
Intellectual Debate Quotes

There are 103 quotes

"I'm more interested in having discussions with people who may present different views, if for no other reason than at some point, all of these apologists who have shown up and tried to debate, maybe they'll get together in a room and figure out which one of them is actually right."
"The combat of ideas is far preferable to actual combat."
"The right to free speech... it's the battlefield of ideas that is the essence of free speech and that's a foundational principle of our Republic."
"The best way to challenge that kind of stupidity and insanity is to spread some logic and reason."
"It turns out that this sort of stuff is going to drive a Trump vote. It will and it should drive a Trump vote because if you're going to react to the complete takeover of the intellectual underpinnings of the country by this anti-racist garbage..."
"There's a huge gulf between public opinion and intellectual elites."
"It's offensive morally and intellectually, as applied, it's illegal."
"Wherever there's someone in danger of losing their job for making an observation... maybe there's a little piece of IDW there."
"Do you worry that capitalism in this I guess is more champagne or than Hayek and Mises?"
"Islam thrives in peace. It spreads through intellectual proofs, convincing people, mannerisms, not by the sword and murder."
"Of all things, 'Hitch on the Rothschild estate,' we agreed that the idea that the Bollinger Bolshevik was inherently hypocritical had to be kicked out."
"I love debating with people who disagree with me on it."
"There has to be always something. Always. Always. You have no escape from intellectual reasoning."
"You ideas are there to be criticized. You must be able to defend your ideas if they're any good."
"We're not talking about two sides of the same coin. We're talking about fact versus fiction, truth versus lies, literally."
"I like the systematic style of thinking from first principles... anything is on the table to be questioned if you can defend it with chains of logic."
"People come first. And when ideas threaten people, it only provides further support for the essential human activity of attacking ideas."
"Anything that provokes debate and serious thought and question is always worth it in my opinion."
"The pro of these sorts of spaces is the robust conversations and debates."
"Malcolm Gladwell is only half right which means that his critics are also half right but they're more annoying about it."
"Truth and falsehood must contrast for truth to shine."
"Let's hope in sunshine and light to talk about all of the complex questions and issues related to the consciousness of the human mind."
"Reasonable minds can differ means that the opposite side of you can still be reasoned and can be something that is legitimately held in good faith."
"Reasonable Minds can differ on these kinds of things."
"You're not willing to concede that disagreements can happen based on fact without someone being intellectually inferior or morally inferior to you."
"Muslims need to catch up with Christians when it comes to providing sophisticated defenses of the truth of their faith."
"Legalism is about as short-sighted as one can be when trying to give an intellectual argument."
"You can't explain a mystery with another mystery."
"Anything that's of intellectual or philosophical debate should be up for discussion."
"Debating and discussing complex ideas... is a valuable form of intellectual exercise."
"The intellectual class is working to discredit our past and demolish our future."
"Stop saying education is indoctrination or you flatterers sound fucking stupid when you say it."
"So when people react, I'm actually very happy. They don't have to agree with me but that reaction, I'm a public intellectual. My responsibility and duty is to provoke conversation."
"Victim culture is toxic to intelligence, progress, and truth."
"Intellectual mockery with an intellectual tone, committed to my well-being."
"I actually started liking Vosh. I don't agree with him, but I thought he did a great job defending his ideas on Tim's show."
"The marketplace of ideas is the idea that all of the ideas will compete."
"There are worse things but what about the substance? That's right, the marketplace of ideas."
"Nobody's cornered the market on reason or evidence or generally being decent."
"I love the conversation that I had with Dinesh D'Souza because I think it exposed some serious problems with his thinking, which mirrors Donald Trump's thinking."
"The intellectual pushback is clearly underway."
"Science and real faith are friends not enemies; they ought to be."
"Even if I fundamentally disagree with every single thing that you said, it's perfectly legitimate for your work to be published, to be peer-reviewed, to be criticized by your peers who are qualified to talk about history."
"Combat bad ideas with good ideas. If you think what these people do is wrong, combat it with your own ideas."
"Dialectical exploration: messy but revealing."
"I can intellectually disagree with them in a proper fashion, in an appropriate setting."
"When Dostoevsky was concerned that he had presented too compelling a case for atheism, part of me thinks good, make the argument for atheism as strong as possible and then dismantle it in a kiss."
"The entire way that you said that you view the pursuit of knowledge is antithetical to science."
"New Atheism is based on this total nonsensical idea that there's no God."
"Arguing about ideas with people you disagree with... it's one of the great joys of life."
"Thomas Aquinas had such amazing prudence to fight for his right to use Aristotle."
"There are some positions that, after long and serious consideration resulting in a consensus that they are wholly without merit, are no longer open to serious debate."
"Sectarianism... doesn't make any intellectual or moral sense."
"Arguments move the world forward... if your arguments are tight and well constructed... no one can take you down."
"The meta conversation requires a kind of safety, and the IDW has bootstrapped that kind of safety on topics where people experience a profound lack of safety."
"We're not critical of the person, it's not really the people that are our enemy per se, it's the ideas that are that they're beholden to, the ideas that are running their operating system of their mind, and that we want to dissect, expose, and."
"We have to invite some of these guys onto a level playing field and debate them."
"Scientists should be free to challenge theories and not be hemmed in not be restricted by the current zeitgeist of those who are the almost the high priests of science."
"He's an intellectual giant. He destroys college freshman in the marketplace of ideas by using like think tank backed messaging."
"A lot of these incorrect theories were just as highly regarded as the correct ones."
"What I really want is a battle of ideas. I want to look at things differently, I want to hear different voices and engage with your unique experiences." - Lawrence Fox
"Society continues to reward vanity and beauty over real skills and intellect."
"The battle of ideas has been replaced by a battle of feelings."
"I don't think this is a question of intellect, I think this is a question of attention."
"There have been tremendous victories when it comes to the battle of ideas."
"I want to put on the table not why 85 percent of the National Academy rejects God, I want to know why 15 percent don't."
"I think that's awesome for science and the more the better more debates to there I think agreed agreed."
"There are certain types of atheists that I like a lot and I respect because they help make the conversations between theists and atheists more elevated and intelligent."
"In the free marketplace of ideas, I will debate absolutely any argument or position, so long as it's debatable."
"In a lot of ways, I think we've dumbed down the world because..."
"If you press them too closely, they will abruptly fall silent, loftily indicating by some phrase that the time for argument is past." - Jean-Paul Sartre
"The genius of football is the debate, the knowledge that you might end up being proved wrong."
"It's at least a tie because there are brilliant and right, Graham Oppy is not an internet atheist."
"This has got to be the dumbest theory in the history of humanity."
"A smart person can entertain the ideas of people they disagree with and find merit in their arguments."
"So it wouldn't suffice to say oh you believe in objective moral values oh you must believe in God that's not true for a lot of people out there."
"The marketplace of ideas only works when we're exposed to all of them and they're properly tested and scrutinized."
"For a very long time the intellectual consensus has been that we can no longer ask great questions, but increasingly it's looking like we have no other choice."
"She loved debating the religious principles of her Christian faith and wasn't afraid to question things."
"All ideas should be in competition, and the best ideas should win."
"Most intelligent people want to know whose facts are right and whose facts are bogus."
"He shows how this intellectual debate between two pillars of the Enlightenment has come to Define many of the debates around the world and in America today."
"I have never used the fullness of my intellect in debating those who have other views."
"It seems to me likely we will see tonight not only deep differences but also surprising agreement on deep questions."
"As the pioneer, he saw debating and tackling issues many years before others even realized the impact of such scholarship on India and her civilization."
"The University of Austin is based upon Free Speech, open inquiry, classical texts, debate, free exchange of ideas."
"Increasing access, getting more people to challenge these ideas, and having people learn how to think critically is the solution."
"The article completely destroyed the intellectual foundations of socialism."
"Arguments are good or bad regardless of who makes them."
"It hits deeper when you get somebody intellectually versus aggressively."
"It’s neat reading people’s thoughts in these kinds of theoretical debates."
"I respect people that make theories that I disagree with; it's okay."
"I want to debate scholarship, things that I can prove."
"We don't agree with any kind of violence, except intellectually."
"Argument in college classes address an exigence, that is a need, a problem, an idea about which there is some disagreement."
"A lot of his arguments in the manifesto spark deep conversations among scholars, philosophers, sociologists, environmentalists, and policymakers."
"The debater... smart and curious thinkers who cannot resist an intellectual challenge."