
Sunset Express Quotes

Sunset Express by Robert Crais

Sunset Express Quotes
"You can't believe a thing that child says." - Louise Earle
"It's what I do. Investigate." - Elvis Cole
"I owe it to myself and my client to exhaust every possibility. Do you see?" - Jonathan Green
"Without the truth, I have nothing. Do you see?" - Jonathan Green
"If you come around my home again, I’ll break you down. If you even look at my kids, I’ll kill you on the spot." - Angela Rossi
"Maybe that was where I went wrong. Maybe I held him too close and excused too much. Is it possible to love someone too much?" - Louise Earle
"Anticipation is everything." - Narration
"I’m fast, Truly. Cases solved in no time flat or your money back." - Elvis Cole
"Flexibility is the key to all happiness."
"It's not very friendly of you, snubbing your public like this."
"I think you’ll be the hero of this little drama."
"There isn’t a rush with this, Cole. Sure, sooner is better than later, but you know the justice system."
"Flexibility, my friend. Flexibility is the key to all happiness. Remember that."
"I want you to know that I appreciate the good, fast work you’ve done, Mr. Cole."
"Personal News from Us to You—We take it personally!"
"It’s always easy to smile when you haven’t helped destroy an innocent person’s life."
"You take your progress where you find it."
"Home is the detective, home for the night."
"The ducking of communication rarely leads to a resolution."
"Forget the reward. You’ll be lucky if you don’t go to jail."
"You’re used to working on small cases and this is a large case."
"The tyranny of evil men cannot be hidden from the light of truth!"
"I don’t think he made it up at all. I think he was telling the truth, even if he was a lyin’ no good sonofabitch."
"You see stuff like this when someone vomits or has a coughing fit. Coughing can do stuff like that. You’d be surprised what coughing can do."
"I guess he could’ve been strangled with something soft, like a towel, or maybe choked out, like with a police choke hold."
"Angela Rossi said, 'It won’t matter. I’m done with the job.'"
"It’s his job to attack the prosecution’s case. That’s how he creates reasonable doubt."
"You watch the way these people on television act and you wonder how they can live with themselves."
"Older people have to watch out for each other."
"People do crime for only two reasons: sex and money. There are no other motives."
"Don't give up. The good part of the system outweighs the bad. We just have to fix the bad."
"This conversation never happened. If you say it did, I'll deny it and sue you for slander."
"Sometimes we have the worst job in the world."
"I am confident that these people are telling the truth, and that Jonathan Green is guilty of these crimes."
"The law is not about justice. You know that."
"I don’t believe Truly had a secret agreement with Teddy Martin. Green fabricated that, just as he fabricated the business about Pritzik and Richards."
"You’ve become my hobby. I know what Truly knew, and I am telling it to anyone who will listen."
"I will hound you, and I will not stop. I will tell everyone that it was you who falsified the evidence, and you who ordered James Lester killed, and you who attempted to take the life of Louise Earle."
"We have laws against that, you idiot! That’s libel! That’s slander! You won’t get away with it!"