
See Me Quotes

See Me by Nicholas Sparks

See Me Quotes
"In time, like everyone else, they’d end up drawing their own conclusions about him. Frankly, it wasn’t worth worrying about."
"People who came to dives like this late at night were good at minding their own business."
"As far as he could tell, half the people here were trying to sober up after a night of hard drinking, while the other half—designated drivers, no doubt—were sobering up, too, only marginally less intoxicated."
"But if the place had one saving grace, it was that none of the other customers cared how he looked when he made his way to the table."
"Sometimes lying is necessary. For instance, if I told you that I saw a couple of roaches under the table while you were in the bathroom, you might feel the same way about eating here that I do."
"Sometimes, you need to… stretch the truth to get along with people."
"He cared nothing about grades or discipline."
"He was technically banned from ever setting foot in the house again, though his dad had softened on that particular stance lately."
"He understood the engine in his car, but only because the Camaro was older than he was; modern engines had more in common with computers."
"He knew his triggers and his limits, and though he’d come a long way in keeping his anger in check, there was always the possibility that he’d find himself in a situation that quickly spiraled out of control."
"He’d come to the conclusion that if he didn’t change his life, he’d self-destruct entirely."
"What do you want with me?" she finally choked out.
"The world might view her as a young, home-owning professional, but there were moments when she felt like she was faking the whole thing."
"Instead, he crossed his arms, his muscles flexing almost—but not entirely—involuntarily."
"She was glad about that—actually, she was thrilled about that—and yet, and yet…"
"It was a warm, relaxing glow that started in her neck and shoulders before spreading to the rest of her body."
"She knew her triggers and her limits, and though she’d come a long way in keeping her anger in check, there was always the possibility that she’d find herself in a situation that quickly spiraled out of control."
"It's just nice to have a few minutes to myself, you know?"
"I've learned different ways to cope with it."
"I care a lot. And I don't have any intention of going back to my old life."
"Because at that age, kids are old enough to understand most everything an adult tells them, but still young enough to believe that adults tell the truth."
"Taken together with all the testing the state requires, third grade is just a critical year."
"I didn’t run earlier today. That was at the gym. So?"
"Because you told me how you were feeling, even though you suspected it might hurt my feelings. And you told the truth. And you did both those things from a place of vulnerability and concern, because you want them to like me. Because you care about me. That’s flattering."
"You’re worried what I’ll say to them. And how they’ll react."
"It’s just good to see you happy. Your dad and I have been worried. All you ever do is work."
"It’s not polite to talk in front of him like this, you know."
"This is unbelievable. No wonder she’s the boss."
"I’m just so tired of talking about it. I’m tired of even thinking about it."
"Love makes everything complicated, and emotions always go wild in the beginning. But when it’s real, you should hold on tight, because true love doesn’t come along all that often."
"Falling in love is terrifying. That’s why they say ‘falling in love’ and not something like ‘floating toward love.’ Falling is scary. Floating is kind of dreamy."
"Because you’ve already added something to my life, something that I hadn’t even realized was missing."
"But sometimes, I wish you’d surprise me in a good way when you talk about your younger years."
"I feel like I'm stuck in this awful dream and all I want to do is wake up."
"I’m sure there’s something about him that’s worth getting to know."
"It’s no wonder that you’ve been all that Colin has been able to think about lately."
"You’re such an endless pain in the ass that it might be fun watching someone smack you around."
"Your heart is filled with poison and you are the destroyer!"
"We want you to sign an affidavit that simply states the truth: that you have the greatest respect for Mr. Martenson’s character, and that in your tenure at the firm, you have never witnessed, or even heard about, Mr. Martenson engaging in anything that could be construed in any way as sexually offensive to any employee."
"Because Mr. Martenson is our managing director, the firm intends to vigorously contest these allegations in whatever manner the firm deems best."
"It’s one thing to offer the ‘my wife doesn’t understand me’ tale, but you’re saying he actually touched your chest?"
"I’m just glad you put your ego aside and went to talk to him."
"He’s been arrested four times, but not for anything violent or dangerous. It’s all minor stuff—trespassing, vandalism, resisting arrest."
"It’s an awful, awful thing, and too many times, I’ve seen good people hurt by it, even my own kin."
"If Lester wasn’t at the house or working regularly, then he was likely in an acute phase."
"I don’t know whether it’s good news or bad news. It’s more confusing now than it was this morning."
"I don’t think I’d be able to handle it. I had a panic attack this morning."
"I’m not supposed to, but I saw your text. I asked the other bartender to cover for me for a few minutes. Are you okay?"
"Once she gets over the guilt, she will."
"Well, now that I’m sorta rich, I might make a few demands on you this evening. Physical ones, I mean."
"Whatever you do, don’t let the anticipation ruin your concentration at work. I’d hate for you to get in trouble with your boss."
"I just want you to know that I meant every word."
"Can you imagine how it feels? To lose your sister? And your mom?"
"I’m your friend, and this is what friends do for each other, especially in a situation as frightening as this."
"The truth is, I think you want to be front and center in this whole thing."
"The police are coming and will be here soon. I’ll just ride it out until they get here."
"Because when you wing things, it always turns out for the best, huh?"
"I thought I told you to get the hell out of here."
"He wouldn’t have been shot if I hadn’t called him." - Colin
"I didn’t bring a toothbrush." "Germs," he said with a wink. - Colin
"Larry told me that you helped save my husband’s life," Rachel said.
"I’m here! Hold on! The ambulance is coming!" - Maria
"Because you saved my friend’s life." - Detective Wright
"I’m not sure he’s ever going to get out." - Evan
"I want to know what I should tell our boys when I go back home." - Rachel Margolis
"No worries," he said. When they reached his car, he opened the door for her.
"It’s clearly important to her." - Detective Wright
"He’s the guy Pete thinks should be in prison. The guy who gets in all those fights." - Detective Wright