
Tactics Quotes

There are 2492 quotes

"To motivate someone, one of the best tactics is to tell meaningful stories."
"We are gonna start charging with this Mephitic Blight-hauler here."
"Are the tactics we have in place effective? That's the most important question."
"You need more scare tactics... We've run out of macroaggressions."
"And so once you start to recognize the tactics that people will use to silence you, you can stand up for yourself better."
"You may call it sneaky, but I call it self-preservation."
"He's got the Elite Army tactics that's come through; the samurai have got their upgrades, and that's what matters."
"You will never destroy the master's house with the master's tools."
"Tactics help them defeat numerically superior enemy forces and secure almost impossible objectives."
"They were ready for it; they knew that this was the end, and that officer with a textbook, a textbook pit maneuver at the end of this pursuit."
"Nomad's ability thrives on flank watch and on runouts."
"You have to separate the person from their tactics, and you will learn that what this person did work for them, and the tactic itself has no good or bad meaning in itself."
"We're not the same. We don't attack at night because it's bad lighting."
"Strategy without tactics is the slowest route to victory. Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat." - Sun Tzu
"What I think is so great about this battle is not just the result, but how each side pitted itself against the other so brilliantly."
"Disruption is a key tactic for this army for two main reasons: one, it can slow the enemy army down, giving you more time to blast them with your firepower; and two, it could give you a chance to pull the enemy apart a bit, making them more manageable."
"You do get more flies with honey than vinegar."
"The best way to deal with an attack on the flank is to counter-attack in the center."
"Good tactics is also the concept of de-escalation."
"It's a tactic for the beautiful game. This is for the connoisseur."
"The game has become a lot more tactical, and I think that it makes it a lot more interesting."
"These previous issues haven't prevented the helicopter from becoming integral to just about every modern military's doctrine and tactics."
"Kenobi wasn't some unstoppable force come to crush you into the dust; rather, he was a ghost come to undermine you before you even realized you've lost."
"Now is a good time to push back because as far as I can see, so many of these tactics and measures are on the horizon."
"Interesting approach to divide and conquer like that."
"It's never a good idea in war to do exactly what your enemy wants you to do. That's called losing."
"Queen takes e4... sacrificing the queen for a rook and a piece."
"They were panicking, nervous, they needed a huge distraction and they're pushing this distraction."
"One of the worst massacres to occur in the Seerah."
"Instakill that itself isn't very good but when enemies are frightened it's guaranteed to insta kill them."
"Retracements after strength: a constant focus and the basis of a lot of our trading tactics."
"We must resist resorting to the same tactics as our ideological opponents."
"Tactical Warfare is what you do in battle strategical Warfare is what you do in a war"
"The taxes the word we get tactics from the organization the discipline of these barbarians doesn't look very Barbarian to me."
"To carry on a war for the overthrow of the international bourgeoisie... and to renounce any change in tactic or any utilization of a conflict of interests amongst one's enemies is ridiculous in the extreme."
"I like to draw cards. The best part of magic."
"Novo-Donetsk region, a Russian column moves towards Ukrainian positions. One of the tanks explodes. What do you think destroyed it? You'd be surprised."
"Hero with a decisive Adept timing keeping control of the game."
"Efficiency always wins and savagery is extremely efficient."
"Executing strategies can allow you to take down armies orders of magnitude larger than your own."
"Having to constantly maneuver and flank and sneak around, because they lose a stand-up fight gives you a lot to do."
"A little bit of tactics, a little less passion. Keep your heads. We can win this."
"Wow, he had this in his hand the whole time."
"Getting kills while prone is very easy but annoying challenge."
"I'd actually like to arm us with very specific tactics and tools to get our finances thriving."
"He needs to fool people who would like to support him."
"Let's hit where they're going, not where they've come from."
"Switching to your pistol is always faster than reloading."
"Scouts are just so damn good at capturing units."
"This is the best way to win an argument. Just like when they say something, you just look at them and like turn your head sideways and go 'Do you have a lazy eye?'"
"When you are severely outmatched, you gotta make sure you get in a haymaker when the ref isn't looking."
"How do you make it better against the captain, how do you make it better against the Fallen Walker?"
"G2 changes the formula and speeds up to that B bomb site, and Navi were not ready."
"How are you supposed to fight someone that you can't even turn the corner?"
"Every time I hit Q, we're getting a health pack off of our passive. I will take that."
"When they descend into personal abuse, you know you've won the argument."
"Tactics are your first line of defense, but armor is meant to give you that extra edge to help you survive."
"An odd weakness, but a useful one for heroes to exploit while trying to defeat this wily character."
"You could definitely one shot them with the m1 combo."
"His tactical skill compensating for his lack of number wherever there was a hole he would plug it."
"She pulls out the clutch move of poking him in his stab wound."
"You have to come in defensively, you have to come in blocking everything."
"If you ever find yourself in a fair fight, it's all because your tactics suck."
"Space Marines Terminator squads hit on twos with bolt with discipline and re-rolling ones."
"Using the same army every single time may even work but then you have to change up the deployment."
"Tactically stupid but strategically fantastic."
"It wasn't about player performance, you know anybody who knows anything about football knows that was about tactics." - "It wasn't about player performance."
"I think I'm getting the hang of this game. I kind of have to like keep him going back and forth between these rooms."
"Their maneuverability will be compromised and no longer will they enjoy the tactical advantage of superior height."
"Lee was everywhere on the battlefield... a masterful tactician."
"If they're able to play proper lurks, find opening picks, and play progressives..."
"The Omen smokes are lovely for them to take more aggressive Kam all up towards kitchen."
"This is just winning, rookie one is probably winning too."
"They might do the same thing except for opposite."
"perennially the player who's been at the tip-top of it of the ladder has been the Viper this is a guy who's known for his really aggressive tactics relentlessly attacking he's a beautiful beautiful defender as well"
"A lot of people have got a desire to be a bit tactically minded on some level."
"Strategy and tactics: your army will gain the final victory."
"That is the way that you actually win, and Republicans, conservatives have shown that they can win when they actually follow that rule."
"Stall forces you to make offensive plays to break through."
"Alpha Star so cheesy now... cheesing is the way to victory."
"It's easy to argue that being the one pushing into your opponent actually makes you less susceptible to ganks if you play well."
"It's possible he ends up like Bernie, and if he got the power by being edgy and online and trolling while also talking about issues, that's a win."
"It's a complete scapegoat and an old tactic."
"It's ironic that at the same time we say we're in a global struggle against autocracy and authoritarianism, that we increasingly are embracing authoritarian tactics at home."
"Novices argue tactics, professionals plan logistics."
"Remember the rock-paper-scissors logic of warfare: every unit has its counter."
"I figured to myself, if we're playing a format where I can decide where you have to attack, this is insane."
"The key to winning asymmetric wars is to use your enemies' advantages against them."
"It's all about tactics really, you know? Like, if you're good at PvP, you'll be good at Bed Wars, but you can take down the whole team if you're very tactical."
"Trying to parse it tactically is important... what they're doing is tactical."
"They hit you with everything... just to make you feel exhausted."
"It's like all of a sudden every front started getting taken."
"Picking apart the enemy a little bit at a time is crucial when you're outpowered."
"Using it should basically change the way a player approaches encounters."
"Gambits: Sacrifice material early for faster development."
"Activity: Control squares on your opponent's side."
"Tactics: Forcing sequences of moves to gain advantage."
"All Raindog wants to do is run away from you. You're gonna see Raindog over here and then once you start fighting him, Raindog is over here. Does that remind you of anyone?"
"He was particularly good at reading people, making people feel like they were the most important person in the room, and capitalizing on surprise with the defense."
"Fantastic fight. I mean, obviously a very tactical battle between the two of you. I'm just curious, you know, kind of how you felt things were going over the course of the fight because you were down on the cards going into that last round."
"This worked, it preys on people's preconceived notions."
"He cannot figure out how to break the hands and stop what Johnny elin's doing every time he gets to a position where he gets himself back to his feet."
"They will do anything by any means necessary to stop Donald Trump."
"When you absolutely, positively have to kill every zed in the room, spray-and-pray should certainly do the trick."
"I tried using combat vehicles but in the end the pusher and a bunch of evasive maneuvers got me the trophy pretty easily"
"So crafty, so boxing savvy, trying every trick in the book."
"Every situation is different, but the vast majority of the time in the opening, you want to bring the bishops and knights out and castle as fast as you can."
"So, they took their time. I take back. Okay, now they're attacking my pawn. Amazing! I mean, honestly, just amazing stuff, really just showing the levels."
"How do they end up in that spot where they're getting just hardcore flanked?"
"He's using feints, he's faking his opponent out, and that's going to set up those sneaky shots, those knees up the middle."
"Too many people are dwelling on what they're losing without understanding that those same tactics make them win."
"The horse archer, when used properly, could be the master of the medieval battlefield."
"Quick reverse speed: effective for shooting scoot tactics."
"Keep moving and repositioning the more that you can keep moving the more you keep your enemy guessing."
"Cover is crucial here. You always have to keep track of where you have cover."
"If you want to play with pace and at the same time not be too narrow, stretch the opponent out defensively, this could be the formation for you."
"Trust me, these tactics are amazing, they got me 20 and0 on the main account and a 19 and1 on the RTG."
"Your goal should be to use the slash until he starts to get uncomfortable."
"Deadpool practiced a clever marketing tactic."
"I'm pretty sure you're Invincible to choo choo Charles guys so this myth is confirmed you can actually get on top of your train."
"You have to know how to clear as fast as possible."
"If you're a blue side, then you just get that level asap and just look for a play."
"Always starting camps like on x-champion depends on matchups."
"Formation and tactics are the fundamental keys to success in FIFA."
"In the Sicilian Defense, it's all about pawn breaks and space advantage."
"Solenski's unconventional tactics have led to his being one of history's most recognizable heroes."
"It's time to rise up, to force accountability, using a diversity of tactics."
"Lay down the law, give them the price, and then try and close the sale."
"Constantly disrespect my opponents... until they prove to me otherwise."
"Dolphins should have pack tactics, that's what they do."
"There's a lot of fun to the tactics of this game."
"Firepower is always a combination of mindset, tactics, and technology."
"Avoid just pushing the front lines and also try and make encirclements as you go."
"Failed breach? No, this is good. That's a fake door, he's in there."
"Always accuse your opponent of what it is you're doing."
"It's an awesome amalgamation of what's basically a choose-your-own-adventure alongside a really solid tactics engine and great storytelling."
"People won't expect it when you mill them out, so you should know about it."
"Edge and Christian were at times ridiculous and ruthless."
"Playing an idol on yourself or your ally is about the most basic defensive move you can get."
"For one party-controlled administration to target the head of another party using such protective and abusive tactics is destabilizing."
"The reality of air combat was the swooping ambush, the bounce, hitting sudden, hard, and fast."
"Maintain the upper hand, don't let any manipulation tactics they try to throw at you."
"I don't know if this player is good or not, so I kinda wanna keep him alive to distract the good player, and then I can kinda third party that."
"Jan puts his knight on c5 so the bishop has to chop, and Jan's got a very nice advantage."
"A unit of aggressors with shock assault has 21 attacks."
"Every move is calculated to gain psychological and tactical advantage."
"It's not just a tactical victory, it's a strategic one."
"That's a very beautiful little tactical shot from Hikaru there."
"One of the most beautiful tactics I have ever seen."
"He's got to cinch in too, look at pulling back now... great behind the legs."
"Natural moves like bringing the rooks over in these positions can be very dangerous to the coming threats."
"In chess, you get one move, and your opponent gets to move after that."
"The pressure is firm but respectful, it's not calling him corrupt or anything."
"One of the best twist tactics is disguising foreshadowing as something else."
"A brutal down air there, one of the things that we talked about earlier."
"Tactics and strategies open up... become unpredictable."
"Hard-hitting character, that's what you want to exploit."
"The only real save for them is to simply be honest, be honest with what the whole tactic was."
"He said, 'I'm super tired of these 600 damage combos, let me get the most health in the game.'"
"Style of football that's even more evident and clear as day. It's just so obvious."
"She's the best tank counter, she can two shot."
"He will have an impact because in a back three he can arrive late into the midfield to create chances."
"Doing something even if it's kind of covert to get them to start telling it in reverse is the best way to catch that kind of lie."
"This was one of my favorite games of the year, very strong tactics game, a brilliant role-playing game, one of the better written better voice actor games I've played in a while."
"In short ranges, it's much, much harder to dodge."
"For the practical and the most combat scenarios, I think the short distances are most practical."
"Traps should be the ones that go off first before a gunfight happens."
"Good ways to isolate yourself from angles are to stay near walls."
"The way that Ventus will has been playing so far, essentially capitalizing off of some guy's play off the ledge."
"Suggestion may be an effective way to brute force your way into an answer."
"The best time to manipulate somebody is when they're emotionally volatile."
"And now, we're basically just driving these bastards down."
"Fighting Lion can shoot over the barricade and still do some splash damage which is nutty."
"So if they want to camp behind a wall or something I'm just going to do this."
"Sometimes the best form of defense is attack."
"It allows for stealthier play and a better opportunity to pull off flanks, plus you know when you spotted now due to a recent mechanic addition."
"Operating independently in little self-escorting groups."
"Cycling those units out like that will keep your troops a little fresher than they would have been."
"The lonesome sidearm is a member of the precision family, meaning if you get two head shots and two body shots on an enemy in PvP you'll be achieving the optimal time to kill in point seven seconds."
"I like to use the first turn just to fall back, in all honesty."
"We want this to be a MOBA that's easy to pick up with friends with a high ceiling for mastery."
"He absolutely controlled midfield, swept in some nice balls."
"He timed his nade perfectly every time... just basic blinting hand Cannon stuff."
"The way they combat that is they open up a much wider front."
"The only way to stand above everyone else is to make sure everyone else is sinking even faster."
"A character's best move is most likely to be their neutral air or their neutral special."
"Having a teammate get knocked is tough. You can kind of play this though by faking a revive."
"There will be dirty, nasty War crimey tricks."
"He liked dangling pieces of information so that they chased it and then he didn't give them any more."
"Sometimes you just gotta boost into the air out of cover, hover, and start raining down death on those weak point heads."
"The best way to beat zone is by flooding it."
"Having a long-term strategy is part of what we can do."
"To win a war, it's not just about defeating armies in the battlefield."
"What Trump's campaign did whether it was on purpose or an accident was brilliant I'm not talking about policy I'm talking about strategy and politics."
"Non-committal engages are so powerful in competitive play."
"Liverpool corner, short corner, something maybe off the training pitch."
"We'll just get right in there and just kind of give him one of those."
"Sora's got a bag of tricks and nobody else has really awkward tricks. That's what I'm saying."
"We're a horrible team to play against right now, really horrible." - Chelsea pundit