it.
"I have swallowed enough death in years past that more sickens me, but believe as you wish."
"You put Mercy at risk," Samuel growled. "If he had already made another vampire kill involuntarily, he might have been able to make you kill Mercy."
"I have become arrogant over the years, Mercedes. I hadn’t really believed he could do anything to me."
"Werewolves are control freaks," I reminded myself. "Being control freaks keeps them in charge of their wolf—which is a good thing."
"Are you going to restore it or make a street rod?"
"One person’s antique is another’s rusting hulk."
"Old gremlins go out of their way to stay away from demon-hosts."
"Demons serve only one master well, and those who forget it tend to become enslaved rather quickly."
"There are many kinds of invitations, intentional and not. Sorcerer, demon-possessed, it doesn’t matter. Eventually the demon is in control."
"This creature is playing with the vampires, Mercy. Stay out of its business."
"I wasn’t the one who decorated my face, but thanks anyway."
"I’ll be around. Call me if you change your mind."
"Can’t sleep with a dead man in my closet."
"I don’t know what kind of a reaction I expected, but it wasn’t the one I got."
"Werewolves are pretty simple creatures—that’s why they make good soldiers."
"I have Uncle Mike’s permission to be here."
"Music. My guest will offer us a gift of music for our hospitality."
"You have to invite evil into your home—that's one of the rules."
"Remember, the walkers may have taught vampires to fear them, but there are still lots of vampires, and only one walker."
"If vampires live in their menageries, who lives in the seethe?"
"You go to places that will attract your prey."
"Vampires are predators. They kill things."
"What do you do when you're out hunting and you can't find any tracks or scent?"
"I've heard that song sung softly, until the magic of that first Christmas seems to hang in the air."
I knew you’d come," he whispered and the power of his wolf ruffled my hair as it rushed over me. "I was so worried. And then…and then the wolf came.
"Blood is life," said Andre in a voice I’d never heard him use. It drifted through the room like a mist and settled on my skin. "Blood is death."
"For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten son," I said, so frightened that I could only whisper. He cried out, covering his ears.
"Would your Alpha go after such a dangerous creature when he had warriors to fight in his stead?"
"A man who will risk nothing for love is not a man."
"It’s all right," I told Warren. "It’s just Kyle and me here."
"Following a coyote would stick in any wolf ’s craw," I said.
"Mercy," he said, and his voice filtered through the cells of my body, filling me with purpose. "Come to me."
"Who commands death?" Andre asked his voice calling for a response that my mouth wanted to form.
"No," I told him gently. "And I prefer to be polite."
"Okay. What if I said that your reactions to me scare you?"
You're a control freak," I said hotly. "You'll have to excuse me if I don't like being controlled.
"I don’t control you," he said in that rich-as-night voice he could use when he wanted to.
"I don’t submit to anyone," I snapped, looking out the side window.
"I mean just what I said. When we go out, you pick where we’re going."
"Being the Alpha is different from just being dominant," he said.
"I can’t help how I’m wired," he said after a moment.
"Then why don’t I feel like obeying you now?" I asked.
"Because you didn’t care if you had his permission or not."
"I’m not a broodmare," I told him, trying not to hyperventilate.
"I’m trying so hard not to think about Samuel or Adam."
"If I killed you, it would at least be quick and clean."
"Where have you been?" he asked in a softly menacing voice.
Andre is gone," I told him. "He won’t be coming back.
"I don’t know how I can kill Andre while he sleeps and still be me afterwards."
"Don’t let them win, Ben. Don’t let them destroy you, too."