
Heir To The Shadows Quotes

Heir To The Shadows by Anne Bishop

Heir To The Shadows Quotes
"The venom in my snake tooth doesn’t work as quickly as you may think."
I don’t know," Daemon said quietly. "I’m not sure.
"She was a witch and they skinned her alive so that little bitch could—"
"You will drink a cup of fresh blood when you return."
"He would bring her back or destroy himself trying."
"You’re safe, witch-child! Come back! You’re safe!"
"He heard glass shatter in the physical world, heard someone scream."
"It had to be why he thought he saw a tiny spiral horn in the center of her forehead."
"Hell’s fire, Mother Night, and may the Darkness be merciful."
"You could have chosen another man. You should have."
"How he must have howled when Dorothea denied him paternity at Sadi’s Birthright Ceremony."
"Her mind’s a bit queered up and she’s not much to look at, but in the dark she’s sweet enough."
"The lover is the father’s mirror. The brother stands between. The mirror spins, spins, spins. Blood. So much blood."
"What do you think he’s waiting for? Useless to shout at her. She couldn’t translate what she’d seen any better than she had."
"Models are good. Then you draw YOUR VASE, the one that reveals the fire, the one that says I am a witch, I am a Queen, I am—"
"The bridge will have to rise from the sea. The threads are not yet in place."
"I suppose I should explain human territoriality to the wolves to avoid further misunderstandings."
"Learning about plants and gardening and healing and weaponry and equitation is fun…and languages. And dancing. Dancing’s wonderful, don’t you think?"
"Just because he’s a demon doesn’t make him less of an artist."
"I believe Lord Magstrom is referring to dances and other public gatherings."
"Who I call a friend is no business of yours, Lord Friall."
"Killing should never be easy, witch-child. It should leave a scar on your soul."
"She belongs to the family, and we belong to her. Never forget that."
"By the time they reached the upper levels that appeared to be more inhabited, Lucivar began wistfully eyeing the benches and chairs that lined the corridors and promising himself a drink of water from the next indoor fountain or decorative waterfall they came to."
"Ebon Askavi was Witch’s home. If he served her, he had to come to terms with the place without leaning on her."
"Her unblinking eyes stared at him. He caught a whiff of emotion that unraveled his nerves even more. For some reason, he amused her."
"Lucivar would have appreciated her approval more if his legs weren’t shaking so badly."
"Lucivar’s psychic scent, filled with great age and old, dark power, unnerved him as much as the reptilian cast of her features."
"Lucivar glanced at the Black Jewel hanging above the V neckline of her slim black tunic-sweater and decided against trying to explain it."
"Lucivar looked at Geoffrey, afraid of either answer. "I’m still a bastard." Geoffrey sighed. "I’m reluctant to pull the rest of the ground out from under you but, no, you’re not. He formally registered you the day after you were born."
"He didn’t want her to think four paltry glasses of whiskey could put him under the table, so he stood up."
She kept her eyes fixed on the valley. "Your mother lives there."
"A large, three-story, stone house. A low stone wall separating two acres of tended land from the wildflowers and grasses."
"The last things he clearly remembered seeing before the room began moving in unpredictable ways were Geoffrey’s gentle smile and the understanding in Jaenelle’s eyes."
"I can heal the scars on your body, but I can’t heal the scars of the soul. Not yours, not mine. You have to learn to live with them. You have to choose to live beyond them."
"He heard the warning underneath the gentleness and compassion."
"You have to go someplace safe. Why didn’t you listen to me? Couldn’t you obey just once?"
"There was so much blood, so much pain. I couldn’t get past the grief to think clearly enough to doubt what I’d been told."
"He shattered his crystal chalice," Jaenelle said in a hollow voice. "He shattered his mind. I put it back together, but it was so terribly fragile."
"Piles of Hound shit aren’t much of a threat to anyone."
"I gave him all the strength I had. He went too deep into the abyss trying to reach you. When I tried to draw him back up, he fought me and the link between us snapped."
"I don’t want your help, High Lord," she said quietly.
"I could have put a shield around them, holding them in until we got help from Agio. That’s what I meant to do, but the rage just boiled out of me when Khevin…I could feel their minds, could feel them wanting to hurt. I couldn’t stop the anger. I couldn’t stop it."
"I didn’t want to kill. That’s not what the Craft is for. That’s not what my Craft is for."
"I don’t like killing. I’d rather be hurt than hurt someone else."
"It’s easier to kill than to heal. It is easier to destroy than to preserve. It is easier to tear down than to build."
"I’m going to tie in some of the threads from the healing web I’ve built now so that you’ll stay with me."
"They told him about the Blood’s code of honor and the rules Blood males are supposed to live by."
"I could count her ribs, could see her hip bones move as she shifted her feet."
"I serve you. That gives me the right to challenge anything and anyone that threatens your well-being. And that includes you!"
"If you serve me, then obey me. GET OUT OF MY WAY!"
"—and even if it was, I still wouldn’t stand here and let you do this. It’s suicidal!"
"You can’t ‘keep’ someone who’s lost in the Twisted Kingdom,"
"He’s insane, not broken. He still wears the Black."
"You want me to leave this body? L-like I did before?"
"Leave? No, you don’t have to leave. I’m sure the claimant would be perfectly willing to give you a permanent loan. But it would be a loan, you understand, and you would be expected to give the body the same kind of care you’d give any object lent to you by a friend."
"My…mate…is trapped in the Twisted Kingdom. If I don’t show him the way out, he’ll be destroyed."
"Animals have no rights to the land. Only human claims are considered legitimate."
"I never wanted this. But it’s the only way to help them."
"I’m going to make the Offering to the Darkness and set up my court."
"As he’d told his wife, when the Lady asked for a favor, why, that was almost like serving her, wasn’t it?"
"There’s something I’d like you to make for me, if you can."
"His name was Kaetien," she said softly. "He was the Warlord Prince of the unicorns."
Leash your fear, High Lord," she said with some asperity. "It will do her more harm now than anything else.
"Does either of those choices include food and sleep?"
"I’ve been worried sick about you," he growled softly.
"I have made the Offering to the Darkness. I am now the Queen of Ebon Askavi."
"I never wanted to rule," Jaenelle said. "I never wanted power over anyone’s life but my own."