
Undead And Unwed Quotes

Undead And Unwed by MaryJanice Davidson

Undead And Unwed Quotes
"THE day I died started out bad and got worse in a hurry."
"You gotta love the Minnesota Transit system."
"Losing a job is the worst. You know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that somebody doesn’t want you."
"Without us, those twits couldn’t even send a fax, much less run the company."
"Dying doesn’t hurt... your body is so traumatized by what’s happening, it shuts down your nerve endings."
"B EING dead really makes you think. Mostly, it makes you think about all the stuff you screwed up, or didn’t do."
"Modeling, contrary to the idea projected by the media, wasn’t the least bit glamorous."
"When you try to kill yourself nine or ten different ways, and none of them works, obviously you’re meant to be around for a while."
"I can’t be the only one who feels like this. Don’t you guys want to see your friends? Maybe find your old boss and scare the shit out of him? Show your parents you’re not taking a dirt nap? Why do we have to huddle together in little undead covens?"
"Stop talking in capital letters and I won’t."
"If you help us defeat Nostro, you will be the reigning queen. You could order the jerkoff to leave town."
"I hate that creep. Which one? Both, frankly, but especially that snooty jerkoff, Sink Lair."
"You left too quickly last time. I’m very glad you’ve chosen to return."
"Back off, boys. You don’t want to mess with an out-of-work secretary. We’re real testy."
"If that’s true, if I’m the foretold SuperVamp, how come you’re the only one who knows it? Why were you the only one who came in the pit with me? And thank you, by the way. That was really brave."
"Un dead. When was the last time you had a nice steak? Or even a salad? Shit, a piece of toast? Dead people don’t eat. We don’t eat. Ergo, we are dead."
"Yeah, they look like they’d be a laugh a minute. Listen, Nostro, I don’t appreciate any of this. I didn’t choose to come back and you know it."
"My mum had a saying: 'It takes all types to make a world.'"
"You are an enigma, wrapped in a riddle, drenched with Big Mac secret sauce."
"Sinclair's abode was about the size of the White House."
"The world's a stage, but the play is badly cast."
"I’m a mystery wrapped in an enigma and drenched with Big Mac secret sauce."
"Nothing scares her. Where do all these books come from? I’ve never heard of some of them."
"I ran into Mitzi after my shower. And you ran into her, so I hear."
"You think once we die, we lose our creativity, or thirst for knowledge?"
"She’s quite terrified, you know. She had no idea who you were when she challenged you. I had my hands full trying to end her hysterics."
"Have I mentioned I hate banter? I’m going."
"I’m sorry, Officer. I’m in a hurry to get home. I guess I wasn’t paying attention."
"You’re talking through your ass. You have no idea."
"I spend so much time looking up the damn footnotes I have no idea what the hell I’m reading."
"It wasn’t that. I mean, I looked, but it wasn’t bad. There was hardly any blood. You know, because you drank—"
"Shut up! Besides, it doesn’t matter. I still don’t like the idea of it. Drinking someone’s blood…ech."
"Elizabeth, Elizabeth. You are so young you make me tired."
"I thought you wanted to watch classics."
"You must tell me how you turned the Fiends’s loyalty from Nostro. Such a thing has never been done before."