
Nevermore Quotes

Nevermore by James Patterson

Nevermore Quotes
"That the world as they’d known it had gone so quietly, slipping into the ether like an old, beaten dog, was disconcerting, to say the least."
"But then, who could ever really be ready for the end of the world?"
"You didn’t see what was there—you saw the spaces between."
"The power inside her was the only thing that scared Angel now."
"How many seven-year-olds had seen the world go up in flames?"
"The end of the world? Yeah, same old, same old."
"I don’t know what to do with the sadness."
"You’re the strongest person I know, Max."
"You haven’t failed until you quit trying."
"We’re talking about the human apocalypse."
"Don’t tell me you’ve never thought that the world might be better if everyone was a bit more evolved."
"Let them all die. Let the doomsday, or whatever they’re calling it now, happen. I don’t care."
"They wouldn’t be so approving if they really understood the extent of the 99% Plan."
"All that beauty. All that history. And all these people, so eager to destroy it."
"You have to understand, Angel, I had only the best in mind. Just one new Ari. Then it would end."
"We’ve been waiting for you guys," said Ari.
"The only answer to all our problems is getting rid of our wings."
"No one likes a self-absorbed person. Always direct the conversation back to your date."
"I’ve always wanted to try to make s’mores with a candle. Shall we?"
"What I mean is that I’ll be defanging your buddy Fang."
"I’m not like you. I haven’t been alive for fifteen years."
"I don’t want to be a model, I want to not be a freak."
"I can’t tell you the details unless you swear to leave… and never come back."
"I thought being on my own meant that I could make all the decisions by myself."
"You must fully win Max’s heart. The survival of the world depends on it."
"It’s about the good of the planet versus the good of the people, Angel."
"Your task, at the end, is to harden your heart."
"I had to try again. I had to give myself another chance at being a father."
"It wasn’t supposed to be like this, when the end comes, I’m supposed to be with Max."
"You can’t imagine the remorse I feel, Angel."
"It's time to go, Fang, she does need you now, more than ever."
"You’re the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen."
"I’ll forgive you, Jeb, and everything that happened with Ari won’t matter anymore."
"Everything is about to change. Prepare yourselves."
"But I do know that we were brought here, that we were saved, so that you could help this island full of kids who need you."
"If the world’s doomed either way, maybe we can have this one night of our lives to just be together and forget that anyone else exists. To just be happy."
"We kissed like we were inhaling each other, like we would live and die in this moment."
"The toxin is first inhaled and moves through the lungs, causing a slight cough and, in some cases, a rash."
"This is your new world. Your new community."
"I promise you this is the real me, Max."
"We absolutely do not barge in there and attempt to rescue you."
"They messed up my eyes. They clipped my wings."
"Without warning, an explosion tore through my tree house, dangerously rocking the structure like an earthquake."
"GET OUT!" someone yelled at full volume. "GET OUT NOW!"
"I nearly shrieked in fury. After ruining everything else, now he was ruining my perfect night with Fang."
"Max! Just give me a chance to explain—"
"A chance?" My mouth hung open. I could not believe what I was hearing.
"No. You need to get out," Fang said in a low voice.
"Because I have always, always had Max’s best interests at heart," Dylan answered.
"It’s okay. We know about the plague and the 99% Plan. This place was built to protect us. We’re safe."
"None of that matters!" Dylan shrieked. His eyes were wild, crazed.
"Protect me?" I bristled. "I have spent years leading this flock, making split-second decisions based on well-honed instincts,"
"I wasn’t going to get to decide, after all."
"I love you, Max," Fang said, and those words, the ones I’d been waiting to hear forever, towered above all the chaos.
"So here goes nothing, or maybe everything. I’m not sure if I can even tell the difference anymore."