
Darkest Hour Quotes

Darkest Hour by Meg Cabot

Darkest Hour Quotes
"Summer. Season of long, slow days and short, hot nights."
"An eight-year-old who can't swim is nothing but a loser. You don't want to be a loser, do you?"
"If I have to spend my summer in mindless drudgery, earning a hundred bucks a day—and frequently more—amply compensates for it."
"Being different in the American public—or even private—educational system is not cool."
"The feeling isn’t mutual. It isn’t that I don’t like Jack, although he’s easily the whiniest little kid I have ever met."
"I don’t know what you did to Jack Slater, but his family asked that you be assigned to watch him for the rest of their stay."
"I guess I’m going to have to play Obi Wan Kenobi to this kid’s Anakin Skywalker? It so isn’t fair."
"I’m not kidding. The little dude had completely lightened up. He was even laughing."
I see dead people," he said, rubbing his eyes with his fists. "They come up and start talking to me. And they’re dead.
"I don’t get what girls see in them. Seriously. They are like animals."
"You’ll catch more flies with honey than you do with vinegar."
"It’s about the worst thing you can do, according to his doctors."
"No reason. No reason at all. I did not have to put up with that kind of nonsense."
"It’s different for mediators. For us, ghosts are made up of matter, not shrouds of mist."
"Because, I have to tell you, while ordinarily I might have gone out looking for Maria de Silva’s grave, so I could just, you know, have it out with her then and there, this was a little different."
"I’m pretty sure he knew. I mean, that was his last name, too. Weren’t the two of you cousins or something?"
"But when I swung my legs out my bedroom window and landed on the roof of the front porch—my usual form of exit when I didn’t want anyone inside to be aware I was up to something—I didn’t even care about the things that normally really mean stuff to me, like the moon, for instance, hanging over the bay, casting everything into black-and-gray shadow, and the scent of the giant pine to one side of the porch."
"I was asleep, I think, before that thought had really had a chance to sink in again."
"But the fact is, whoever—or whatever—created us mediators did give us one natural weapon, at least, to use in our fight against the undead. No, not superhuman strength, though that would have been handy. No, what we’ve got, Father Dom and I—and Jack, too, probably, although I doubt he’s had an opportunity to test it out yet—is a hide tough enough to take all the abuse that gets heaped on us and then some."
"I’ve broken bones—plenty of them. I’ve got scars galore."
"I mean, he had been murdered, just like Jesse. And by the same hand, too. Well, more or less."
"I reached for the telephone to call 911 at once, but it…well, the telephone sort of…leaped off my desk."
"I couldn’t reach it. The telephone, I mean. And that…that’s the last thing I remember."
"I’ve brought some holy water. It’s in my car. I’ll tell your stepfather that you asked me to bless the house, on account of yesterday’s, er, discovery."
"You really have the most alarming way, Susannah, of getting yourself into scrapes…."
"You know, there’s such a lot to learn for a young mediator. It mightn’t be wise for you to undertake educating one, Susannah, given your own comparative youth…."
"I know it is true. Jesse is gone, and it is totally my fault."
"Now his struggles are over, and he can perhaps begin to enjoy his just rewards."
"For one hundred and fifty years, Jesse was trapped in a sort of netherworld between his past life and his next."
Damn straight," I said. "I wondered if I was still being unfeminine enough.
"You shouldn't have come at all," Jesse said under his breath.
"I don't know why they are so strung out about people finding out they're a couple of murderers, but they are very intent on keeping what happened to you a big old myst—"
Susannah," he said. "What are you talking about?
"No, Susannah. She'll just settle for killing you."
But Father Dom said," I cried, "that Maria and Felix were good Catholics.
We'll find the way out," he said. "Don't worry, Susannah. It has to be around here somewhere. We'll find it.
"You cannot give up, Susannah. We'll find it. I know we'll find it."
"I told you, Suze. All this do-gooding, mediator nonsense. I can't believe you fell for it."
"You'll regret this. Do you understand? I'll make you sorry."
"If you give a man a fish, he'll eat for a day. But if you teach him to fish, he'll eat all the fish you might have caught for yourself."
We don't need the chicken blood," I said. "We have that.
"In America, we're all created equal, whether our last name is de Silva or Simon."
You know, Maria," I said conversationally as I reeled her in by her flounces, "Girls like you really irritate me.
"I think I'm better than you because I do not go around agreeing to marry guys I'm not in love with."
"I'm just going to give CeeCee a call and maybe we'll go to the beach or something, because I really…I just need a day off."
Fine," he said. "We don't have to talk.