
Approval Quotes

There are 7936 quotes

"The more you try to perfect, the more you scrutinize, the more you'll seek the approval of others before you give yourself permission to just be happy."
"I was kind of skeptical about this game at first, but I'm kind of like, you know, that nod of approval with the bottom lip hanging out where you're like, 'Okay, okay, yeah, I like this.'"
"The Word of God says, 'Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.'"
"I think it looks good. That looks really cool."
"If you live for the approval of man, you'll die by their criticisms."
"They need to do this again, this is so cute, I love this."
"I think online dating is freaking brilliant."
"Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth."
"The Bible says 'Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.' This will open up everything about Bible interpretation than you ever saw before."
"Holy crap, what a setup. I mean, this is looking good, right?"
"The greatest addiction in the world today is the addiction to other people's approval."
"To move from girl to woman, and to become that woman, you have to start owning who you are, owning what you want, and stop seeking approval and answers elsewhere."
"I think it was wise that they did; I'm glad that they did."
"Do you like my haircut? Do you like the new...well, I'm glad."
"Finding approval for something that has disappointed us is one of the most crucial steps to overcoming disappointment."
"I don't look for the approval of people. I want God's approval."
"Kakashi voiced his overall approval of Naruto's actions, noting that Naruto would never do anything he thought would bring danger to the village."
"This is the coolest thing they could have done, and they're doing it right now."
"Of all the names, you chose the best one for you. It's good. I like it."
"Do what you're doing now for yourself, not for approval."
"All the changes that were handed out to Trials are fantastic."
"For me, guys, it's nothing less than a solid 10. Absolutely bang on."
"It's absolutely fantastic, it's absolutely incredible, it's brilliant, it's absolutely brilliant!"
"I'm not gonna lie, this video is actually really good."
"It was a beautiful tribute to one of the most influential names in music history, and it's clear that Brown himself would have approved."
"The Shorty looks pretty nice, I like the look of the Shorty."
"They've done a great job. I'm really happy with it."
"How can you deny a name like that, right? A rattle shake, I love it."
"I'm very confident that the green wall is gonna be obviously cool with it."
"I think Trump is great, I think he's done some amazing things."
"When you get set free from the need for the approval of people, then you can receive the approval of God."
"Do I want the approval of man or the approval of God?"
"That's pretty good guys, really like, really, really. Holy hell!"
"The less concerned you are with what other people think, usually the better they think about you."
"Caring about approval and disapproval does more harm than good."
"If someone approves of you, it doesn't enhance you, and if someone disapproves of you, it doesn't diminish you."
"He's almost begging for approval right at the end of the clip."
"A really solid game indeed, it's got my thumbs up."
"I thought Far From Home did the character of Mysterio justice and nailed it."
"I would put a 10% chance on one getting approved in October. That would be my number. What about this year? 25% chance by the end of the year."
"So, I think those are exactly the right experiments."
"We have to prove to Elon that we can do this. We have to earn his love."
"The contents will hopefully make the boss happy enough to authorize an invitation."
"You got his blessing, man... like you earned it, kid."
"Nice job, would you buy that gun? Yeah, I would. I like it."
"I am more interested in God's approval than I am even in His love, which I know sounds to many of you heretical practically, but I must say I think it's the best."
"Shout out to the mayor... he did the right thing here today."
"Your approval means something to me right? If you're telling me I'm doing a good job, that means I'm doing a good job."
"Damn, okay, that's pretty good boys, that's pretty good."
"I hope you like it, Mr. Warden. Like it? I love it!"
"We were finally offered some credibility... so it gave us the green light."
"Raiden's design in this game is pretty sick right."
"That's pretty legit. That's pretty friggin legit."
"I do still think a lot about impressing him and his approval still means a hell of a lot to me."
"That's pretty good actually. And it's really, really good."
"I give this boat two thumbs up, really like it."
"Time is running out - give it a thumbs up, it's a breath of fresh air."
"I'm astonished that the like to dislike is so good on this."
"This, for me, this is like top top 10 Andy fit right here. So this is a drip for me."
"This guy, this is the coolest one. I don't care who you are or what you think, this is absolutely it."
"Most people are looking for somebody to approve of us while we are shaking their hands."
"Stop chasing that person's approval. You've already been approved."
"I just wanted my dad's approval more than anything in the world."
"I feel like the Goyo change is actually very good."
"Loving the whole idea of being sustainable and eco-friendly here."
"The Court of Owls story is one of the best in recent Batman history, and Batman vs. Robin does it total justice."
"Jensen Ackles... plays Batman here to perfection and is clearly the right choice for the role."
"Barack Obama must approve the operations to kneecap and destroy Donald Trump."
"Jerome Powell is a beast and I think he's doing a great job."
"I've never had a parent not obsessed with me."
"I've always wanted his approval, I always wanted him to support me."
"This content is for them... we need their approval."
"Seesaw has beaten everything. I'm sorry, it's really good."
"Thrill claw, that was badass, that was cool."
"I like that guys, I think that looks pretty good. It's nice and simple, it's not too over the top, but it does the job."
"That's fucked up, but also, that's fucking great if he did that."
"I thought he nailed it, I thought it was great."
"This is a great decision and I'm very satisfied with what they're doing here."
"Legit thumbs up for legit on-budget bedroom but still fun."
"It's easier to understand, easier to use, easier to balance."
"Selling Girl Scout cookies. Lady tested, lady approved!"
"His stuff is that good, it's just freaking spectacular."
"This list definitely gets my stamp of approval."
"That's kind of cool, what do you guys think of those? That's not bad, right?"
"I think he's fantastic I really do and I thought it was very impressed with him last night."
"Damn, this actually kind of rocks. I like what I see."
"Good job, really good job. Not that you need my approval, but good job."
"You should prove a man before you approve a man."
"This is going to be an A for me, I like that."
"We cheered every one of those things, we thought it was a great way to run an economy."
"I really like this one. Finally, things are moving."
"The ones who get the most approval in life are the ones who care the least about it."
"Wow... that's actually really fucking good... that's great... I love it."
"The more we trust ourselves, the less approval we need because we're not looking to the outside for that permission."
"Seal of approval for Arkham Horror, the new Arkham Horror third edition."
"This is fire, honestly this is a 10 out of 10."
"It's a very heartwarming choice, I really like that choice."
"I think it looks really, really clean so far."
"I gotta admit, this is good. This is definitely good."
"God, I love these two, not dog. Y'all cooked with that with the first one."
"Approve of yourself and have a high estimate of yourself."
"I'm happy with that. I think they'll be happy with it."
"This is a wonderful decision, this is fantastic."
"Awesome. They couldn't have picked a better one."
"The user experience gets a massive thumbs up."
"Transformers Devastation proved to be a success among long-time Transformers fans."
"Stop proving yourself to other people. Let go of the need for other people to approve of you."
"Lovely stuff, lovely stuff." - Expressing genuine enjoyment or approval.
"I'm all for it if it makes sense and the storytelling is there...nothing wrong about it whatsoever."
"I like this. Oh, wait. Hold up. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah, this is looking amazing. I like this. This is freaking cool, bro. Look at it. I love this so far."
"I do like the direction and the approach to side activities."
"Wow, it is exceptionally clean though. I've got to say."
"I actually really like this. This patch is so cool, this is really cool."
"It looks absolutely amazing... I'm so pleased."
"The Styling on this thing is stellar... they knocked it out of the park."
"I mean, this is looking so good, I'm really happy with it so far."
"Their team has been approved for the infamous 100 year quest."
"The President has great approval on this country; his historic COVID response speaks for itself."
"When I stamped these down with my seal of approval, the answer is yes."
"I am actually quite a big fan of this, and it is a little unfortunate that it's not canon."
"This is [ __ ] badass dude, this is [ __ ] cool, I really like this a lot."
"You can't please everyone, but don't get discouraged."
"Overall, the design came out pretty nice, I think, and I hope you guys like it too."
"He was so dope he gets a 10 out of 10." - 10 out of 10
"They undoubtedly made the right call with this one."
"Is this a good take on that caster formula? And overall, yes, gotta say it is."
"President Biden made exactly the right call."
"World at War was the full package and deserves the first spot on the S list."
"Modern Warfare 2 easily deserves its spot also in the S tier."
"I think battle Cabot is a pretty darn awesome option."
"I think that's great, and also, yeah, it's made by Ubisoft and I like that they've taken this IP and this property of Star Wars and it looks like they've really done it justice."
"Approval will reduce fears, especially for parents."
"I love the style. I think it fits in really well."
"I absolutely would have... Tyrese last night was spot on."
"This is a great call. This looks fantastic. It's got a nice flare of modern."
"Under the sun, it's a great idea." - Ron Winter
"Personally, this is one of the best ones they've made in the series."
"I'm gonna give it my badass seal of approval."
"This was honestly so amazing, all these Tik Tok recipes are sisters approved!"
"I think the idea of gobblegums is really, really good."
"There is really no reason that I can see not to award Willem and his family the 28th Seal of Approval."
"Britney's been excellent, I think I'll second that."
"Just look at this one, this is sick, right?" -
"This one is actually legitimately really cool."
"Our parents only congratulated us when we did something bad."
"That is so sick, I love it, I love it so much."
"You're going to be busy and productive, and we like that."
"I'm kind of there for that. I think that kind of works."
"Everyone loves it, and rightfully so, because it's incredible."
"People are clearly invested in this, people are clearly going, 'Yeah, that's cool, I like that.'"
"I think Bella crushed this... she's perfect for this."
"I like it, that's what we like to see, right?"
"That mode is absolutely awesome, I'm a fan, 100%."
"That's dope, that's really dope. It really is."
"The suit itself did turn out really impressive."
"Right, that's actually a really good strat right there."
"High volume is good, man. High volume is a good, good, good thing."
"Solid ten from me, without my shadow of a doubt."
"Whoever gave the green light for this one to be made was a genius."
"This is the part where I'm fully on board with it. I love it. I think this is great. Absolutely, there should be a place for just over-the-top ridiculousness."
"Don't wait on nothing, don't wait on nobody's approval."
"There's a lot of people out there really liked it, that feels good."
"For those saying I have a beautiful layout, type one if you agree."
"I really do think they made the right decision."
"F Minus Mike with the Irwin buff strat, yo! I like this new strategy."
"But I like what you've done, you've been quite sensible about your build."
"He told me he was thrilled with how it looked as well."
"Oh yeah, look at that, so smooth, so smooth, excellent."
"President Biden has done an excellent job as president of the United States."
"This is an amazing and very well put together set."
"Got a couple of thumbs up. It looks good going down the road."
"Wow this is actually really cool I do like that I am approving of the siege layouts that is for sure."
"I'm impressed... I like how he's getting it."
"Does Twisted Metal 1995 still hold up? That question can be answered with a resounding absolutely."
"Don't be looking for man's applause when God has already approved you in private."
"Yes, that is spot on bro, thank you so much man."
"I'm giving it a 10 out of 10 too, I don't know how you could have went any better."
"I'm gonna give it to her, my [__]. Sasha, the outfit is right, the body is right, the shoes are right. She did it right, honey."
"They nailed it. They've done really really well here."
"One of the fundamental things that stories warn us against is being too preoccupied with winning approval from other people."
"They picked the perfect person to play Goose's kids."
"It's not the end of the world if somebody doesn't approve."
"I want my dad to be proud of me, and it drives me to this day. That validation, the need to be celebrated and embraced."
"Absolutely loved it, I give it my highest possible recommendation."
"It's cool that we did the extra season, I'm liking what I'm seeing."
"It wasn't bravery, it was love... I wanted love from Peter more than I wanted my dad's approval."
"I like that idea, I genuinely like that idea."
"I like it, it seems to be a pretty good aircraft."
"Rice on Corners! Corners that actually beats the rice on Corners. Okay, I get it. I'm sold, doubt I like it, never doubted him."
"Really cool looking project. How cool is this?"
"What a wonderful idea... absolutely fantastic."
"That's a good pot, you're gonna give us that."
"Good news: the Pfizer vaccine is now FDA approved."
"Love it love it love it there's not much more I can say except for yes yes honey okay."
"When a lot of couples do a joint song it'd be corny as hell but for y'all I actually could listen to it all the way through."
"This actually fits very well. Everything about this looks really good."
"Wow, okay... this is actually really, really good."
"This actually looks really good... straight up, it looks really [__] good."
"That's good. I mean, you know it's good what a great way of handling things."
"That's dope. That's crazy. That is dope, I get it."