
The Black Lyon Quotes

The Black Lyon by Jude Deveraux

The Black Lyon Quotes
"I am sure I am the most abused bride in all of England and sure the only one who was not kissed properly at her betrothal."
"You are mine, and I will allow you not so much as to glance at another man. Remember that well."
"What if I put my small heart in your hands, my love? Will you care for it or shun it?"
"It is strange, is it not, that we are both named for lions? My father vows that on the day of my birth I gave him such a look of contempt that he named me for a lioness, but my mother says he thought of the name Lyonene because of the color of my hair."
"I am most sure. It is you who should beware."
"I do not propose to marry a woman with ugly legs."
"I have never enjoyed a bath so much as this one. I do not think I have ever laughed so. Thank you."
"I do not like to think of my Ranulf as one of the king’s earls. It frightens me more than a little."
"Only when you have known true despair, can you appreciate the full value of hope."
"Love is not a conquest; it is a surrender."
"Courage does not always roar. Sometimes, it is the quiet voice at the end of the day saying, 'I will try again tomorrow.'"
"In the tapestry of life, we're all connected. Each one of us is a thread in another person's tapestry."
"The greatest battles are fought within the silent chambers of one’s own soul."
"True strength is knowing that you are weak."
"One who conquers fear conquers oneself."
"Sometimes the heart sees what is invisible to the eye."
"The faster she moved, the more they gave out their sparkling little sound."
"I was glad for the pain, because it kept her from thinking about what she was doing."
"She has tawny hair the color of a lion’s, a great thick mane of it."
"The music became faster and the bells rang louder."
"I will not rise to your bait. You must come to Malvoisin and see her."
"She is not a serving wench to be shared."
"You have bewitched me. How shall I win the joust on the morrow when my mind is ever on you?"
"I am glad I can now turn my mind to other matters."
"I shall fill every nook at Malvoisin with lion cubs."
"I have heard that lions take only one mate; mayhaps I am a true lion."
"My mother was a lady, quiet and gentle, not unlike your own mother."
"I am most happy to hear you say what I have always known."
"You are like food or drink to me, a thing I must have to live."
"I have never seen a man love a wife so. The man dotes on you."
"Your fun of me is at an end. I should like a son first and then a score of daughters."
"I grow bored with this already. I have become soft in the last months and now wish only the comforts of my home."
"I do not know how you bear the dirt and sweat of gardening. I would have thought a lady..."
"You will know hell on earth do you not find him and return him to me—alive!"
"I do but wonder at you. ’Twere I soon to grow heavy with child, I would worry that my handsome husband is miles away, alone with men who are sure to introduce women—of the lower sort, of a surety, but women nonetheless—into the camp."
"Your words ring true. I hate all men near you, be they horse or even bird. Why could you not be as other females and ride a dappled mare?"
"You have no respect for the duties of your husband."
"Cease! I can bear your presence no longer."
"It is not my presence that troubles you, but the truth you hear in my words."
"What if he were pressured by his king? She knew the answer, knew Ranulf could not disobey his king."
"Ranulf seemed to come to her from every corner, his face, his voice, his words."
"You belong to my master and he bid me care for you and I will do so."
"My Lady Lyonene, I beg your forgiveness in this matter."
"I did not think you so selfish as this."
"I cannot save you, but I mayhaps could save your child."
"She slept fitfully, feeling worse when she awoke."
"I am an apprentice to your mastery of devilwork."
"Do not force me to think of your folly."
"I shall shake her teeth from her body when I find her."
"You would rather hear my words from this man you simper over?"
"You are a beautiful woman and I would not like to risk such beauty."
"Trust me. I will help you escape what could be a dangerous situation."
"She is pretty. Did you know the Black Guard calls her their Lady Lioness?"
"It is time she shared some of her happiness with others."
"Now, I will tell you that my men keep her from you also."
"He will pay for what he has done, and neither will I forget your words."
"You have ever been calm near me, except mayhaps when you lusted after me."
"You will get no argument from me. It is all your fault and I demand to know why you left me."
"I could no more forget you than I could forget to carry my right leg with me."
"Nay, they are in truth most handsome men, strong and vigorous."
"Nightfall came and still she waited, a small bundle of clothes by her side."
"Surprisingly, she fell asleep quickly, awakened in the dark, again, by a large, warm hand over her mouth."
"He is not worthy of such attentions, I assure you."
"Only now that the sun has come out again. Malvoisin is a dark place without its golden mistress."
"Nay, do not lecture me. My husband has not lost a moment in recounting my misdeeds."
"It is Hugo who will need to fear for his life."
"Get her near the window! If need be, lower her down the rope."
"Morell gathers men together, a few hundred."
"He can travel?" "Aye, for a while. He took an ax blade in his leg."
"I thank you for my son," he whispered before he stretched out beside her and slept.
"The son of the Black Lion will find the world is his if he but asks."
"I remember no pain now, so do not fear for me. It is enough that I have pleased you."
"I would rather know what Lady Elizabeth says of you."
"I love you completely and totally, more than my own life, and I beg your forgiveness for all the pain I have caused."