
Cynicism Quotes

There are 1521 quotes

"Cynicism is a guarded response which sets yourself up against disappointment...it's sour grapes at an existential level."
"Foster joy and squash cynicism because as long as we stay cynical and pessimistic, nothing gets done."
"A battle against cynicism is a battle against the dark arts."
"This is the height of cynicism. Once again, they are embracing chaos and walking away from common sense."
"Loyalty is nothing but a word in the dictionary between opportunity and convenience."
"It paints its picture of dystopia in dark, cynical brush strokes that can sometimes be a little wild, but yet still often manage to stay relatable."
"Sarcasm is a double-edged blade, and cynicism is perhaps a double-edged blade as well, but it might even be worse than sarcasm because it's a way of really reflecting back what's not good about life."
"Sarcasm and cynicism... are often used to cut down what would otherwise be benevolence or bonding experiences."
"There's nothing more permanent than a temporary government solution."
"I hate cynicism. I want to build an empire on good."
"The cynicism is the death of any group, organization, platform, anything. When you get cynical, you don't have the ability to change something."
"Everyone just says a bunch of beautiful words. It's rotten, all talk."
"This is the art of a person in a decades-long feud with his own cynicism, trying to challenge or perhaps merely balance his misanthropy with sentiments of hope and compassion."
"You can't be a cynic about love and expect to attract it in your life at the same time."
"First you're naive and you trust everyone... then you become cynical... but the last move is to transcend cynicism."
"First you're naive and you trust everyone, then you get traumatized by betrayal and become cynical, but the last move is to transcend cynicism and hold out your hand in trust."
"States at a time when we say we're here to help Ukrainians are literally using the Ukrainians as cannon fodder for the sole purpose of killing Russians, not for Ukraine to win, but to punish Russia. That's the most cynical approach I can think of."
"Normal people are the roadblock to paradise."
"Music is the one thing that modern people can't be cynical about."
"We love to hate this person because while they suck the fun and joy out of things, their critical and cynical analysis of the world is often pretty spot on."
"Cynicism is using a critical method to point out larger issues in society, especially those taking place within institutions."
"Cynicism might not make your life easier, more efficient, or more effective, but it will help you realize that the system demanding this efficiency and productivity might not be worth believing in in the first place."
"There has been a steady growth in people's cynicism about institutions generally and government in particular."
"Satire fosters cynicism but not apathy; that cynicism can actually be a powerful force in activism and politics."
"I feel like you and I both kind of come from, maybe that's why some of the jadedness kicks in at some point."
"Marriage is buying a house for someone you hate, don't ever forget that."
"The best strategy for both workers and employers is to play along with the game and pretend they care."
"Cynicism isn't the only response to humanity's inadequacies and limitations. Cynicism is a choice."
"I can't give in to cynicism first for metaphysical reasons, secondly for theological reasons. Metaphysically, evil is parasitic upon the good, so good will always be greater. Theologically, the resurrection triumphs over the cross."
"Cynicism is on the rise, but why are we becoming so cynical, and more importantly, how can we escape its power?"
"Cynicism is an inclination towards pessimism, a lack of faith or hope in people, characterized by a general distrust of other people's motives."
"Criticism is essential, but cynicism is not."
"I believe that criticism is essential, but cynicism is not."
"Anybody who knows anything about government knows that that's what they do."
"Red pill, you've woken up. Black pill, you have become cynical and believe everything is doomed. White pill, you've become optimistic."
"You give me a hundred thousand dollars and four years of your life, and I give you... pretty much nothing."
"I wanted to lose my faith in humanity, so I went on the internet's most depraved website, TikTok."
"The combination of gullibility and cynicism is so dangerous and toxic."
"Don't take this shit too seriously. It's all a fucking game."
"Once you peek behind that curtain... you start to get a different kind of perspective and tend to be more cynical."
"Second chances, they don't ever matter, people never change."
"You can probably deny most things, nihilists and cynics out there, but you cannot deny the fundamental and shining outlier: pain, suffering."
"Politics can be used as a tool for good. Now we don't see much of that these days."
"The sooner people with who are wielding power see that cynical though that seeing is um the more likely we can turn this around."
"This is nothing new under the sun whatsoever."
"Every time the bell rings, the next idiot speaks."
"The goal of weight loss is not to fit into a skinnier casket." - Dr. Michael Greger
"Love is overrated biochemically, no different than eating large quantities of chocolate."
"Don't fight for things you believe in... just take whatever the establishment is willing to give you."
"When democracy is at stake, the only thing that you can do is laugh."
"Humanity's journey into space continues to be an experiment in how much altruism we can get the worst and most cynical people on the planet to subsidize."
"Politicians make grand promises but have no intention of actually keeping them."
"For a lot of these folks, the political stance is just an accessory, it's not about deeply rooted belief."
"Hell is a dog-eat-dog world, where love and friendship are not characteristics."
"Once a snake always a snake. Once a problem always a problem."
"You know, if you think America is one election away from being destroyed, you can't call yourself a patriot."
"Man, this world is [ __ ] and the people in it are screwed unless you're at the very top of that pyramid."
"It has nothing to do with standing up for women, it uses issues of gender in a deeply cynical manner for personal gain."
"The next time someone tells you that money doesn't buy happiness, you can link them to this video or just tell them to go [BLEEP] themselves."
"Cynicism equals questioning, which gets us to a better place."
"Nothing's gonna ever solve the problem. So if you're looking for that oh, this one thing is gonna solve the problem, then you're an idiot."
"At the end of it all, the sole purpose of all of this is so that you can sell a water filter. That's literally the lamest thing ever."
"You gotta question, like, 'What did we get ourselves into?' I mean, come on, man, we don't elect presidents."
"Pretty ridiculous but uh, that is where we are in American public life because pretty much everything is mockery at this point."
"Why don't we find a weak and pathetic nation to go to war with? We'll win easily and everyone will laugh."
"Either they'll just turn around and say oh I know I give you my word I'm going to vote for bill back better and that we'd get the details worked out but um I'm going back on it I'm not gonna do it sorry."
"It's gonna turn out to be just like the Chinese military."
"Have we become that cynical where we could actually get to the point where World War III is starting?"
"Politics is about rewarding your friends and punishing your enemies, and we can all sit around and pretend like we've been beyond that. We're better people than that. But at the end of the day, that's what works."
"Crime doesn't pay, but as I watch the shenanigans unfold on Wall Street, it looks like it pays very well."
"Money is everything, and accidents can be... beneficial."
"Money doesn't buy happiness, but it sure makes misery a hell of a lot better."
"Truth is what you might describe an optional extra..."
"Crime doesn't pay unless you're an absolute genius."
"If you want a friend in Washington, get a dog."
"The secret is... no one gives a [__] about anybody but themselves."
"It all feels kind of artificial almost fake, you know? His number's everywhere and there's ceremonies everywhere. Just something feels a little off with us."
"Money is thicker than partisan politics, they might be blue and red on the outside but on the inside they're all green."
"The only people listening to your problems are other losers."
"Joe Biden has made it 50 years in politics without having to take a stand on anything. Joe Biden has been an empty suit blowing in the wind, and it's actually worked out pretty well for him because he keeps getting elected to the Senate."
"The Constitution is not a joke, the politicians people vote in are a joke."
"Continuous exposure to misinformation and propaganda will lead to widespread cynicism."
"So I think what people need is hope. I think the thing I fight in speeches and wherever I go is just the sheer amount of cynicism."
"In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way."
"Maybe it's the end of days, prepping for three supposed end of days. It's all horseshit, this continent was meant for no one, none of us will have any peace."
"Have you ever looked at the bright, colorful world around you and thought, 'This happy-go-lucky crap is really cramping my vibe'? Introducing the chainsaw, the number one product for making what you see what you saw."
"If voting was that effective it would be illegal."
"Just sit on the sidelines, grab a marshmallow, and watch it all burn."
"What basic [__] the world is... you grow up thinking that politicians and leaders are somehow superior to us."
"The idea look this is very cynical politics that the Republicans are playing but unfortunately uh you know the old Dale Carnegie Maxim you don't get a second chance to make a first impression and yeah I may sound harsh but I think I'm right."
"If you always expect disappointment, you will always be happy."
"It's the most horrifyingly breathtakingly cynical and inhumane thing that I've seen in my time in public life in the media."
"These people hate their lives... it's just virtue signaling."
"People like looking back on their favorite moments from before they were cynical."
"Money makes the world go round. There's nothing to anything other than happiness and money."
"Cynicism isn't the default, hope and optimism do and can win."
"We keep telling people that we live in an evil country."
"You're gonna find fraud. It's like going to the beach, you're going to find sand and seashells, right?"
"There's no such thing as unconditional love, because unconditional love is a reward to go to heaven."
"The caution against taking prosecutorial action for the purpose of affecting an election... oh my gosh what a joke."
"The government does what is best for the government."
"There's more criminals than Good Samaritans."
"Everyone else is discardable. That's the whole bottom line."
"Legislating evil, you know, have fun with that one."
"Whoever has come to know the world has discovered a carcass."
"The United States has no cohesive message. We don't tell our children this is our mission so when they grow up they all are just, 'Hey man, it doesn't matter what happens to this country, I'll extract from it whatever I can.'"
"Cynicism can be caustic nihilism leads nowhere and changes nothing."
"Features a cynical and unglamorous depiction of the Civil War."
"When everybody's a snake, what could go wrong?"
"It's absurd because it won't buy Hasbro, right? They have no soul, it seems to me."
"This film does not look funny. I'll have 20 cents a word, thank you."
"They created their these are the job creators because they create a fake uh problem to solve and then they hire themselves to solve it that's the that's it a launch of voter fraud organization."
"Consequently, on average, the politicians that you will get are politicians whose primary duty is to get elected."
"Absolutely, people are dumb, panicky, dangerous animals, and you know it."
"At the absolute core of it, it's meaningless and fucking hollow."
"January was a time where people demanded change and didn't get any as it was out with the old and in with the older."
"Right wing news for right wing people; sour apples for sour people."
"It's wild how we're on the 85th billionth example of lefties looking at the consequences of Republicans winning elections and going, 'Damn, looks like we didn't achieve anything.'"
"Life is infinitely worse anyway because I mean we lose ads then what?"
"I'm supposed to believe that Vladimir Putin, Xi Jinping, and what's his name, Klaus Schwab, whatever, looks like a guy from a movie, evil guy. He cares about me and my life? Yeah, he cares about my well-being."
"None of these people give a about you, none of them care about you, you're on your own."
"Thanks so much, friends, and remember, it gets worse."
"U.S. politics is absolute sycophantic performative trash, full of hyper-tribal dullards who are convinced Wall Street-sponsored puppets are on their side."
"Talk is cheap. Saying that you're gonna do something means absolutely nothing in politics these days."
"The biggest threat to our democracy is indifference. The biggest threat to our democracy is cynicism."
"That's ridiculous, there are so many Cobras and they're going to make him good money."
"It's so cynical and dishonest and gross to say that if you don't have the same politics as me on this issue then it's because you don't care about these children."
"If past behavior is anything to go by, I don't see it saying, 'You know what, we'll take a year off and let everybody forget how much they hate us, and then start pushing again in a year.'"
"It is crazy to me that to make this world run we have to do dirty dirt like dirty dirty dirt."
"It's so crazy to me that to make this world run we have to do dirty dirt like dirty dirty dirt."
"It's the very first thing you told me when I met you at the tugboat war: war never changes."
"Literally, aliens could show up tomorrow, and I'd be like, 'Oh, of course, aliens.'"
"Politicians don't let a crisis go to waste and that is what this is really about."
"Whoever said money can't buy happiness was probably just telling you that so they could exploit you..."
"Everybody wants a shortcut, remember that. Capitalism will end in the United States of America."
"That's the true American dream: to get rich doing nothing because you're smarter than everybody else. That's what it is. That's all it [ __ ] is."
"We have a world where our government is corrupt, we know it's corrupt, just visibly corrupt to all of us and yet we have to live with it and pretend like it's, you know, it's just the way life is."
"What would it take for you to understand that like our votes don't mean anything?"
"The harsh reality of life is that those who acknowledge and complain about hate only end up receiving more hate."
"People don't need the truth; they just need a trending topic."
"But don't let that make you think that politics in general and Joe Biden specifically is untrustworthy. That would be really, really, really, really, really, really cynical."
"there's just something so alluring about seeing someone who isn't afraid to face their fears"
"When miracles are presented as currency, they show us they're not in the business of providing explanations, they're in the business of selling stories."
"I'm not donating my money I don't care what y'all choose to do with y'alls so I'm now coming from an angle like oh my god you just don't want to get no money honey if people are dumb enough to give you money based off of your lies I say good."
"They call it the American Dream because you have to be asleep to believe it." - George Carlin
"The realism for me is kind of trying to maintain a balance between cynicism and optimism."
"The whole, 'You have to get worse to get better' thing simply doesn't apply here. What happened to, 'Hey, getting better is getting better'?"
"Politics is a great professional wrestling show."
"This is like a dog and pony show for them and they're gonna cling on to it because they love that...yeah, they love that."
"There's nothing like election night in America, showing Washington just how full of it they actually are."
"That's why we can't have nice things and why they're going to pull cameras."
"The answer to your question my friends is always money money money and money."
"I don't do much political humor, 'cause the way I look at it is if you think either one of these jinky ass parties gives half a fuck about us, you've been misinformed."
"A real sense of cynicism about institutions."
"The same playbook is still playing out: take the money, share the money, give them hope."
"A great way to make yourself feel better is to make other people feel worse."
"I had never imagined sort of adults in a room having so patently self-serving a notion of how the world works."
"Every nation on earth is [corrupt] and let everyone play the game."
"I'm so tired of that tired joke that every 'serious' Marvel adaptation does where the character picks up a comic book and then dismissively says, 'This is [ __ ] garbage for kids.'"
"What is cynicism really? Cynicism is the belief that nothing can be changed. It is a natural and accurate understanding of the reality around them when they are atomized, when they don't have political parties, when they don't have institutions."
"The appropriate way to pay off your loans is you get elected to the U.S. Senate, you barely show up for work..."
"Enjoy it, because everything sucks after, right?"
"Money ruins people. I always thought it wouldn't change me."
"Meet you is not a real principle to you, it is a tool to you."
"It's essentially on the honor system, and we all know how that goes." - It's essentially on the honor system.
"Fake news erodes self-government not merely by convincing people of things that aren't true, worse yet, widespread fake news makes people cynical."
"I think convincing another generation of people to smoke cigarettes and die from cancer in service of your culture war moment is one of the most disgusting cynical things you could ever do."
"Money talks unfortunately, that's the language we all speak."
"Isn't that beautiful? And you know what? It coincides perfectly with the midterm elections. Funny how that works."
"There's no point at which the Republicans are going to wake up."
"It's all just a show, it's all just Kabuki theater, it's all nonsense."
"The world is stupid, we live in a stupid world."
"It's always some variable brand of miserable, I'll put it like that."
"There's something my father used to tell me called the bucket of gold principle. You could put a bucket of gold on this desk and there are people that would complain."
"Do not ever let it Jade you because you don't want to be that person."
"It's all about money. It's all about spin and we've had enough of it."
"As they say, 'socialists don't have children, they have yours.'"
"Women are not really out here looking for love."
"People are trash, that's if we ain't nothing else as a society of human beings."
"I have accepted that all leaders, all politicians that I know, with few exceptions, are gangsters."
"There's nothing that Democrats can't do to lose power."
"The world's broken, truth doesn't exist, so just enjoy comedy, have a laugh."
"If you want a friend in Washington, D.C., get a dog."
"If you want guarantees, gentlemen buy a dog and die alone."
"Nobody believes they are doing this just because Trump did something so egregious and just ripped off so many people that he has to be punished. That's not what's going on."
"The Democratic party has adopted arguably the most cynical approach to politics that you could possibly adopt."
"Don't just let any old motherfucker with hands out in front of you make you feel like they got their hands out because of some shit that you feel guilty for a lot of times motherfuckers got their hands out in front of you for alternative freezes."
"Absolute cynicism can be poison to the soul but absolute optimism can be diabetes."
"If you ask me, making everything political seems like the best possible way to create a miserable world."
"Was it a free choice or was it manipulated in a certain way subconsciously that you think you made the choice but you actually didn't?"
"Being crappy on the Internet can be very rewarding."
"Politicians supposedly working for the people but reality doesn't quite work that way."
"They were being lied to and exploited by another party very cynically."
"It's usually not the full black pill either in that sense."
"We'll just sit back, watch, and then laugh knowing that nothing will come of it."
"Conceive, believe, achieve. Shut the [__] up."
"People who issue death threats... want to watch the world burn."
"Maybe Magneto's right, maybe there really is no way to save the hearts and minds of man."
"It's a heartless world sometimes." - Unnamed speaker
"Not being visited by someone in the spirit plane who came down here to tinkle on the ivories."