
Renewal Quotes

There are 15158 quotes

"Don't hold on to anything that does not serve you. Just let it go. There's something greater, something better taking its place."
"Allow yourself to let the baggage of the past go. A new person is not going to treat you in the same way."
"Sometimes there has to be a fire before there is new life from the ashes."
"Sometimes you have to let things fall away in order to create room for the new you."
"I've ordered some new stuff but we will get this looking brand spanking new."
"New beginnings... there's this desire here to kind of follow your heart, have a new beginning, have a new start."
"Nature continuously renews itself year after year. You can renew. Just because you failed at something before, you can renew this year."
"You are literally manifesting your wings, you're manifesting your butterfly phase."
"Every day we wake up and we have to redo the union with God. There's no bank account. That's where you start over, and you start over with you."
"After every storm or rainfall, there shines a rainbow, and everything is refreshed and renewed."
"You're unfreezing certain parts of yourself... your soul wants that movement again."
"Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me."
"Create in me a clean heart, O God; renew a right spirit within me."
"My spiritual life has been reignited as a result of this."
"Real strength is not just in surviving, but in the ability to start over."
"They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles."
"The essence of who I am is instantly rejuvenated and renewed in this moment."
"Lockhart and Hannah continue on, embracing the sunrise with newfound wellness for life."
"Lord Jesus, I'm sorry that I turned my back on you. I went my own way. Tonight, I repent. I turn back to you."
"God isn't interested after COVID in you simply resuming your old life. Instead, he's giving us all the opportunity of a lifetime to reset our lives, to reboot our lives, to renew, refresh, reenergize our lives in a whole new way."
"Huge letting go of the old and stepping into the new."
"Clearing out the old and welcoming in the new."
"You're going to be able to spring forward optimistically into something new."
"I can release the past and forgive everyone. I am free to move into new, glorious experiences."
"In Jannah, every time they see their spouse, it's like they're seeing their spouse for the first time. It's the first day of their marriage every single time."
"To reset is to make a new, fresh start due to a change in circumstances, opportunities, or priorities."
"There are things that need to die for other things to grow and to come in."
"This is a new chapter here, this is new energy."
"We look for a new heavens and a new earth wherein righteousness dwells."
"There are so many of us who have shared similar journeys, similar paths, but also similar hopes and similar futures for restoration and for renewal."
"The new creation is not a patched-up job; it's a totally new beginning."
"Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new."
"If any man is in Christ, a new creation! Old things have passed away; all things have become new."
"No matter what my past has looked like, no matter what I did yesterday, there's new mercies every single morning."
"Judgment, the great revealer, total transformation, heed the call, renewal, surrender, awakening."
"Help us to completely discard of our former nature, help us to do away with this flesh which is being corrupted through deceitful desires."
"After the storm clears, you will be steered in a new direction, a time of renewed health, joy, and abundance."
"As you take a few deep breaths, let go of any sort of limiting thoughts, energies, or ideas, allow the water to take it away."
"To wait upon the Lord and renew our strength is a time to mount up with wings as eagles, to run and not be weary, to walk and not faint."
"Just remember in the winter far beneath the bitter snow lies the seed that with the sun's love in the spring becomes the rose."
"You're preparing for a new beginning; your feelings are recently renewed."
"You're entering into a period where you can rebuild or redefine things."
"Rest assured, the clouds are finally starting to part, making room for the much-needed sun."
"This person literally needed to go on this journey, and they will be coming back renewed, revived, having resolved so much."
"You cannot hold me back. Like a phoenix from the ashes, I rise."
"You have promised, 'I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh.'"
"Easter is the spirit of renewal. It's the beginning of spring. The Bible says in Song of Songs, 'Behold, the winter is past; the flowers appear on earth; the season of singing has come.'"
"Renewal is not just about changing the external; it's about transforming the internal landscape of our beliefs and attitudes."
"The story then takes us 5 years later, and the new rulers have renamed the Empire to the kingdom of Adisa."
"There's something about rearranging and refreshing your space that makes everything feel new again."
"Our land reawakened; we saw things that we had never seen before."
"Get rid of the old stuff, bring in new stuff; it's like renovating your body."
"For companies, bankruptcy isn't always the end; it can be a whole new beginning."
"We will not be conformed to the patterns of this world but will be transformed by the renewing of our mind."
"You now have the opportunity to rejuvenate and start anew. Create a new perspective or outlook."
"This is a leaping Sunday. We're shedding that old skin."
"It's like the shedding of the old skin. You no longer fit into it."
"Imagine...everything that happened to us was forgiven. It no longer existed...the only thing that would be left is your spiritual side."
"A scent of change stirs in the air, spring is fresh on the horizon. With it comes a chance for renewal, a chance for new heroes to blossom."
"This new chapter is going to be so refreshing for you."
"The most important thing you can do is renew your mind."
"For God longs not to judge but to save, to forgive, to heal, to redeem, and to revive. For without revival, America is lost."
"If you want to experience deliverance, self-deliverance, you must learn to walk in the renewing of your mind."
"You're like the phoenix rising from the ashes."
"I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone."
"Believe in Allah and Muhammad as His messenger, then you will come as a newborn baby."
"God is a river of water, which means that every time you dip, you will get a new cup because even though He doesn't change, His word is an ever-evolving word."
"A rebirth, new beginnings in finances and in home."
"The feeling generated was surprising... absolutely perfect for a Friday after work, feel renewed, actually calmed me down."
"Behold, I make all things new. These words are true and faithful."
"Ezekiel 36 verse 26 says, 'And I will give you a new heart, and a new spirit I will put within you. And I will remove the heart of stone from your flesh and give you a heart of flesh.'"
"We may wake up in the same environment, call the same friends, have the same things around us, but lord spiritually we're in a different place."
"Democracy gives you that chance and the more democracy you have, the more unpredictability you have, and the better possibility for renewal that you have."
"May we make room for new growth by pruning the dead branches and may we leave what's dead behind."
"When things usually get destroyed like this, it means something better and something new will be born out of it."
"There's an opportunity for the Phoenix to rise from the ashes."
"You shall be restored with so much more than you have lost."
"I Just feel I've been given a new lease of life."
"The sacred sakura blooms from the darkness, finally free from the clutches of the heavenly principles."
"We do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day."
"Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day."
"If any man is in Christ, he's a new creature; old things have passed away, behold all things become new."
"One lesson about history is that one of the things that winter does, is it kills everything back so new things can grow."
"This is the end of a nightmare. This is a fresh start coming in."
"The winter solstice's power is not in our ability to actively do; it's in our ability to be passive, to be receptive, to receive, to be quiet, to be dormant, and to allow our energy to be restorative for there to be renewal."
"Trust that the situation will reach a powerful rebuild, reconciliation, renewal essentially."
"We're ready to start over, God, and we are armed with the weapon of our experiences and the wisdom connected to our wounds."
"Give them visions and dreams of Your hope and refresh them for a new day."
"Renewing the mind... you have got to renew your mind."
"They that wait upon the Lord shall be renewed; they shall mount up with wings."
"The star energy is about hope, it's about renewal, it's about serenity, it's about clarity of purpose."
"Ra's nightly journey through the underworld was a time of profound renewal for him."
"They carried with them into the desert the writings and rituals they believed would open the way to a renewed Israel, including an extraordinary plan for the creation of a new temple."
"Something new has to come in, and let's make sure that something is really wonderful."
"There is going to be a renaissance and a renewal in your relationships."
"Come Holy Spirit, renew the face of the earth. We certainly need your help." - Father Casey
"If any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new." - 2 Corinthians 5:17
"We have light and I want a fresh start with you."
"Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new is here!"
"March is a time where Persephone is finally coming out from the underworld of Hades and blessing us with her presence yet again."
"Having a new lease on life...You only get this once in a lifetime."
"The catastrophe cleans out the past, which is replaced by a new heaven and a new earth."
"The ending of your old self and a new you emerges."
"You are the phoenix rising from the ashes, realizing that your true power's been hidden underneath all along."
"Being reformed, recreated, Jesus in you, you are Adam 2.0."
"Leave behind anything that's not working for you, not serving you."
"So just a little opportunity to release and leave behind whatever wasn't working so that you can plant new seeds, find new joy, and rock your best self."
"The Bible says, 'Be renewed in the spirit of your mind.'"
"If any man be in Christ, he is a new creature."
"Karma can be a cruel mistress in paying its dues and this evil ruler was long overdue."
"I shed habits that hinder my truth, and I release and I renew."
"The light is back, the warmth is coming back."
"Behold, I make all things new. Revelation 21:5."
"Let's pray together. This outer nature is wasting away, but our inner nature is being renewed day by day."
"This is the year for reset, this is the year for restart, this is a year for reignite, this is the year for repeat the things that you love, this is the year for recommit, this is the year for redesign, this is the year for re-engaged, this is the year for restart, this is that year."
"The record's called 'Rainbow' because it's like just return to color."
"God, I thank you that you're a God of new beginnings, a God of redemption, a God that goes from glory to glory to glory."
"With the world rebuilt, the elemental orbs returned to their homes, and my hearts returned to me."
"Star Trek needed to be in other hands after so long in the grip of Rick Berman. Star Trek is taking risks again, and since risk was part of its foundation, that makes a lot of sense."
"Behold, I make all things new," says the Lord.
"Embrace your transformation, put on your new cloak; you are a master of regeneration."
"July is also a month to detox any part of your life that you feel has become overwhelming or toxic."
"Old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new."
"Spirit of the Living God, fall afresh on us."
"The past is over, and all things are made new!"
"Though our outer self is wasting away, our inner self is being renewed day by day."
"Be reborn daily; let go of the past and breathe in your new incarnation now."
"The fastest way to stop beating yourself up, the fastest way to stop feeling regret over where you're at in your life right now, is to literally say to yourself, 'I did the best I could.'"
"God is offering you the best robe. This robe comes in the form of water and spirit."
"The cleansing gift of repentance allows us to leave our sins behind and emerge a new creature."
"We're in a beautiful period at the moment, or at least it feels like it. It feels like we have a renewed sense of hope, a renewed sense of purpose."
"This is a daring rebirth. New moons are all about new beginnings."
"You need to rebirth yourself in a new light, see yourself in a new way."
"This sleep of forgetfulness will not last forever. When the darkness has been dispersed, our descendants can come again in the former pure radiance."
"You guys are awakening, you guys are this blossoming flower."
"You guys are entering a period of your phase where things become magical again rather than being stagnant and off."
"Heavenly Father, forgive all of my sins. Jesus, save me. Make me brand new. Fill me with your Spirit so I can do your will, so I can show your love, so I can make you known. Thank you for new life. I give you all of mine. In Jesus name I pray."
"I probably need to do a new one, that one's so old."
"Don't be conformed to this world, be transformed by the renewing of your mind."
"God's starting over. That's how much he cares about us."
"People who have truly been regenerated by the Spirit of God find it a pleasure to come to the house of God."
"It's a new Manchester United, with no connections to the past. A new identity is what we wanted."
"I have been given a second chance, a second life."
"Let the days of guilt, condemnation, shame be over."
"Thanks for making me brand new. I receive your love, I receive you Holy Spirit. I'm gonna live in you all the days of my life."
"Throw your whole old life out, throw your old self out, throw everything away. Let it all go."
"We have to start fresh, we have to start keeping God's Commandments in sincerity and Truth."
"People protect what they value and what I want to encourage is for people to value wild places as a space to mentally, physically, and spiritually recharge."
"So you know if you can change that recording, beautiful, you know, turn off the old plug in the new, you know, you are who God says you are."
"The free market experiment is over. It's been a low point in our party's great history. The reset begins."
"We're part of this great renewal in the Bride of Christ."
"Time to put the past behind. Now I’m living. All is forgiven."
"Jesus can make you clean again, he can make you a new person."
"Change is not to be feared, it regenerates us."
"Fill me with your Holy Spirit. Let the Fire of your Holy Spirit come afresh upon my life today, in Jesus' name."
"It's very important whatever this is, um, anything for what's being eclipsed in to your life."
"You're gonna be able to live your life again, like getting things back to and a big wish fulfillment really."
"A brand new Sonic cycle, an ending and a beginning."
"Spirit of the Living God, fall afresh on me."
"The divine individual is the source of the new wisdom that updates the antiquated."
"I took myself in hand, I made myself healthy again…I discovered life anew, including myself; I tasted all good and even little things, as others cannot easily taste them—I turned my will to health, to life, into a philosophy." - Nietzsche, Ecce Homo
"Out with the old and in with the new in any area of your life."
"Have faith in the healing process, as clarity and renewal come to light."
"This could be the beginning signs of a spiritual awakening."
"You'll return changed, free, whole, and holy blessed by the moon."
"Let's seize this moment -- to start anew, to carry the dream forward, and to strengthen our union once more."
"An end is a beginning, a chance to do better than before."
"Transform yourself, shedding old skins for new beginnings."
"Every storm has an end and with it comes a promise of a fresh start. The skies clear, the sun shines, and the world appears rejuvenated."
"Spring is a time for a growth renewal and The Awakening of Nature's Beauty."
"A life predicated on constant death and renewal, on a search for the truth, produces a deeply meaningful state of being."
"The Hindu eschatological framework emphasizes the continuity and periodic renewal of existence rather than a final apocalyptic end."
"Ancient Chinese eschatology is deeply intertwined with Chinese philosophy, mythology, and the natural world, emphasizing renewal and the restoration of order."
"Then I saw a new Heaven and a new Earth, for the first Heaven and the first Earth had passed away, and there were no longer any sea."
"The reset is the only possible way. You have to destroy the present World you've apparated and something comes out of the ashes."
"The leaf represents transformation, renewal, and self-renewal."
"We got to just burn it to the ground, build a new world out of the ashes."
"Americans always get up. Today, that's what we're doing. America is rising anew, choosing hope over fear, truth over lies, and light over darkness."
"This person definitely wants to try things different... they want to spark things up with you."
"This person is almost feeling like they want a new beginning in this connection."
"Many a good and great thing has risen from the ashes after fire consumed what came before."
"The streams of living water are to flow out from within man."
"Nothing is lost to the march. It's a constant process of loss and renewal and discovery and loss and rediscovery again."
"There's another way of seeing things which is cyclical. Things are lost and come around again."
"Big Mouth has been renewed through season six already."
"I am making all things new. Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true."
"It's time for the old you to be released, put a tombstone on the old you, the old way of being."
"We need some new [__]. We're tired of y'all."
"We will rekindle new faith in our values, new pride in our history, and a new spirit of unity."
"As we conclude this prayer, let it be a beginning rather than an end, a starting point for deeper exploration, stronger faith, and a more profound commitment to living in the light of God's love and truth."
"You are entering the stage of your life that is coming to an end, leading to a new beginning."
"He closes his eyes again and he wakes up the following day, which is his second day of reborn."
"Expect impactful renewal and profound change."
"Moving things around can make everything feel fresh and new whether you buy anything or not."
"Even out of the ashes like a phoenix, you are reborn and become anew."
"All it takes is one person with courage to renew the world."
"As one last act of defiance to Richardson, the new union voted unanimously to throw down the old banner of the enclave; as they were now once again Americans."
"It's all about the opportunity to be forgiven and starting fresh again."
"We surrender all to you. Make the old things new and fill us with your love."
"As we spend time alone with God and cry to Him to bless us, He re-empowers us. He brings us to a brokenness and moves us into the orbit of His perfect will."