
The Many Daughters Of Afong Moy Quotes

The Many Daughters Of Afong Moy by Jamie Ford

The Many Daughters Of Afong Moy Quotes
"Though as she sat in the bar of the Kunming Tennis Club, Faye thought that perhaps there should have been an exception made for older nurses."
"Not that she had any immediate prospects among the thirty young officers who made up the Flying Tigers."
"Wasted. That’s what her father said when she turned him down."
"But as much as Faye had wanted to share her life with someone, to watch a sunset in the arms of somebody who wouldn’t leave before sunrise, even then she knew that want was not the same as need."
"That was decades ago. Now she felt like the jigsaw puzzle of her life had long been completed, the picture looked whole, but there was one piece missing."
"That’s my heart, Faye thought, something extra, unnecessary."
"I can’t believe they made all the nurses swear we’d never marry."
"You’re so lucky. I always wondered what it would be like to live alone."
"You should have seen it, doc. We’re all running and screaming, diving for cover. And here he comes, walking straight toward her, and she meets him halfway."
"You don’t want to grow up crazy like Mommy, do you? She hates peas."
"I will be right here, Afong had said as her bound feet began to ache."
"You should never give away anything for free that men will gladly pay for."
"If you are obedient and show proper respect, eventually we might forget how you brought death into our household."
"The belly of the ship is cold like winter."
"As the US poet laureate Anis Mojgani once said about toddlers: 'They cannot be understood because"
"I’m polynomial in a nonpolynomial world."
"I wish you would say something. I’ve gone to a great deal of trouble to be here with you."
"The thread in the hands of a fond-hearted mother makes clothing for the body of her wayward girl; Carefully she sews and thoroughly she mends, dreading the delays that will keep her far from home."
"There were no women. From there I was given to a monastery in the mountains where the servants, like me, were all boys."
"The gods must be lonely in their heavens."
"Our insanity is not that we see people who aren’t there, it’s that we ignore the ones who are."
"You’re the first Chinese woman I’ve ever seen."
"Advertising you pay for, PR you pray for."
"Maybe the next Human Genome Project will locate our highly evolved guilt triggers and the overwhelming desire to never let our Asian parents down. It’s like karma on steroids."
"I’m more of a share-an-umbrella-in-the-rain kind of guy."
"It’s love’s illusions that I recall, I really don’t know love, I really don’t know love at all…"
"You, my perfect raindrop, are proof that she was right."
"I’d say that some people’s hearts are like the bottom of the ocean—largely unexplored."
"What belongs to you but others use it more than you do? Your name."
"Sometimes we just don’t get it right at this turn at bat. But there’s a lot to be learned along the way, especially by how we treat others."
"Without a pause, trees that for twenty thousand years your vows have kept, you have suddenly healed the pain of a traveler’s heart, and moved a brush to write a new song."
"That fresh air will do you good. You'll see."
"The closest she'd had to a bath in a week."
"Resigned to the fact that they were now somewhere in the middle of the Pacific."
"No one spoke in the poor man's defense."
"I'm named after him, even though most of my family considers it bad luck to be named after a living relative."
"I wish I'd at least been able to say goodbye."
"Find a way to be the person you need to be to truly be happy."
"This world is not deserving of people like Mrs. Bidwell. Yet for all of us, and that means you, my dear, she went willingly."
"The words found purchase in Zoe’s mind, and she felt as though the room were spinning."
"To send someone to Broadmoor—an asylum for the criminally insane—why would anyone do such a dreadful thing? She’s not insane and she’s certainly not a common criminal."
"Whatever you’ve written, burn it. Get rid of everything."
"I’m going to wait for you, Alyce. I’m going to be there for you when you get out, when you come home."
"We loved with a love that was more than love."
"I think I might have said some embarrassing things as I was waking up from the ether."
"It’s my belief that we are just an ever-changing collection of memories that, when added up, create the illusion of self."
"The prayers of a woman who gave away her newborn daughter would always be wasted."
"I’m so sorry for what I’ve done to you. I’m so sorry."
"Karma is the climate of the past, which shapes how much leeway we have in the future."
"Don’t change. Instead change the world."
"There was a beautiful stillness, like the soundlessness of falling snow."
"The peace of an ocean made of glass beneath a clear blue sky."
"You sure know how to miss a party! I think you slept through the worst part of the storm."
"It’s okay to miss someone. It means you loved them."
"You’re safe with me. I’ve got you right here."
"Strangers are the people we forgot we needed in this life."
"The best thing anyone can ever hope for in life is a good third act."