
A Botanist's Guide To Parties And Poisons Quotes

A Botanist's Guide To Parties And Poisons by Kate Khavari

A Botanist's Guide To Parties And Poisons Quotes
"There was little danger in a dinner party."
"I’m pleased to meet you, sir. I understand that you are in large part to thank for making the Amazonian expedition possible."
"A botanist named for a stigma and style of a flower. Very amusing."
"Leishmania Donovani would be perfect. We might call you Donovan for short, and no one would be the wiser."
"I’m sure Dr. Henry will find more than what he is looking for there."
"Not everything about an area can be learned in one go."
"Thousands and thousands of organisms in every square meter of land over there. A most intriguing place."
"Dr. Henry believes there is quite a bit about the real history and culture of the indigenous people in the area that has yet to be discovered."
"They say my bird is dangerous, Saffron, and there is no evidence to the contrary."
"Biology is the study of life, after all."
"The blue lines mark the progression of the paralysis, receding when movement returns." - Saffron explaining her condition.
"We’ll be meeting to discuss the particulars next week, but I don’t think so." - Alexander discussing the expedition plans.
"I have to prepare for the expedition. Plenty of birds and fresh air in Brazil." - Alexander's half-hearted response about his upcoming trip.
"If the lines reach my neck, I’ll agree to you calling for a doctor." - Saffron setting a condition for seeking medical help.
"Don’t get me started! Between Maxwell and Berking and the lot bringin’ back strange foreign cuttin’s and tellin’ me the dreadful things that happen to people who look at ’em funny, and random characters walkin’ in askin’ about this or that—enough to drive me to drink!" - The caretaker expressing his frustration with the university staff.
"You’re basing your hypothesis on incredibly unreliable information." - Alexander's skepticism about Saffron's reasoning.
"I’m afraid I didn’t give you much of a choice." - Alexander acknowledging his role in Saffron's decision.
"I ... I appreciate that, Alexander." - Saffron expressing gratitude to Alexander.
"How could you poison yourself? Not after those dreadful berries you ate." - Elizabeth scolding Saffron for her reckless behavior.
"I was just going to see what I could make of my hair. Maybe we can find the ladies’ together." - Saffron trying to gather information under a pretense.
"What if Richard Blake and Mrs. Henry plotted to get rid of Dr. Henry?"
"Seducing Miss Ermine for money certainly would be scandalous."
"I suppose my only reason was the meaningful looks they gave each other."
"I can't imagine what Dr. Berking will say."
"The inspector has far more information than we do, and now we’ve given him even more to consider."
"If we see or hear anything else, we can let Inspector Green know."
"The realization that had come to her looking at the aconite the previous evening had shaken her deeply."
"But it could be weeks before he solves it! You could be stuck in the Amazon with a murderer by then!"
"Plants and poisons may be in your wheelhouse, but an embezzlement scheme is better handled by the police."
"It’s your job to make sure we don’t get caught, so unless you want to sully my name and yours, you’ll do a proper job."
"No loose ends, Berking. I’ve learned that much in my years of playing this game."
"You baited Blake with your family’s money. You know who he is, don’t you!"
"You’ve been poking around just a bit too much for my comfort."
"I am aware that you’ve been poking around, asking questions and making inquiries. Quite natural, I say."
"Yes, my dear, for your study. I’m afraid I might have misrepresented it to Dr. Henry at the meeting."
"We need to collect your things, of course."
"But how did you know about the aconite? The other plant went missing from my garden. That must have been you!"
"Must be tiring, being poisoned and all."
"No one put their best face forward in hospital pajamas and messy hair."
"Despite her dramatic claims that she was going to kill Saffron for nearly giving her a heart attack, Elizabeth had been her fierce advocate."
"First thing he said was ‘bin,’ which I was confused by, but luckily my deputy understood."
"I rather think we’re beyond that, don’t you?"
"Knowledge isn’t innately bad. His intention could have been for medicines rather than poisons."
"Scientists spent long hours perfecting the weapons used in those trenches."
"You did it. And now he’s going to go away for a very long time."
"Don’t expect them too often. Post is uncertain at best, you know."
"I’m sure the five hundred pounds from Dr. Berking helped."
"I’m not dressed to crawl around in the dirt again."
"Take care. Don’t worry about me, Ashton. As for you, don’t go eating any strange-looking leaves."
"The next six months were going to be very interesting after all."