
Release Quotes

There are 7331 quotes

"Don't hold on to anything that does not serve you. Just let it go. There's something greater, something better taking its place."
"Release those people or they're forcing you to release those certain people because now is the time to focus on your life purpose."
"If you release things, new things can come into your life."
"Honor your emotions, feel them, and release them."
"For Allah, I will forgive, for Allah I will let it go."
"In releasing you, I free myself. And in freeing myself, I call in better experiences, higher partnerships, better opportunities."
"You can't ascend in energy if you're holding on to all of this unprocessed emotional baggage."
"A time for healing... it's a powerful, very beautiful sacred time to release things that don't serve you."
"It's time to release old energies, it's time to express what needs to be expressed."
"The best way to speed up these manifestations and the best way to come into yourself is to release what is no longer serving you."
"Anything that is held on too tight, practicing releasing that is the most transformative experience."
"It's Christmas! Stardew Valley 1.6 has released, and in this video, we're going to pop into the game and see as much content as we can."
"Letting something go, letting go, so I think Six of Swords, think Eight of Cups, releasing, moving on to something better."
"I didn't just conceive a child but I raised the child and now I'm setting the child free in the world."
"Now, imagine any old energy, any old emotions that you don't prefer to feel. Imagine them flowing out of your body by going out of your heels."
"The full moon is a time of completion, of culmination, of things coming to a peak, to a close. It is also a time of release, of letting go, of things coming to an end."
"This person is letting go and releasing fear."
"To heal, you have to release. So release it to God, your frustrations, your anger, your resentment. Put it all on the table."
"It's time for you to express yourself. There's a lot of emotion here that just really needs to get out."
"Release which you have been carrying and lighten up, new joy is on the way."
"I release that which does not serve my higher purpose with gratitude and love."
"It's sad to see them go, but it's for the best. Out in the wild, they can contribute to the population and the ecosystem."
"Let's release them outside, those poor little critters. How nice!"
"Garner the strength to let go, to allow for that release."
"Just let go. Thank you for sharing your time, your energy, and your practice. Good job. Namaste."
"Forgiveness is about releasing people... it's about letting them go and releasing them into the hand of God."
"Shed everything that does not resonate with your end goal, releasing the negative patterns and stepping into a feeling of patience and willpower."
"The story of Jonah's whale may be carrying a simple message: 'a man who sins is consumed by darkness, and a man who begs forgiveness shall be released from darkness.'"
"I'm gonna let go of this whole world that I'm in. I was so excited."
"This full moon is about healing on a deep emotional level, releasing pain, and allowing you to let go of what no longer serves you."
"Throw up that sort of desire, that wish, like they are the cups into the sky."
"The important point was that if hima's false identity continued to hold up, he could expect to be released after a few weeks or months, perhaps earlier."
"Forgiveness is letting go every time the memory occurs."
"I release all of the contracts from the past, all of the pain, all of the regret and in releasing these contracts with people, with situations, with myself, I free myself."
"The sooner you release it, the more they can start to come to you."
"An incredible moment of releasing birds back into the wild."
"Their plan was to take her in, get her healthy, and release her back home to the ocean."
"We have two new games coming out: Minecraft Dungeons and Minecraft Earth."
"League of Legends Origins on Netflix right now."
"Letting go is the next big change; dropping that weight you've been carrying."
"Modern Warfare 2 was released worldwide on November 10, 2009, for PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, and PC and it received universal critical acclaim."
"Get on there, you know, the game came out in 2015."
"They're leaving behind those worries, the things that have kept them kind of bound, the things that have kept them in anxiety."
"We continue to call for the swift release of those peaceful protesters... who have been unjustly."
"Releasing and letting go of things is actually very beneficial in many ways."
"It's time to move forwards and letting go will make way for the new."
"Expeditions Rome will be releasing on the 20th of January as well bringing back a series that has laid dormant since 2017."
"What is it that we are trying to release and let go of? All right, I've got mine. Are you ready? We are going to actually fold these sheets of paper and we are going to tear them up."
"So we're going to tear these up, everyone, and we're going to toss these up into the air and just let them go."
"I held on more and more gently till I was just holding on with my fingertips. And then I just let go, flying around the sun with the spaceship."
"It's time to release the things that no longer serve us. Purge what's holding you back and embrace expansion."
"Metroid remake remaster is coming out this year."
"Someone's going to make a freaking decision, whether it's a decision to be together, a decision to release something, to have something with you guys or release a grudge, release some sort of resentment."
"Jesus our beloved savior beckons us to release our worries and cares to Step Beyond the confines of self-centeredness and to live for him."
"I think releasing it is a huge healing um a healing process for me and it's me letting go of that version of myself."
"I release any beliefs that no longer assist my soul's growth."
"It's time to walk away from anything in your life that has left you feeling stagnant."
"You'll it'll be the code for day one which is mw37..."
"At this time, it's probably better to let go."
"This is a time to make way for better things, okay, and releasing anything that hinders you."
"Windjammers 2, a hand-drawn animated sports game, launches on January 20th."
"They wish they could release this and have fulfillment with you."
"I'm glad that this set finally came out for witch doctors."
"You're releasing this energy and yeah, like I said before, a lot of people think very highly of you."
"You don't know what is waiting for you until you let go of what is holding you back."
"This calling is your Soul's way of signaling that it's time to shed the old, to release what no longer serves you, and to embrace the unknown with open arms."
"How much are you willing to let go of and relinquish in order to change your life?"
"Let her go, let her go now, be healed now in Jesus' name."
"Now is the time to release the pain, it's time to surrender."
"We actually get some gameplay before the release date."
"Nirvana is the sigh of relief, the expiration or desperation, in other words, the giving up of the attempt to clutch at life."
"Release attachments with streams of grace, allowing healing energy to flow."
"Let go. It's teaching you to let go for real, for real."
"I'm just really excited today because this is the first day that my book is released. This is it, the reality revolution worked on this for a very long time."
"Don’t waste time hoping for something to happen. Do your work and then put it out in the world and let the world take care of it."
"In order to untie from a karmic cycle, the first step is to make a decision and do not waver, period. End of discussion."
"That's manifestation 101 right there. You know you want it really bad, then you can't have it, and the minute you let go of it and say never mind, I don't need that, that's when it comes chasing you."
"The tower says shake up the energy Aquarius, let go of whatever is crumbling, let it fall, let yourself have that epiphany moment."
"After months of begging and pleading, we finally have a release date for God of War Ragnarok."
"Your blessings are on the way... release what you've been carrying and lighten up."
"The time is right to release old patterns and energies; you are ready to embrace change."
"Once you let it go, something new will come."
"Long run they are releasing codependency and judgment—it's the weight off their shoulders."
"Success can come to you by letting go of something."
"Release your control and use your incredible power to heal magic."
"All attachments are being divinely released."
"The only way to get past this stuff is to let it go, and the only way I think to let it go is to say, I'm gonna do and believe that which moves me towards my goals."
"Love means letting go of what we want to hold on to the most."
"You deserve more, you're worthy of more, and it's time for you now to release."
"13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim arrives on the Nintendo Switch today, offering a mesmerizing narrative."
"His greatest hits album is out today it's a new single an album - called jungle with features my cousin is on that road."
"CD Projekt RED has all of this mapped out and the plan is for things to really, I guess, explode later this month."
"I see a brand new music video from Big Bang, I can't believe I'm seeing this."
"When you let go of the things that have been anchoring you down not only are you gonna become so much more free but you're gonna see yourself with brand new eyes."
"You're releasing what doesn't serve you any longer and you're moving on."
"The newest Dragon Ball game is coming... it's finally coming."
"Your past must have taught you the wrong messages... release anything that keeps you from peace in your life."
"Release and have faith because there's something better."
"Blood Hunt is coming to Steam early access on September 7th. It is going to be free to play."
"March 19th, 1990, that was an exciting day for the burgeoning black swarm as it marked the release of Depeche Mode's seventh album, Violator."
"They're releasing you but still not being able to completely release you."
"After releasing the family from their trance-like state, the aliens left."
"They weren't released professionally until 1997."
"Release is really key to allowing your gifts to grow."
"The key is letting go of what no longer serves."
"Overall, my feelings towards our western release so far are positive."
"Trust and release what no longer serves you."
"There's so much emotional energy and build up, it just wants to be let go."
"Relink will be releasing worldwide on the PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5 and PC in 2023."
"Releasing what's not bringing peace leads to blessings and recouping what's lost."
"Let go of what no longer serves and let spirit do the work."
"Let that go, and I think that is so, so, so powerful."
"Releasing what is no longer serving you to create new space, new things for you."
"Release the burden, make way for new beginnings."
"Love yourself enough to let go of what no longer serves you."
"Having the courage to let go of the struggle, having the courage to let go of pride and open yourself up to this new opportunity."
"You're releasing that in order to be free from it finally."
"Let go of that pain, let go of that resentment. It's killing you from the inside."
"This is a release card, the judgment. It's like rising above something, rising above previous beliefs and expectations."
"The prisons are collapsing and the prisoners are about to be released."
"Take a rest this week with healing energies. Say goodbye to things that once held you back."
"By the end of the film, Maverick has seemingly let all of it go."
"We are letting go in a serious way of something that is just too damn serious."
"Release and let go of things that need to end."
"You're releasing a situation that's been dragging you down and not fulfilling you basically."
"Shake it off energetically, leave it behind in the last year and let it go."
"In a stunning move, court overturns Michelle Ludzinski's murder conviction, setting stage for her release."
"Release what you cannot control; welcome stress-free days into your life."
"After years of being essentially locked in the Nintendo vault, Samus has finally been let out."
"Release it, how can God touch your situation when you're holding on to it?"
"Development on Pokémon Red and Green was finally completed after six years, with the games releasing in Japan on February 27, 1996."
"If Thompson and Venables are safe to be released, then it's time to let them out."
"Releasing all that energy... being patient, beautiful, powerful."
"It's time to release the baggage, it's a willing release."
"It's an energy of purging, releasing, letting go of people that no longer serve you."
"It's a lot of work, but it's definitely moving on energy letting something go."
"Infinite is 100% launching this year. It's not getting delayed."
"A lot of cancers trust the universe and let it wash away all that didn't serve you."
"I'm officially one week away from the release of launch sequence."
"You're trying to release something toxic that was holding you back."
"This is about opening yourself up by letting go of things that don't serve."
"Release what no longer serves you to make space for what the universe has in store."
"Out of the old, in with the new. That could be just a way of thinking. It could be that you know you're releasing anything that no longer serves you."
"You're being encouraged to let go of any judgments and expectations."
"It is time to surrender and let go. It's time to set yourself free from the old restraints and allow a new fresh energy into your world."
"Unleash that seed. Let it go into the world." - Speaker
"Be okay with the chaotic nature... let it go."
"Release all of the trauma and the judgment within you that is accumulated from lies and betrayals."
"We're less than two weeks away from PS5 actually coming out."
"A RPG fans will want to buy this day 1 and enjoy the multiplayer wave at its finest."
"You're releasing all the back baggage and just coming into a very focused, magnetic, and charming energy."
"The day of Elden Ring is finally at hand, and I've got to say it looks incredible."
"Releasing drydock, releasing the ability to build, releasing factions to fight, releasing places to go."
"It's better to burn it up now than carry it the rest of your life."
"It's coming out in 2021 and it's releasing on PC, PS4, Xbox One, and the pro versions of those consoles as well as PS5 and Xbox Series X."
"Release the control and allow spirit to guide us."
"I release what no longer serves my happiness, health, and peace of mind."
"This is the year that the Cyber truck arrives."
"It's time to let all of this go, challenges, blocks, fears, negativity, betrayal."
"Here, I've been stuck in there for years, but I'm out now. I'm finally out, finally free."
"Lighten up that energy. There's some things that you can let go. You don't need to carry everything with you."
"Continue to have the courage to release whatever is weighing you down or no longer serving you."
"Release your ego, release your fears, divine masculines."
"Release whatever is uh whatever that pressure is on you right now."
"Manifesting courage, fresh starts, and letting go."
"We know deep down we need to release and let go of things in our life that are no longer in alignment with ourselves and who we are becoming."
"Release any beliefs that no longer assist in my soul's growth." - Archangel invocation
"We will make Unravel Two available to everyone today."
"You're getting over something that was not good for you in the first place."
"Release, you will get so much more in return."
"Dance because it will shift you into a beautiful state. Fear lives in the head, but dancing is the gateway to freedom."
"You can't control the reception of your creative work, you just have to accept that once you've created it and put it out there into the world, it's not yours anymore."
"I know, my dad just texted me, he told me that it's officially out for everyone."
"So after nine long years Cyberpunk 2077 finally released... it also has a boatload of Easter eggs too."
"But wait, there is more! Final Fantasy 7 will release right now, go buy on the eShop, shadow drops and I..."
"I came to do one thing: to tell you that you're released."
"This person is coming in and they're gonna be really playful because they finally let go of something."
"GTA was released a year before Body Harvest in October 1997... it soon became the game, everyone - myself included - needed to have."
"Success lies in releasing the things that do not work and moving towards the things that have more potential for blossoming."
"Release anything that is an illusion or causing fear."
"Butt rock choruses are sheer, cathartic releases."
"This stands as being probably the most unique thing they've actually released so far due to two major things."
"Breaking ties: release what does not serve you, new beginnings."
"Choose freedom through forgiveness, releasing old patterns."
"You have to have the ability to let them go, to release them."
"I'm hyped for Frontiers, today was a great day."
"Animal Crossing or as it was known in its original Japanese only Nintendo 64 release animal forest"
"Thank the higher powers that be and just say thank you for all the lessons you presented to me, especially the difficult ones. I no longer need those in my life."
"I just feel it matters that you're here and then somehow you're released from here."
"Focus your thoughts on desired outcomes. Release worries and regrets."
"Whatever your thorns are or have been, be willing to deal with them, to face them, and most importantly, to release them..."
"FIFA 18's global launch day on September 29th. Starting then, Ones to Watch will be available."
"But then they just let it go. It was painful, painful."
"Releases enormous sums of money for humanitarian purposes."
"Release date for this game is sometime in 2024."
"Release what no longer serves you. New beginnings are being presented to you."
"Release and let it go. Fill yourself up and allow everything to grow."
"It's okay if you need to let go of something."
"Let go of anything that is no longer serving you, anything that is no longer feeding your energy."
"Sometimes you need to take the action of releasing partnerships and even friendships that aren't fully respectful to your sovereignty and your spirituality."