
The Spook's Sacrifice Quotes

The Spook's Sacrifice by Joseph Delaney

The Spook's Sacrifice Quotes
"I had a feeling that some kind of danger threatened."
"Don’t panic. Take your time and stay calm."
"I need something from you. That and your help."
"Your strength is greater than you realize."
"We cannot afford to lose. If we do, not only the County but the whole world will be at risk."
"Sometimes we have to compromise in order to survive."
"Things I would once have known are obscured, and it’s happening at the worst time possible."
"If we fail, the County will suffer terribly. Then the rest of the world will follow."
"Three days and three hours later, we will all be dead or the Ordeen will have been destroyed."
"Her visits take place every seven years, and each of these is more devastating than the previous one."
"That huge wooden horse was assumed to be an offering for the gods, and the Trojans dragged it into their city and began to celebrate their victory."
"Your blood will animate her; give her life. But your blood is mine also: the blood of her sworn enemy will be flowing through her veins."
"Touch neither food nor drink. Those who eat the food of the Ordeen can never go home."
"Ain’t going to sit down until you give me what I want! You owe me this! And there are things even you don’t know yet!"
"The voices of the monks rose up into the dome in perfect accord, to swoop and soar there like angels."
"If flesh clothes its bones, I will cut it. If it breathes, I will stop its breath."
"As a general rule, the opaque ones are hotter and more dangerous."
"The power of the dark is certainly increasing."
"I’ve little in common with the Lamia who slew so many; I have now served the light for many years."
"You’re my son and I love you, Tom. Believe that, whatever happens."
"Mam led the way outside and looked up at the sky. ‘It begins,’ she said, pointing towards the horizon."
"‘Well, young spook, we win or die this day. A dangerous land, this. Land of many mysteries too.'"
"‘Lucky to escape with your lives, young spook. Dangerous elementals, those.'"
"‘I wish I was back home,’ I told him. ‘I miss the green hills and woods – even the rain!’"
"‘Things are bad enough without having to listen to you talk rubbish. Get you gone! Leave Tom alone!’"
"‘You’re close to the dark now, Tom. Closer than you’ve ever been before …’"
"‘That’s what Mam told us about, Alice,’ I exclaimed, pointing ahead. ‘It’s the pillar of fire. The Ord must be somewhere within it!’"
"‘It smells like burning flesh!’ cried Alice, sniffing the air."
"‘You must do it, son. You must escape. Your destiny is to destroy the Fiend. That’s what I’ve worked so long to achieve.'"
"‘An insect creeps into my domain,’ she said softly. ‘I sense it shiver and shake with fear. All I need do is stretch out my finger and smear it against the cold marble floor. Shall it be done?’"
"Yet what is that staff you hold in your hand? A staff of rowan wood that hides a fang within! A metal blade impregnated with silver."
"That’s a very sharp tooth for a little mouse."
"Far across the sea in a green land where rain is never very far away."
"My father was a farmer who worked hard to bring up his family and taught us right from wrong."
"I feel I know you. You could almost be my brother."
"Yes! I see it now. There are six! Six! And you are the seventh!"
"You have other gifts. Gifts from your feral mother."
"Concentrate! Squeeze time! Make it stop!"
"When you’re a man, then it’ll be the dark’s turn to be afraid, because then you’ll be the hunter, not the hunted."
"She can be just as strong as a servant of the light."
"Remember this, The Fiend has damaged you but you have also damaged him."
"Believe, son. Have faith in who you are. Believe that you will recover and it will truly happen."
"Don’t judge yourself too harshly. Some things are meant to be, and you had to fall so that later you may rise and become what you are truly meant to be."