
Obsession Quotes

There are 4093 quotes

"It's all on you. The self-part is what's big. I'm going to make myself good enough. I'm driven. I'm obsessed."
"Imagine because of some obsession you have, your wife and children meet their untimely demise, and you could have stopped it, but you fail."
"Americans seem to be fundamentally obsessed with the mission of improving ourselves."
"You're the one that's always running through my Daydream."
"Emotional quicksand is when you become obsessed with a girl, so scared of losing her or when she's already slipping away, that your life almost stands still."
"In your life, you have to start becoming obsessed with finishing things and focusing on things."
"You're never going to become the best at something unless you're obsessed with it."
"Zarbon, the warrior who has both beauty and ugliness. This is the root of Zarbon's obsession."
"The story of what might have happened to a fool obsessed with his own beauty has come to its tragic end."
"Constantly chasing an unattainable goal will start driving you a bit crazy."
"Customer obsession is synonymous with exploiting the weaknesses of the human mind to extract as much profitable behavior as possible."
"The problem with being an entrepreneur is that you start obsessed with something and it becomes kind of your life mission. Then, concepts like work-life balance, health, sanity, they go out the window."
"If you want to be the best, you've got to be obsessed by it. You've got to give your life, you've got to live it, you've got to breathe it."
"It's like having the one ring. It drives people to madness."
"There are adaptations out there that have truly marked me and made me obsessed with this notion of taking an existing story and fully unlocking its potential to make it something better than it was ever meant to be."
"Obsession, one of the main themes of dark academia stories, a morbid longing for the picturesque at all costs."
"The Taylor Swift album ones really red, living rent-free in my head, and I cannot get it out."
"Remember the one with the guy that finds the frog that can dance and he is literally driven to madness and financial ruin because that damn frog just will not dance with anybody else except for him."
"It would be this ceaseless pathological quest for improvement, this psychotic fixation on a reality unattainable, that would ultimately cast them into the deepest pits of depravity and damnation."
"Just Monica, just Monica, just Monica... it needs to be just Monica."
"People are obsessed with crime. They really are."
"The danger of Mysterio comes from the fact that he is so destructively obsessed in his mission that he's willing to do and sacrifice anything to fulfill it."
"Once you get to the driven, obsessed part, you're unstoppable."
"Movies are gonna just be what they're gonna be, but gaming, that's where we're actually going to continue to become more obsessed, and that industry is what's going to take over entertainment."
"When you're obsessed, people think you're nuts."
"High performers, they are obsessive about their topic... they're obsessive about mastering that topic."
"The obsession with making something last is unhealthy."
"Curiosity, interest, and obsession. Mile markers on my road to damnation."
"I could feel the fact that it was impossible to look away. If I can't stop looking, then I'm being controlled by this thing."
"The mechanist is consumed by his desire to learn the secrets of the Dwemer."
"We're just so obsessed with outrage and melodrama."
"For the Senpou temple was seized by an obsession with undeath."
"Sometimes people get so obsessed with someone else's life that they lose their mind."
"You don't really get over the obsession with numbers. It's more about finding balance and focusing on what makes you happy."
"The fighter jet mentality is that someone who is just determined, relentlessly obsessed in achieving an outcome."
"Your obsession gives her power. No, she feeds on denial, ignorance."
"I am quite obsessive. I'm a fantastic cleaner. My standards are so high, they hit Venus."
"Obsessed by shine, Linda spends one whole month a year making tap sparkle."
"Linda Dykes has turned her obsession into her business."
"Your purpose is the thing that you are currently obsessed about."
"Obsession is a pretty big driving force for an artist or maybe any creative person."
"From the very start of his creation, they doomed Patchy to be an obsessed fan who would never meet his idol."
"When you run out of things you care about, the things you start to obsess over become more and more stupid."
"He became obsessed with the sport that he chose and then drilled down into details, which was building a team around himself."
"Ronaldo's intelligence to grow, his obsession to get better, and his desire to be the best was just relentless."
"His obsession to get better and his desire to be the best was just relentless."
"This works especially well with characters who are introduced as being obsessed with revenge."
"A little bit of obsession gets a hell of a lot of work done."
"Trumpism is a synonym for fascism, which, at its core, is an obsession with an idea, and an individual attached to that idea."
"Bell Delphine had built what many referred to as an army of simps who had seemingly fallen in love with Belle Delphine and her anime image."
"Obsession doesn't even begin to describe what I was dealing with. Addiction was a far more accurate word."
"Love is selfless. That's the key. Whereas a stalker's affections are demanding, they're based on the belief that the stalker has an entitlement to the other person's affections and their lives."
"He swore he saw it, his obsession: the fourth pyramid."
"Falling in love or getting obsessed is not something someone does to you; it's something you do to yourself when they're not around."
"I'm obsessed with the smell and I can't get enough of it."
"His deranged obsession drives him to become MODOK: Mental Organism Designed Only for Killing."
"I get obsessive and I recognize the damage that does."
"Obsession was made more intense by the fact that Killswitch could only be played once and would delete itself if the player reached the end."
"I binged it in like two days. I'm obsessed with it. I need to re-watch the whole thing again because I can't stop thinking about it. It's so good."
"Every breath was Cooking Mama. Every neuron in my skull was Cooking Mama. Every atom in the universe at that moment was Cooking Mama."
"You've really got to be obsessed with what you want to accomplish."
"Humans in general are just kind of morbidly obsessed with disasters."
"They're losing their mind, obsessing about being with you."
"Have you ever felt so drawn to something that you'd throw away the rest of your life just to have it?"
"I even think about it in the daytime. I can't stop thinking about it. I'm losing sleep. I have dreams about it."
"People just get obsessed with this cash on cash return idea."
"I was obsessed with mustard... I would eat mustard with a spoon."
"Korean skincare: I am obsessed with it for a very good reason because it's incredible."
"You're completely obsessed with studying to the point where you're not even eating... You were hungrier for knowledge than for food despite and you had been starved of both."
"They're thinking about you all the time, fixated, passionate, they can't stop."
"Perhaps Steve Pankey's eerie obsession with Chanel's case is an indication of something far darker than his claimed status as an average true crime lover."
"Nothing lasts forever, so why are we so obsessed with the outside when we don't even know what's going on inside?"
"I think one aspect of whatever condition I had was I was just absolutely obsessed with truth, just obsessed with truth."
"Obsession for your man is a good thing. You need to be obsessed with something."
"Obsession is a good thing. Obsession for your man is a good thing."
"I believe in purpose... being obsessed about what you care about and what's important to you."
"When a woman is obsessed with a man, that man tends to have better outcomes."
"If you've never had a woman obsessed with you, wanting to be with you, it's a different level."
"As soon as you stop obsessing about something and you release it, the answer comes to you."
"There's an actual disorder called celebrity worship syndrome."
"I'm kind of lowkey obsessed with this person already."
"Days that I lived without knowing poke banana existed and everything after... I couldn't stop thinking about it."
"They're already catching obsession. Everybody's getting that same thing."
"I mean, let's quickly review the plot: Boy, Romeo, goes to a party trying to get over a girl, with whom he is completely obsessed, but then he meets another girl, Juliet, and becomes obsessed with her."
"Your person is quite obsessed with you, in sometimes a very unhealthy way, my beautiful Leo."
"I absolutely love this, I've been obsessed with it."
"I'm obsessed with them, giving me a major nostalgia."
"You're trying to start over, but there's this obsessed person that thinks they still want to be with you."
"It’s hard to escape the irony that too much of an obsession with the sun can render you unable to see it at all."
"You trigger a lot of obsession in other people."
"This person dreams about you, they think about you non-stop."
"She's acting like a stalker ex, she doesn't want to accept that it's over, it's that 'it's mine or no one else's' mentality."
"Everyone knows why Frank Grimes died and how much his obsession with Homer ultimately broke him."
"This person is obsessed with you; they think you're the one."
"It's almost like he wanted to emulate the serial killers that he was so obsessed with and the notoriety that comes with that would have been something he desired."
"Obsession is a healthy obsession, you have to find that spark of interest."
"Progress does not equal happiness... an obsession with progress and productivity... stood in my way of true happiness."
"Everything that I've ever done well became somewhat of an obsession."
"He's absolutely obsessed with getting Harland."
"I'm addicted to the high of being obsessed with someone I have convinced myself is Out Of Reach."
"It's just being obsessed and being focused, just like never giving up on that craft that you want to do."
"Being obsessed with what other people are doing is just a sign of lack of self-esteem."
"He's such an adorable cutest man I am obsessed with."
"Re:Zero represents the logical extreme of otaku obsession and entitlement."
"When you're obsessed with something, unfettered ambition makes anything possible."
"We're theorizing, investigating, and straight-up obsessing over everything that Endgame gave us."
"Love is a drive, a homeostatic imbalance, a craving, an obsession."
"It's more than hunger, it's an obsession to win."
"One person is just kind of obsessive because you rejected them."
"Through years of stalking, gathering resources and research, John crafted this plan with one motive in mind."
"When you pull the hair back, she gets this beautiful lightness going on. I mean, it's just beautiful. It's just so natural looking. I am obsessed."
"They're obsessed with you, they want you next to them skin to skin."
"There's nothing wrong with goals, it's falling in love with them that's the problem."
"There's chemistry and passion, someone is obsessed."
"White women are extremely obsessed with black women and it's kind of weird in a lot of ways."
"The left is obsessed with demographic replacement."
"My current obsession is the show 'Schitt's Creek' on Netflix...crew neck sweatshirts are my jam...fuzzy socks and comfy sweatshirts have been a game changer."
"In truth, it's an obsession. It's a religion."
"I think I had been overly fixated on nutrition."
"Loyalty above everything, he was obsessed with the idea."
"You have lost yourself amidst your obsession with success for its sake."
"Do something you hate... It's 50 hours a week you're obsessing about what you wish you were doing."
"I was obsessed with World of Warcraft every single waking minute."
"It's like this person can't get out of your head or you can't get this person out of your head."
"This dude is so obsessed with the main girl."
"Keeping up me and my partner obsessed with you."
"I was thinking about him all the time. If you can't go a second without thinking about that person, that's the one for you."
"What's the beautiful part of an obsession? Honestly, it's purpose."
"They're still very obsessed with you but they're not coming forward."
"You obsess about the algorithm and the numbers, you will never live in it, you will absolutely go insane."
"I can't get you off my mind, you constantly distract me."
"Such a rare treasure drives collectors mad with desire."
"When I work on something, I am obsessed with it, and I have to know everything about it."
"I highly recommend. Seriously, if you've not read it, I'm like obsessed with it."
"If I play those games instead of Destiny, I'll fall behind. I feel this urge to complete all of these tasks in the game, and I can't stop playing."
"I look for you everywhere I see you everywhere I go I look for you even in other people."
"Obsessions usually begin in a fiery cauldron of anger, jealousy, love, or revenge."
"I haven't got there yet but it's... I don't know, there's something in me that's just obsessed with improving and productivity all the time."
"It became something I had to be successful at to feed my obsession."
"Obsession is a necessity if you want to be great."
"Obsession with a problem and the ability to grind it out for a long time on this internal drive, super powerful."
"You can't reject an obsessor; they just... that's when whatever demons they have really kick in."
"I'm not trying to be insulting I'm saying like a lot of people are absolutely obsessed with Sasquatch Bigfoot."
"Obsessing over her life isn't going to make her less sick... whether or not she dies or recovers isn't for us to decide..."
"I feel like we're society's outcasts who are just a little bit too obsessed with skincare, which is not a problem not for me."
"This historical photo of Dr. Carl Tanzler and his human doll is a chilling reminder of the depths of obsession and delusion."
"It's been my new obsession, and you should definitely check out our review of Metacycle because there's gonna be a lot more content coming."
"The more you obsess, the more you're living in fear."
"Obsession becomes easy to let go of as you start embodying who you came here to be."
"Chasing someone else in general, and especially a specific person, is something that will completely destroy your life."
"Regardless of the reason, there is quite an obsession when it comes to True Crime content."
"I watched Ponyo this weekend, I'm obsessed with it."
"Jobin found himself caught up in his obsession of escaping his own impending fall that he lost sight of his zen."
"If you don't get obsessed, you're gonna get depressed."
"Stalkers will only ever escalate their activities until their obsession reaches a deadly and permanent end."
"The three emotions: confusion, excitement, and fear. If you know how to instill confusion, excitement, and fear into a man's heart, you're gonna make him obsessed."
"I always have been obsessed with them I always felt like there's something cleaned around me I've always felt but not afraid of them just felt like there was always something there."
"I was obsessed with the Xbox 360 game Halo Wars for a long time."
"The obsession with winning is something I've only seen with very few managers."
"Vanity is sad, and it's like I became obsessive, and it's so normalized too, I think as a culture, looking young forever is so idolized."
"When you're really good at something... you realize how bad you are at other things."
"The whole world went mad looking for this Easter Egg for years. The people who dedicated their lives to finding it became known as egg hunters."
"I think some people are very obsessed and kind of hyper laser focused on how the horse looks."
"This is the one character, the one franchise, the one intellectual property that I'm always going to be obsessed with."
"Sometimes when a person is obsessed with another we hear this phrase that they're willing to die for them and willing to kill for them."
"I literally can't even begin to explain how obsessed I am."
"Remember that rabbits game? Yeah, I'm still thinking about it. It's kind of all I can think about to be honest."
"It's just so good and I think about it all the time."
"He has this Obsession and you know he wants to win every game there is never a game where it's like you know he wants to win every game."
"She's in a room filled with stacks of photos of Ali and the girls, timelines of each of their lives since Alison's disappearance."
"When you become obsessive about something, whatever that thing might be, it slowly becomes really bad for you."
"It's the things people choose or fascinated about or obsessed with or you know this material subject matter being these shoes."
"Sometimes you must be obsessed in order to be successful."
"I must have been distracted the rest of the night because I just couldn't get it out of my head."
"Look at us, I love pandas, me too. This is cute about them, I'm just obsessed but that is not functional, nope."
"You might find something that you've never even seen before and you might be obsessed with it."
"I decided to binge-watch the entire first season... I'm obsessed with it."
"It seemed like she just had this obsession with like young men."
"You show this to 10 year old DeAngelo and expect him not to get obsessed."
"Don't let your passions, hobbies, career insecurities, or anxieties manifest into an obsession because once it becomes an obsession it overshadows just about anything and you miss out on life."
"All my life I've been obsessed by these questions."
"He became obsessed with her to the point where that was all that mattered."
"I've always been obsessed with sharp knives."
"Don't be obsessed with things. You will also in no time as long as you enjoy the game."
"We love them... we're obsessed with them so much."
"But, what about those that take this fascination too far?"
"Sadly Jasmine had all of these chances stolen from her and her entire future was robbed by a man that became dangerously infatuated with her."
"Black eyed anything is [ __ ] scary so I get why people are so obsessed with this this topic."
"Money, money, money, money, money, money, money."
"I went through a stage of collecting all of their highlighters that was like one of my kind of obsessions at one point but yeah, MAC have some incredible products."
"It's the journey that you're on that's the part that you love that's the part that you get obsessed with."
"Survivor and poker really became my two obsessions, my two Idols."
"Summit fever is the obsessive desire and stubborn determination to reach the peak of a mountain at all costs, ignoring logical decisions."
"Calories: the numbers that haunt you more than your middle school ex."
"I like how he's very like add coded like he's aggressively obsessive and overbearing but like only when Charlie's in his immediate eyesight."
"Become obsessed with the process, not the outcome."
"Protecting and loving has been replaced in this game by something far darker. Obsession and loss."
"One person definitely being obsessed with you, low-key obsessed with you."
"Obsessed with it, I'm honestly obsessed with it."
"Her apartment became a mess, untidied, piles of mail by the front door, the walls plastered with hundreds of photos of her stuffed animal, fuelling her obsession."