
The Nowhere Child Quotes

The Nowhere Child by Christian White

The Nowhere Child Quotes
"The key to fast reading is to have a boring life."
"I’m very sorry to hear about this girl, but I’m afraid I have a class to teach."
"I don’t see ugliness; I see something ordinary. But beautiful."
"When you drop around today it nearly gave me a heart attack. You weren’t just popping in, were you? You were gathering evidence."
"Everything’s fine. No news on the thing?"
"If you stick ‘round I’m likely to say something better left unsaid in polite society."
"She ate well and exercised, and in the end it made exactly zero difference."
"When you want to recall a particular memory, you tug on the thread and up it comes."
"It’s only been a few hours. The sun will be down in a few hours and it’ll be getting cold and Mom doesn’t even remember if she was wearing a sweater."
"I can hold the memory in my hands, look at it, then drop it back into the water and let it swim away."
"Because of us, she wanted to know Amy and I were being looked after."
"If I could send a message to every single person on the planet, what would it be?"
"Bad company is better than no company, and if things got too tense between us, at least I’d have someone to eat."
"This isn’t what it looks like, it’s a misunderstanding, that’s all."
"You can’t have it both ways. You can’t have me both ways."
"It’s not what I want. I’ve always been clear about exactly what you want from me."
"I wouldn’t let anything bad happen to you. I promise you that."
"You’ve never been far away from him. Even during the happiest times, there’s always sadness in him because Sammy should have been there."
"What’s your deal, Mom? What’s wrong with you?"
"It’s like I’ve fallen off a cruise ship exactly halfway between two islands, and at this stage there’s no use treading water – know what I mean?"
"You’re there because you sinned, but to sin is to be human."
"I used to believe that when I finally found you, it would repair the family."
"It felt pretty good to set something free for once."
"You’re not going to lose me," I wanted to tell Stuart, but it was suddenly very important that I tell Amy first.
"I leaned away from you both. And I should have been leaning on you."
"Can you just forgive me and be my friend again?"
"I don’t think I can do this without you."
"For all intents and purposes, the house doesn’t really exist anymore."
"Discharging your firearm should be a last resort, understand?"
"Instincts are like a little piece of God you get to carry ‘round with you."
"I’m ashamed to say Jack ain’t the only sinner in the family."
"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool, dear, than to speak out and remove all doubt."
"Sammy’s death forced them to make a choice: let God’s light lift them above it all, or drown in the despair."
"The Lord will not leave the guilty unpunished."
"I closed my eyes for thirty seconds, I—Stu! STU!"
"This is a cult! You’re in a cult! YOU’RE ALL IN A CULT!"
"We all take our own bucket down the well."
"Five fucking minutes. And when I came back…"
"It’s okay, Stu. It’s over. You were just a kid, you were—"
"Don't you dare, Kim. Don't you dare let me off the hook."
"The key to Stuart's Prius was in a silver bowl on the dresser by the door. I grabbed it on my way out."
"The deeper you go, the darker the water becomes."
"God is my rudder, Sammy. And whether you believe it or not don't change the facts."
"To move through life without being accountable to a higher power is to drift unanchored through a dark ocean full of monsters."
"The only way out of this room is if God wills it. I am but an instrument."
"This place hasn't changed, but the woman coming back here has."
"She stood and followed it, hand over hand, through the darkness and into the light."