
The Book Of Magic Quotes

The Book Of Magic by Alice Hoffman

The Book Of Magic Quotes
"Some stories begin at the beginning and others begin at the end, but all the best stories begin in a library."
"Fate is fate and it can often be what you least expect it to be."
"This was the moment that revealed how you had walked through the world, with kindness or with fear, with your heart open or closed."
"Beware of love that was dishonest and disloyal, love that could lie to you and trick you, love that could break you and condemn you to sorrow, love that could never be trusted."
"If Maria Owens had been less rash, she might have realized that when you curse another, you curse yourself as well."
"Curses are like knots, the more you struggle to be free, the tighter they become, whether they’re made of rope or spite or desperation."
"You didn’t choose magic, it chose you; it bloomed inside you, blood and bones."
"Fate was what you made of it. You could make the best of it, or you could let it make the best of you."
"Love’s fire heats water, water cools not love."
"We who are cursed in love are born to fight that curse in every way we can until the one among us who can break it appears."
"It’s only when you’re old that you truly appreciate those you have lost."
"But what happened when it disappeared, Franny wondered as she lay in the old bed that had long ago belonged to Aunt Isabelle."
"That is how love worked, Jet had assured Franny. It arrived when you least expected it."
"I suspect Jet left it for you so you wouldn’t be alone. Now you’re stuck with it."
"But beware, it is the most dangerous book of all. It grants your heart’s desire, but the price you pay is steep."
"What you put out into the world came back to you threefold."
"One Heart instructed to be Two— As Lightning splits a Tree— Can be—but No one knows The Truth of it— Except for Thee and me."
You seem to have done just fine." Franny patted his shoulder with awkward compassion. "You knew how to love her.
"But people often did the unexpected and left-handed magic was very tempting, even for those convinced they couldn’t be corrupted."
"You didn’t even realize that you’d been burned until you looked down to discover you had been turned to ash."
"What are we willing to do?" "Anything." "Everything."
"Sally has the gift, but she’s never wanted it. You’d know that if you knew her."
"Language was everything. Trust was for fools. Love came and went. Words could be stolen."
"Know what you want, and be sure of it, for regret gives birth to more regret and nothing more."
"I’m not a witch," Kylie told the librarian. "My aunts are healers. They have a greenhouse, they grow herbs, and people come to them for remedies. It’s nothing more than that."
"Witchery is not a choice. It's a bloodline situation."
"It ruins whoever loves us," she told him. "And it ruins us, too."
"Isn’t that what love makes you do? Go on trying even when you’re through."
"You don’t know if you have the ability for some things until they happen to you."
"You could surprise yourself with what emerged from inside yourself."
"You must have talents you don’t know about."
"Without courage, you will never find the answer."
"The more you struggle, the more of a hold it has on you."
"Save a life and a life will be saved in return."
"You’ll owe me your loyalty. You’ll return the favor to me."
"He’d had a life of crime and knew what it was like to be trapped inside a cell."
"Why on earth would you want to be normal? As if there was such a thing."
"Breath was life and this woman Sally had returned that to him, and now he was in her debt, and they both knew it."
"Love does as it pleases. It can’t be controlled."
"Everything you give to the world will come back to you threefold."
"If you knew the whole story, you’d know the reason. The past can take over if you let it."
"What people don’t understand they fear."
"It’s not the thing that ruins you, people ruin themselves."
"If there was anyone in this town who knew magic, it was his mother. He could study all his life, he could write the definitive History of Magic, but Margaret Wright knew the Nameless Art inside out, and that was why he needed to see her."
"Gillian heard the calling of the toads, an urgent chirping sound."
"I’ve got my own witchbone. You cut it out of a toad and dry it in the sun and you make sure to keep it close to your heart for protection and courage."
"Be who you can be, not who others think you are."
"Fate could make the best of you or you could make the best of fate, that was what Jet always said."
"Reading and writing gave power, and power was what had been so often denied to women."
"Where there were lilacs there would be luck."
"You don’t have all the time in the world."
"He wasn’t interested in ending a curse. It was creating one that was his fervent desire."
"Water calls to water, like calls to like."
"Who you trust is everything. Who you trust can save you or ruin your life."
"The closer you were to people, the more likely you were to become ill."
"A life for a life. That was the way to break the curse."
"You sacrifice yourself and the past and let them start anew."
"The future rises from the ashes of the past."
"Love was inside every story. Love lost and love found, red love that stained your heart."
"Everything her life had become had been due to the loving care of her aunts."