
Comics Quotes

There are 5420 quotes

"Captain America was made as World War II propaganda during the Great Depression."
"Good grief, what's next? Why, it's 'Peanuts' by illustrator Charles M. Schulz."
"The original show is like one of the best long-form adaptations of comics period."
"There's a story where Thanos meets Kang, and it's kind of a cool thing."
"Wonder Woman from Justice League... she's pretty great."
"Sinestro Corps War was basically the first stage in this grand Green Lantern epic by Geoff Johns."
"The Green Lanterns themselves have Mogo, and Mogo... is just a giant planet with a Green Lantern ring."
"Sinestro Corps war was amazing, but it only gets better from here."
"I just want to give a shout out to our mate Josh over at Den of Nerds, who's just launched a Kickstarter for his graphic novel, Unity."
"The Comics Code... is just a response to fear, fear that the art people consume has the power to show them new, uncomfortable ideas."
"All the reasons for Galactus being a cosmic necessity have changed over the years."
"The Ultimates' goal is to basically face off against threats that most people can't deal with."
"The idea behind The Ultimates is to have them face threats from across the multiverse that threaten the main Marvel earth-616 reality."
"What I wanted to do here is have a discussion about Marvel's first black superhero, the Blue Marvel, Adam Brashear."
"In an effort to rectify this, Griffo sought to create a black superhero that could sit at the table with Superman, Martian Manhunter, Shazam, and The Sentry, and hold his own."
"Blue Marvel is asked to step down from his role as a superhero, a decision that hints at a complex interplay of power, race, and responsibility."
"Spoiler's pregnancy storyline is famous. It occurred in 1998 and was praised for realism and the audacity to tackle such a topic in comics."
"Some comic fans may say that the Hulk is the strongest there is; those people have not met the Maestro."
"The Hulk's most consistent and deadly enemy is himself."
"Joker is my favorite DC villain of all time, favorite. He might be my favorite comic book villain of all time."
"This is an insanely great story because it deals with two different things: one, it deals with the daughter of Harley Quinn, and two, it deals with Damian Wayne."
"Nova, Richard Ryder, was a Terran recruited by Roman Day of Xandar...and he chooses him to carry on the banner of the elite Nova Corps Squad, giving him the power of the Nova Force and the Xandarian Worldmind."
"Created by writer George Gladir and artist Dan De Carlo, Sabrina was originally meant to be a one-off character."
"The Green Goblin isn't an alternate personality; he's not a different version of Norman Osborne, but a different side of him."
"Green Lanterns have to overcome their fear in order to be Green Lanterns."
"The Justice League is not the Titans, the Justice League is not the Teen Titans... the Justice League is the premier team of DC Comics, the premiere protectors of the planet Earth."
"Jessica Cruz was the one who acted to save people; she was the one that acted to save the world."
"The stories here would and could be read by children, yes, but they were really the first to start using the art form of comics to market to adults in America."
"The iconic part of the beginning of this book is the return of Barry Allen."
"A book can be anything. A novel can have any type of story whatsoever... It's the same thing in comics."
"As a child who grew up loving and reading comic books... seeing a depiction of what looks like my face on the cover of a comic... it's more than a dream come true."
"Event comics can sometimes be political, such as the massively popular Civil War, which had Iron Man and Captain America fighting over civil rights."
"Gerber was on top of the world with Howard the Duck in 1977."
"Thank you so much for watching, and until then, keep reading comics."
"He's the closest you know interpretation of the comics version of the Joker that truly actually felt realistic and tangible."
"I want to point out too that it's funny, like it's funny the way it should be; it's funny in the way a Spider-Man comic should be funny."
"I contain multitudes, but a lot of them are superhero comics."
"Apocalypse is, for all intents and purposes, the very first mutant ever."
"The Incredible Hulk becomes the Herald of Galactus and presumably goes about the universe doing whatever it is he does."
"I've been reading Marvel Comics for 20 something years. A huge bulk of that has been the X-Men."
"Peter Parker eventually came across the venom symbiote not knowing what it was, thinking it was a suit."
"Every once in a while we have to read crazy insane comics because they help to keep us grounded."
"Like all good superheroes, Marvel and DC each have their own origin story about how they went from humble comic book publishers to pop culture icons."
"According to DC co-publisher Dan DiDio, the rivalry is business and not personal."
"What's the Joker's true name? ... This is where the whole story of the Three Jokers came from."
"In 'The Dark Knight' Frank Miller's graphic novel, we see an older Batman who's retired following the death of his Robin. Of course, he's dragged back into action, he takes back to the streets, and kicks some serious ass."
"Greetings, comic lovers, and welcome back to Casually Comics, the channel where we chat all things comics."
"If you're a Batman person, a Ninja Turtle person, or especially both, this is surprisingly a kick-ass team up to check out."
"He's a Batman villain whose sole problem is control... or the lack of control... stunts Mr Freeze and leaves him in limbo."
"For years, Groot has been in the comics, but somebody actually had to, before there was a James Gunn involved, one of the artists had to be like, 'What would Groot look like for real?'"
"A good Batman story or a good DC comic story - that's what I really love more than anything."
"Welcome back true believers and all you spectacular spy fans."
"I especially like that Magneto teams up with the X-Men and he's gone from cartoonishly over-the-top villain to the X-Men's sassy gay uncle."
"It's easy to forget that comics were never really about politics and most great comics just wanted to make the world better."
"The Vulture is one of the better villains in the Marvel Universe."
"Plot-wise, this is easily the most interesting place the Knuckles comic has ever been."
"Justice League the sixth dimension is probably one of the coolest stories to come out of DC Comics for like a long time."
"Stan Lee is one of the biggest names in comic book history."
"Without Stan Lee, who knows where it would be today."
"What you have here in the form of the Incredible Hulk is quite literally a gift. Use it."
"Manga and Comics are just the same thing. Ultimately, they're the same thing. A couple of pictures in sequential order telling a story."
"Manga means all kinds of comics. It's not just manga, comics made in Japan or made in a certain set."
"I’ve barely scratched the surface, so I wanna hear what cool stories you remember from them."
"This is an introduction to the wild and wacky world of Simpsons Comics."
"There is just so much cool content hidden away in these, so many silly fourth-wall breaking jokes and surreal situations."
"It’s whacky. It’s cool. It’s fun. It’s Archie Sonic, baby."
"He just writes Batman in a really awesome way. The mythos, how cool and unstoppable he comes across, and you know, just how interesting he focuses on the training and things a lot more than others."
"Prominent shot where the George Washington Bridge appears." - A foreshadowing of events to come, drawing from the comics' tragic history.
"Cyclops should be the leader of the X-Men like he is in the comics."
"It's really the notion that the Hulk and Banner have a very dysfunctional relationship."
"Even if Thor actually aims for the head this time, it might not be enough to take Thanos down once and for all."
"In many ways, Tony and Thanos have had similar journeys over their histories in the MCU."
"Having Steve stand by while Tony sacrifices himself would be pretty much one of the saddest things ever."
"He puts everything into making Spider-Man great."
"Avengers Secret Wars is going to follow the template of the other Secret Wars comics." - A glimpse into the future of the MCU, hinting at a grand and cataclysmic event.
"He's so popular that it barely gets mentioned that he's nothing like the classic character from the comics."
"Robert Kirkman's The Walking Dead comic series is by far one of the most successful creator-owned comics of all time, if not the most successful."
"This is the story you tell when you do the New Mutants story."
"This is the equivalent of like the purple man to Jessica Jones and then the importance of the arc is like the Dark Phoenix saga in the x-men stories."
"Watchmen started off as a silly ass superhero story but what I eventually came to the conclusion of about Watchmen was the most important thing in it was it structured."
"Doomsday's comic book origin is expletive insane."
"Flash Thompson, yes, the same Flash Thompson that gave Peter Parker wedgies after class in high school. When Flash bonded with Venom, he became a soldier for the government and operated as Agent Venom."
"Hawks stands as one of the best characters in the whole of hero akka."
"Clea essentially elevated women from just being damsels in distress."
"The Dark Dimension is not simply just a place where Dormammu resides."
"Dormammu and Umar are beings of pure magical energy."
"Clea's character progression from damsel in distress to holding her own."
"Stephen Strange's power grew four times over."
"Clea becomes wildly capable practitioner of magic."
"Clea defeats her mom to become ruler of the dark dimension."
"Stephen Strange and Clea had a very personal connection."
"Mark starts the show feeling as vulnerable as we do reading a comic."
"The second issue of the book quickly establishes that Amy is still all googly-eyed for Sonic the Hedgehog and is terrifyingly effective with a hammer."
"It's kind of like the DC versus Marvel crossover, you get Superman and Thor on the same screen at the same time. It's very nice."
"Doom is definitely going to be a major force within the MCU when he is introduced."
"Watch out Avengers, you may be getting a new teammate real soon. Yeah, it's me Deadpool, and I got an offer that you can't refuse."
"To bring her back and to take that character from the comics, it's just a beautiful progression."
"Just at some point during the movie just say thank you Jack Kirby and Stan Lee."
"When kids can see themselves in the pages of a Marvel comic, I mean wow."
"That one shot... iconic shot from the comics... a thing of beauty."
"I hope to see you soon and until then keep reading comics."
"Steve Ditko was the major source of inspiration when it came to the idea of Spider-Man."
"I think comics have been ruined by storylines like infinity war."
"What Marvel and DC always end up doing is they have some big comic book event."
"There's just too many. In other words, she's saying there's an oversaturation of comic book material right now."
"Start making comics and publish them online."
"He's really the quintessential Marvel Comics villain."
"Metron has basically seen the collapse and rebirth of universes, and he's seen all these events take place, and so he's essentially the keeper of all knowledge."
"The lasso of truth works regardless of who's ensnared inside of it, whether they're from the native reality that Wonder Woman happens to be in or a different reality. It's all the same thing."
"Wonder Woman is successful in lifting the hammer of Thor."
"At the end of the day, you know, what I got is a classic Marvel character introduced."
"Absolute carnage was supposed to be like the definitive carnage story right like the greatest carnage story ever told."
"Galactus is basically just like steamrolling the most powerful characters that we've ever seen in a Doctor Strange comic."
"Doctor Strange going back to the path of being alone going back to the passages of it just being him and nobody else is intriguing here it's really really interesting."
"Shazam is such a fun character, he's all about wish fulfillment."
"He is easily one of the most formidable characters in all of comic books."
"I found comics through superhero movies." - Kyle Higgins
"The Ultimate Universe was the answer to the question: What would happen if superheroes basically came into existence right now?"
"Spawn is a necroplasmic being birthed from Hell. The only thing that is human in spawn is the heart that originally belonged to Simmons."
"The Marvel Universe is the world outside your window."
"They're gonna touch on all of the different parts of this DC Universe thing and they're going to get involved probably with Swamp Thing with Supergirl with Superman with bat all that stuff and space so yay."
"Everybody wants a thriving comic book movie industry."
"Namor isn't really a true villain, he's more of an anti-hero in the comics."
"The first few years of Batman's career are really focused on him dealing with the mob, dealing with organized crime in Gotham."
"Black Mask is the number one most powerful crime lord in Gotham... brought eight of the greatest assassins of the DC Universe to face down on him."
"Batman is referred to as the world's greatest detective... add something to that detective experience."
"Marvel has like purposely kept the celestials vague for this entire time if they've been around they were created by the first firmament which was essentially the sentient universe at the very beginning of creation."
"I'm really happy that Marvel is normalizing multiverse."
"I think Secret Wars could be an absolutely enormous undertaking."
"I think Poison Ivy is such a cool character."
"Harley Quinn is basically one of DC's most profitable characters."
"This influential legend captured the imaginations of comic book readers everywhere for decades."
"The image of Batman carrying the dead body of Jason Todd... one of the most iconic images."
"X-Men you're right didn't start as a comic about inequality but it evolved into one and for 40 years that's been the defining element of the plot."
"For a time, there was one hero that gave the Man of Tomorrow a major run for his money."
"If you're a comic books fan, you owe it to yourself to at least try."
"It's going to be very deep, and it's going more along the lines of what we would see in the comic books."
"Ramazan Kadirov, the president of the Republic of Chechnya, supported Vladimir Putin."
"The Batman soon simply shortened to Batman debuted in Detective Comics number 27 in March 1939."
"In an industry that keeps turning out female superheroes who are beacons of strength power and love, Harley Quinn is the reigning anti-heroine."
"Mutants matter. Magneto was right. Welcome X-Men."
"Kids today are really lucky to have the MCU to introduce them to the endlessly expansive world of superhero comics."
"If not for the show, I probably would have never picked up a Spidey comic as a kid."
"The silver age would come to be remembered for a few things predominantly camp by those outside it but also it was a period of enthusiasm and optimism even at Marvel with its more relatively more personal driven plots."
"There’s something to enjoy and not enjoy about all the eras but the silver is certainly a special one with a unique origin that certainly turned into companies making lemonade out of some pretty panicked lemons."
"Wizard hits circulation rates as high as 400,000 at its peak but regularly topped 100,000 copies per month for several years in a row."
"I appreciated it in the same way that I appreciate Jack Kirby's New Gods."
"Comics is vibrating on its own frequency and its own level of crackle."
"Bruce Banner has made peace with the Hulk... almost permanently in professor Hulk form."
"There is something so wholesome about Professor Hulk... being a hero to the common people."
"Batman: The Dark Knight Returns is probably the best Batman two-parter there ever was."
"Kirby's paranoid pill became Scott's anxiety."
"Oberon's death is not only designed to parallel Highfather's, with Scott now having lost both his biological father and his surrogate father figure, but it also serves as a tribute to Jack Kirby, whose real surname was Kurtzberg."
"Jack's stories made the incredible feel human and the human feel incredible."
"Comic book fans in particular have a lot to look forward to in summer 2021 since the famous what-if comic concept is being turned into a series."
"Depiction of good and evil like as clear as spy versus spy in the back of a mad magazine."
"Reading web comics is like seeing the show in your head."
"The Avengers: Earth, the world that tamed the Phoenix, that bested the Mad Titan, that altered the mighty Galactus. This is the ultimate contest." - The Challenger
"Spider-Man outsells every superhero, nothing comes close."
"DC's Dark Knight's metal is telling a cohesive story."
"Casting spells, speaking backwards: the magic of Zatanna."
"DC Rebirth: not a reboot, but a reimagining."
"Emerging from the inner battle, a new Azrael."
"Scarlet Witch is just incredible and extremely powerful."
"The most recent comics writers have known all along that we don’t actually want to know who the Joker was."
"This Green Lantern stuff why geoff johns is is just criminally good i mean it's it's it's stupid how good it is and how interesting it all comes together."
"A hero's just someone who doesn't give up. Now it's your turn, Spider-Man."
"The Infinity Gauntlet is more or less just a really heavy glove but once they're embedded with the stones it acts as a weapon to wield their incredible Powers."
"Together the six stones were placed into The Infinity Gauntlet granting him the power to do virtually anything he wanted."
"What can be more powerful than a weapon that lets you kill half of the entire universe's population in one single snap?"
"The heart of the universe made Thanos so strong that he engulfed the whole universe until there was nothing left but himself."
"These Comics are a great read and Slot has a lot of fun with all the different spider Dimensions, this movie would not exist without his work. 10 out of 10 must read."
"Omega Red's a bad weather one day I will tear out your tongue."
"Wanda literally crushes everybody. She gets massively de-powered at one point in comics, and she's still absolutely incredibly powerful."
"Omega Red first appeared in Marvel Comics with X-Men volume 2 issue number four in January of 1992."
"House of M... saw 98% of the mutant population losing their powers."
"Batman always prepares for everything, I believe that's the most true-to-the-comics representation of Batman that exists in media today."
"With Messiah Complex, this was kind of a culmination of like eight years of reworking the x-men."
"She's a highly underrated character in the comics and gained a lot of popularity in the 90s thanks to the X-Men TV show and while she's gone in and out of having powers she still remains one of the cooler characters in the X-Men's lineup."
"Moira X's Resurrection powers imply unparalleled multiversal control."
"Peanuts has left an impact on our culture arguably more than any other comic strip."
"Comic creators begin a scene with several silent location panels, giving readers a sense of what it's like to be there."
"Jake Lockley being the third alter of Mark Spector, Steven Grant, in the comics, known as being a New York taxi driver in this show, changed to be a Spanish-speaking deadly assassin limo driver."
"His portrayal of T'Challa, the Black Panther, is iconic and transcends any iteration of the character in any other medium."
"Thanks everyone and until I see you next time, keep reading comics."
"I think it's one of the great comic book movies of all time."
"Comics were created by first and second generation Jewish immigrants fleeing anti-Semitic society."
"Let me know what you thought about children of the Vault number one. Keep it plus Ultra and sound off in the comments."
"Normal is the most troubled character in Garfield."
"It's like doing the superhero stuff right, target the people who love the comics but make it easy enough that people who don't know the comics can follow along and enjoy."
"At its core, a comic needs the reader to relate to and care about the characters."
"The X-Men series was unique in its adult stories."
"The CW doesn't seem afraid to really embrace the comic-book nature of what they're doing."
"Marvel totally does this stuff too, and maybe even a bit more."
"There's always been great comics has never been as many at their peak at the same time when it's been needed in this time of unbelievable amounts of censorship."
"It was very apparent early on that Azrael's Batman was of a very different breed because he was much more ruthless."
"Bruce felt his methods were much too violent and irresponsible and personally removed him from the mantle."
"This was the birth of the Murder Machine and thus began the Earth's demise."
"Lucius Fox is one of Batman's closest friends and most trusted allies."
"X-Men are gonna sell the X-Men and the top three Marvel characters for comic books are Wolverine, Spider-Man, and Deadpool."