
Purpose Of Life Quotes

There are 97 quotes

"I don't necessarily think that the purpose of life is to just be always happy. I think it's very possible that we're spiritual beings and we're here to learn."
"The purpose of life is clear. It's made crystal clear. The Quran is so clear who God is, the pure absolute monotheism of God Almighty."
"We did not come here to be labor workers... We came here to experience, to live, to thrive."
"People who have a sense of why to live can bear almost any how."
"He who has a why to live can bear with almost any how."
"If you don't believe you're qualified, if you don't believe you can do it, you're gonna miss those moments in your life, and your entire existence here wasn't what it was supposed to be."
"I don't see any reason to think that there is an externally imposed purpose."
"I believe that the very purpose of life is to be happy. From the very core of our being, we desire contentment. - The Dalai Lama"
"The purpose of life is not in life; it's in you. It's individualized."
"More and more people are starting to try to figure out: What are we doing here on this planet? What's the purpose of life?"
"Every civilization throughout history has been centered around the idea of 'Why are we here? What are we doing? What is our meaning?'"
"Physics is the closest we get responsibly to asking, 'Why are we here? What is it that we're made of?' It is the thing that would best substitute for a religion if you were able to understand what it was."
"We find true and enduring joy by coming to know and acting upon the truth about who we are, the meaning of mortal life, and where we are going when we die."
"Religion addresses the question, 'What life is for,' as opposed to what caused it."
"The purpose of life is to love, to become as loving as you can possibly be."
"If we understand Revelation, we can begin to live confidently because Revelation explains where we came from, why we're here, and where we're going."
"The ultimate purpose of life cannot be described in human words, but those who have experienced it, they know it's all about love."
"The mystery of human existence lies not in just staying alive, but in finding something to live for."
"The purpose of life is to worship the creator. Worshiping in a comprehensive sense, not just praying five times. Worship means helping humanity, respect your parents, be a force of goodness in society."
"One of the most challenging questions that has ever faced mankind is: Why are we here?"
"I think we are here to love and we are here to learn."
"Politics is not the end and purpose of our being."
"The purpose of the plan of salvation is not to just make us happy, it's first and foremost to make us holy."
"If there's no God then you have to create your own meaning right... mankind has to find his own meaning."
"The Law of One is all about answering those questions - what's the purpose of all this, why are we here, what is going on?"
"The function of man is to live, not to exist."
"No, that's why we're created. We're created to fellowship with him, to be in worship with him because it's in that place when you're in that place, it's the favor of God comes on your life."
"The reformed would respond by saying okay, yes, we need God. God doesn't need us. But why were we created in the first place? The entire reason we were created is to worship God."
"Learn to grow up spiritually, it's the third purpose of your life on earth."
"When you acknowledge or recognize why around you was created, why you were created, what your purpose was, that's the beauty."
"Allah created us to recognize him... and to worship him."
"We are here for love - that is why we are here."
"The sole purpose of living is to serve humanity."
"Your purpose is to simply exist. You're here because you exist, you're here to experience."
"By giving up Christ... you're giving up the purpose for which you've been created."
"The children of Christ know now whose they are, whence they came, why they are here, and what manner of men and women they are to become."
"Why be good? Because a separate question which I also came to: why we exist, you're playing with the word 'why.' There, science is working on the problem of the antecedent factors that lead to our existence." - Richard Dawkins
"The purpose of light is to grow, and the purpose of life is to grow."
"Peace is the only way to live. Your life in peace is why Jesus came."
"He did it not with the easy things like mountains. I mean, essentially any fool could see that mountains don't have a purpose. He did it with living things."
"The purpose of life is one of the most important questions. It's time to think deeply and make decisions about where we're putting our energy."
"The crisis today is that people suddenly don't have a purpose when before the only purpose of life was to keep living at all costs."
"Love is the whole reason why the world is here, why we're all here."
"Islam is submission to one God... that's the purpose of life." - Mohammed
"The whole reason to be alive is to learn something new."
"I was created for that garden place and that what Jesus came and he died for was not to get me into heaven when I died."
"We must strive to be the light in this world. It's why we are here, it's why we incarnated."
"All my servant, do you think that I have created you for no purpose?"
"Think about who your maker is, why He made you, and where you are going to go at the end of your life."
"The purpose for human existence was to love. Love is our higher purpose."
"The main purpose here is to love."
"Why are we here what are we supposed to be doing why do we die is there a god?"
"The purpose of life is to enrich awareness by including parts of the unknown into the area of the known."
"The purpose of life, the meaning of life, is what we give to it. Other than that, it has no purpose."
"So what is the purpose of human, is the purpose of humanity on Earth?"
"Asking if there is no God, what is the purpose of life, is like asking if there is no master, whose slave will I be?"
"The real purpose of life is not just to have fun, but it is intended that we should help to build a world in which happiness is possible for all of us."
"If humanism were right in declaring that man is born to be happy, he would not be born to die. Since his body is doomed to die, his task on earth evidently must be of a more spiritual nature."
"If I exist it makes everybody happy. That's my purpose of life."
"The purpose of life is to establish the worship of one Lord, to recognize and love the creator."
"The purpose of life is lived in an integral way and the spiritual sense emerges as intuition and telepathy."
"The only purpose of existence is joy, if there is no joy, then what's the point?"
"It might be the purpose of life in 17776. Humans are creatures of play. They will remain creatures of play until the end of time."
"Why are you really here? To just love your family, be kind to others, and then die?"
"The purpose of human life is God realization."
"The purpose of life is to seek happiness."
"The purpose of life is to enjoy it. We were not put on this Earth to simply trade our time for money, slaving away at our careers or businesses."
"...the purpose of life is to find something that makes the suffering worthwhile and meaningful."
"The almighty God has not created us for this world; this world is just a Transit Hall."
"The purpose of life is to develop our relationship of love with the Eternal spiritual being who is our source and the source of everything."
"The purpose of life is to connect to each other and through each other to Hashem."
"I did not create man nor the jinn except for the purpose of worshipping Me alone."
"It's all about love, that's why we are here."
"I didn't know the purpose of life and when I started studying these spiritual practices I realized the spirit realm was real."
"If there is no God, there's no purpose to life ultimately."
"The chief end of God is the same as the chief end of man: to glorify God and enjoy Him forever."
"Why do you exist? Have you ever asked yourself that?"
"The only reason I created jin and ins and human is to serve Me."
"Quran tells us specifically who we are and it tells us specifically why we're here and it tells us specifically what we're here to do."
"You were not created to step into religion; you're created for love, for relationship, for life."
"The purpose of human life is education. Education is not so you can go and make money; education is your evolutionary opportunity as a human being."
"Human life is about fulfillment... you were created for God, you were created to love Him, to serve Him."
"We cannot make sense of who we are until we know what we were made for."
"Humankind is the main thing in the creation; all the other creatures, whether they are higher than him or lower than him, were all made for him."
"The fact that we're all looking for meaning is not a collective disease or sickness, it's because life is meaningful."
"Allah created us to worship Him and part of worshiping Him is to be tested."
"We are still in the middle of creation, wanting to know where we come from, where we belong, what we are doing here, and where we are going."
"The purpose of life is how do we channel that reality into our structured existence."
"I have not created the jinn and mankind except to worship Me."
"That we might know God and His love, and that we might share God in His love, that's the purpose of life."
"The purpose of life is pretty obvious. We are constantly trying to create and repair a world that our minds want to be in."