
In The Likely Event Quotes

In The Likely Event by Rebecca Yarros

In The Likely Event Quotes
"Peace sounded so much better than constant war."
"The only woman I’d ever loved was here—in a damned war zone—and she was wearing another man’s ring."
"I bet you left a plethora of broken hearts in your wake."
She’s worse than your ex," Torres mumbled. "She’s your what-if.
"The fact that you value perception over security is exactly why you shouldn’t fucking be here."
"Just keep looking at me. You’re not alone."
"Anonymity is a requirement in this line of work."
"I swam closer to her, my heart thundering."
"I’ve been called a lot of things, but sweet hasn’t ever been one of them."
"I lied because I promised I wouldn’t leave her."
"I’m not sure I’d call anything about today lucky, except that we’re somehow alive."
"Searching for her sister was going to get her killed."
"It wasn’t her fault that I still loved her. It was mine."
"There is nothing better I could possibly imagine than spending my last day stateside with you."
"Don’t waste your life waiting on me, Izzy."
"The possibilities, Izzy. That’s what we are. Possibility."
"Every second I’ve had with you is a gift I’ve never deserved."
"Only you would come searching in the first place, and I love you for it."
"Promise. I’m not trying to get myself killed."
"What’s happening is more important than me."
"You have no business marrying one man while you’re in love with another."
"Someone who loves you doesn’t turn you loose on the male population and tell you to have at it while he’s gone."
"There are plenty of decent ones left who aren’t perpetually unavailable."
"Politics always came first with him. It was one of the many reasons my parents loved him more than I did."
"Neither of us really honestly wants this. It’s been engineered by everyone around us for optics."
"It didn’t matter who I met, who I dated, or who I tried to love."
"One drink and we’re out." She laced her fingers with mine, and just like we were back on that plane, tumbling toward uncertainty, I felt the unmistakable warmth of home.
"Watching her come undone and knowing I’d been the one to take her there was the highlight of my entire fucking life."
"You are the best thing that ever happened to me."
"I’ve loved you since the moment I laid eyes on you."
"I would move heaven and earth to be with you."
"I’ll always be here for you, no matter what."
"Her mother snapping that she was chasing after a soldier . . . that lived in my nightmares."
"Because it’s not like you and I could ever be just friends."
"If this is all we get, then it’s pretty great."
"You can’t love me," he said, shaking his head.
"I can only give you what I have, Izzy. I know it’s not enough, but it’s all I have."
"I’m an effective compartmentalizer. I’ve learned how to separate the shit that happens over there from my life stateside."
"Because everything that happens when we’re not together is the bullshit."
"This is real. This is the reality I live for."
"For all the years I spent waiting for you, the least you can give me is a damned day to see if she’ll leave. Twenty-four hours."
"I have always cared what happened to you!"
"The one thing no one ever bothered to tell me about New York was that I’d never be able to afford anything bigger than a shoebox in Manhattan on an associate’s pay."
"No news is good news with Nate. If something had gone awry, he would have told me."
"I fought it, my aching heart promising my cynical head that Nate wouldn’t do this, but as the hours passed, the truth sank in. He wasn’t coming."
"Nate and I had waited so long to take our shot that we’d missed it."
"It’s hard to drag something up that never got buried."
"And if you weren’t enough for him, then he’s going to spend his life totally and completely miserable, because there’s no one in this world who measures up to you."
"Because I didn’t love him in the way I know I’m capable of. I knew it the second I saw you again."
"I was still wholeheartedly in love with him, and this was worth the fight."
"I’ve always loved you. I am in love with you, Nathaniel Phelan."
"There hasn’t been a day I haven’t thought of you, haven’t missed you, wanted you, loved you."
"I don’t know how to live without you, Nate. And I know that’s not what you want to hear right now. I tried. I really did. But existing isn’t the same as living."
"This moment had come quicker than any intelligence had speculated, though the inevitability of it stung like a bitch."
"You’re remarkably calm for someone at the epicenter of a war zone."
"Usually I loved sunrises and the possibilities they brought, but today’s seemed more like a new variant of lighting on the same damned day."
"And we will find each other again, I promise."
"If you knew the world had twenty-four hours before some calamity struck, where would you go?"