
Heaven Quotes

Heaven by Alexandra Adornetto

Heaven Quotes
"Trouble was stirring in the Kingdom; we could feel it."
"I let the timid girl I’d once been shrink into the shadows like a wallflower at a dance and allowed the new Beth to take over."
"If I recall … you just asked me to marry you."
"You have come together in this church so that the Lord may consecrate and seal your love through holy matrimony."
"All my life I’d felt like the outsider, looking in on a world I could never be part of."
"We forgot to wait for the formal directive from Father Mel and melted instantly into a kiss."
"I knew we still had struggles ahead of us, but my soul was now inextricably tied to his and nothing, neither Heaven nor Hell, could tear us apart."
"The thought of Father Mel brought me up short."
"You’re a lot stronger than people give you credit for."
"I hope so," I replied, trying to sound more positive than I felt."
We can think of it like a game," I replied. "Winning the right to be together … that’s our goal.
"We were like children, following orders and being kept in the dark."
"I knew I should let him sleep, but I wasn’t ready to part with his company just yet."
"I felt the Seven’s hold over me loosen."
"I grabbed Xavier from behind, wrapped my arms around his chest, and lifted us both off the ground."
"I thought angels were supposed to be fair and just," Xavier said. "Since when do they go around trying to kill people? Since when does Heaven condone that?"
"What you must remember about the Sevens is they were created to be Heaven’s watchdogs, designed to keep order. They have no understanding of human behaviour, so it’s easy for their power to get out of hand."
"The Sevens are out for blood. They are not willing to compromise," Ivy said. "They want your marriage dissolved."
"Essentially," Ivy replied. "Their perception of justice is perverted. Once they have a mission, nothing else exists."
"Everything I do just disappoints Him more when all I really want is to make Him happy. I don’t know if my Father is ever going to forgive me, in fact He may cast me out of my home … but yours will never do that, I know that much."
"You are not a prisoner with me." He turned his head and I saw his flawless face was pained to think I had doubted him. A wave of guilt washed over me.
"If circumstances were normal right now, where would you two be going?"
"He has always loved humans above all else. He sacrificed his only son, remember? So you see? He will protect you."
"But Christ will not be used. You have to come to Him with complete humility, a complete willingness to accept Him into your heart and give Him reign over every aspect of your life."
"I can’t believe God could be so angry with us that He would unleash the Principalities."
"But you must not blame Him for your troubles. It is the Sevens who seek retribution."
"I’m not defending them," Gabriel replied. "I’m trying to explain how they work. In their minds they’re only doing their job."
"We’ve convened with the Arch and the seraph," Gabriel said. "That’s why we were late getting back to the cabin."
"I knew I was probably being callous and hurting her feelings, but I was so eager to see Xavier that I couldn’t stop to worry about it."
"We only got to be ourselves for a few stolen minutes each day."
"Sometimes I wished we really could trade places with these fictional characters and live like normal for a while."
"We have to stick together, even if things get worse before they get better."
"Even if the world falls apart at our feet, I’ll never leave you, Beth."
"I don’t want to be Ford and Laurie right now. How about we try being ourselves?"
"You can stay the hell away from me, you whiny little bitch."
"It killed me to think of him like that, chained underground, trapped inside his own body."
"I think we’re going to need backup," said Gabriel pensively.
"I knew I had to keep it together for Xavier’s sake. It was an impossible situation, having the person I loved most and the thing I despised most within one body."
"How can I, when God seems to have abandoned us?"
"We don’t know that for sure," Ivy said. "We can still find allies."
"He is always there, He is always watching, and one way or another, He will set you on the right path."
"I’m hoping it’ll knock him out for a while. That way we won’t have to keep vigil all night."
"This is what marriage is about. The good, the bad and the ugly."
"If it’s between my life and someone else’s, you have to let me go, Beth. I don’t want any more deaths on my head."
"You should know that surrender is imminent."
"Because the path of the righteous man was never supposed to be easy."
"The only way to conquer the flesh is to mortify it."
"You are still human. You are flesh and blood, just not quite the same as everybody else."
"The bond you share surpasses the human experience."
"You have to believe in Him. Believe in His plan and trust Him with your whole heart."
"I'll always be watching. I’ll be your guardian angel."
It’s not noble," Joseph retorted. "It’s practical. Angels who have lived as mortals don’t make decent angels any more.
"Pain is temporary," I replied. "Nothing hurt worse than losing you."
"I’m here, I’m real and I love you more than ever."
"From now on you’re going to feel pain, grow old and eventually die like the rest of us."
"Whatever experiences you’ve had have made you strong."
"Life goes on, but people don’t forget," I told her. "You haven’t been forgotten, Emily."
"You can sleep as long as you like once you’re home."
"I’d rather live in an imperfect world with Xavier than spend an eternity here alone."