
The Nymph King Quotes

The Nymph King by Gena Showalter

The Nymph King Quotes
"Women had only to look at Valerian to crave him."
"I love the way their legs tightened around his waist."
"Truly, he had tried to peel them off and send them to his men, but the women had attacked him all the harder."
"She was tall and slender, yet beautifully curved, her stomach flat, her hips slightly rounded."
"You always know what I want even before I know."
"As always, Shaye pretended not to notice the helpful commands."
"You can do more with a kind word and a gun than with just a kind word."
"I've finally found the love of my life."
"A smart woman would have been memorizing her surroundings for possible escape routes instead of antagonizing (aka drooling over) her captor."
"But there will be only truth between us. No matter how harsh, I will always tell you the truth."
"I am not sure how many different ways I can tell you that this is your home and you are staying here forever."
"When the cops hear about this you'll…you'll…this is kidnapping, you bastard."
"I am not a trophy. I am not a prize for Valerian and his Sex Squad to fight over."
"Just because your mojo entrances a woman doesn’t mean she truly, deep in her soul, wants you."
"I have only ever taken those in need of a better life, or those I thought I could give an easier life, whether they thought they needed it or not."
"Why don’t you fight me instead? It would be my greatest pleasure to cut off your balls and feed them to you."
"You were naked and tied up… And tied to an anthill and the little things will eat you alive."
"Why don’t both of you go to hell and save me the trouble of sending you there?"
"You are the woman of my heart. The one I have been awaiting the whole of my life, though I didn’t know it until I spied you."
"I am not a piece of meat. This is not a buffet. You should be ashamed of yourself."
"What is so important about your home and job that you cannot stay here with me? I can be your family. I can be your friend."
"Desires are a natural thing, moon. The more you deny them, the stronger they become, until they are all you can think about, all you can see."
"As the days go by, I’m so happy you’re not here to ruin them for me."
"You want a piece of me? Oops, sorry. I already gave one to your brother."
"I am injured. Sex strengthens me. I will heal faster once I have penetrated you."
"Do you not understand the ways of the nymphs, Brenna. We must be with women or we grow weak."
"Why in the world would we want to do that? I’m not leaving."
"I hope you pound each other to a bloody pulp. This is stupid."
"My greatest pleasure will be—what is it your people say?—making you eat your words."
"You are too brave. I will give you till the count of three to decide, then I will make the decision for you. One. Two. Thr—"
"My own mate, refusing to pleasure me. Refusing to let me pleasure her."
"The gorgons are a race of women who can turn a man to stone with only a glance."
"Living with the little demon must have been difficult."
"Strength lies in compassion, not battles."
"Once a woman has been forced, she is not the same."
"Why do you want charge of the portal so badly? You cannot survive on the surface."
"I fight for Shaye. I fight for all of our women, nymph and human, that they might have a home."
"I will fight to the death—your death—to keep my woman safe."
"You are under Valerian's spell. Fight it or you'll remain his slave for eternity."
"The most erotic place on a woman’s body is her mind."
"You are my mate. I have told you that, but I do not think you understand what that means."
"I thought you were a god, rising from the sea."
"I hate the way you move like that. Keep doing it and I will tell you all my deep, dark secrets."
"I love when you move like that. It's my greatest pleasure to ignore them."
"I’m trusting you not to break my heart. If it gets even a scratch, I’ll break your face."
"I love you so much, my sweet moonbeam. I can’t believe you came back to me."