
Setting Boundaries Quotes

There are 67 quotes

"Setting boundaries finally tells people you've had enough, finally letting people know what you won't do anymore and what you will, and staying firm in those boundaries."
"By setting boundaries, we're letting people know what we will tolerate, what we won't tolerate, and what happens if they continue to break those boundaries or cross those lines that for us are disrespectful."
"Your impact is going to be so much greater; your purpose is going to become so much clearer once you're able to set those boundaries."
"Quiet quitting... you're doing what you're paid for and not more. It's about setting boundaries around what you're willing to do."
"So if you can't respect that, I need a minute to check with my husband, check with my wife, look at my calendar, whatever it is that you need to do to make sure that what they're asking of you works for you, then the answer is no."
"Learn from difficult experiences, erect healthier boundaries."
"Creating change, we need to put up boundaries and limits."
"Set and maintain boundaries. Physical, affective, cognitive, environmental, and relational boundaries can all be helpful in reducing defensiveness."
"Money is power. Narcissistic folks care about power, so money becomes a tool of control, vindictiveness, and punishment."
"Set boundaries and do not lower your standards."
"Initiating conversations of boundaries is a really beautiful process."
"It's easier to communicate boundaries in a neutral time."
"There's something to be said for being an absolute lunatic... you have to create boundaries and rules."
"Assert yourself, stand your ground, lay down your boundaries."
"Keep it playful and sound like a positive constructive boundary."
"Setting precedents in the beginning is very important."
"This is good, it teaches young kids boundaries. Oh, chop you!"
"Boundaries... it's going to be uncomfortable at first but you gotta do it."
"Get away as far as you can, set those boundaries."
"I'm done giving people second chances. I'm done inviting in negative and toxic energies into my life."
"Setting boundaries doesn't mean being defensive."
"Some guys play dumb, but if you think that's not a valid boundary, you're the weirdo."
"Learning to stand up for ourselves and learning to feel and learning to set a boundary is all part of the adult process."
"Stop pursuing her when she says no or blows you off or acts lukewarm, walk and never look back."
"Blood is not thicker than water. Set those boundaries if someone is toxic for you."
"Boundaries like this are appropriate a lot of the time when we're talking about new relationships."
"Setting boundaries with men is probably one of the greatest skills you can learn... the more boundaries you set with men, the higher quality men you will start attracting."
"know that you're not alone and that it's always okay to express your emotions and it's always okay to tell someone they you have to step back set your boundaries. Thanks much deal."
"Saying no is a skill; it takes practice and you're gonna have to get used to disappointing people."
"How do you deal with someone this emotionally manipulative? You don't deal with them... become the queen of swords and just set boundaries with them."
"You gotta let them know that there's consequences to the [ __ ] you know it's acceptable."
"She stood up for herself, which a lot of times, when you stand up for yourself, you sort of set new boundaries and new dynamics in your life, which she's done." - Kristen Bell
"By setting boundaries, you coexist without giving too much to the wrong people."
"Erecting boundaries may cause temporary discomfort, but it signals readiness for healthy love."
"Setting boundaries is definitely scary, and it can really hurt some feelings if people aren't ready for it, but if they really are your friend, they'll accept how you feel, most likely apologize, and make the adjustments."
"Op stands up for himself, sets boundaries, and gives a Karen a reality check."
"We can control the timing, ourselves, and the boundaries of the conflict."
"Healthy boundaries filter out the wheat from the chaff."
"I might have to set a boundary which is something we could talk about because I love talking about boundaries."
"Twin flame connection is not this big romantic relationship that Hollywood tells us it is. It's actually a very important lesson in building healthier boundaries and loving ourselves harder."
"Put yourself first and create boundaries with people."
"You've got to draw some boundaries with people."
"Stand up for yourself, speak your mind, draw healthy boundaries."
"Realize what steals your energy and set boundaries."
"You draw the line, you make it very clear: Do not cross this line."
"Imagine the message you're sending to young women about the kind of boundaries that they should set for themselves."
"Set boundaries to remove the things in your life that are pulling you away from the results that you want."
"Transformation happens when you prioritize yourself and set boundaries."
"I think it is probably one of the most attractive things when someone can be like 'I am too weak that I can't resist doing this thing and so I'm gonna put boundaries in place.'"
"We have to set boundaries and limitations with people that we find toxic in our lives."
"Jerry took a stand against Rick's toxic and controlling behavior towards the family."
"You are truly truly leading by example when you want to have your boundaries so number one is learn that stare learn the value of okay."
"I think there's a big difference between chasing and letting people walk all over you and accepting less than what you deserve and putting yourself out there and confidently stating your expectations."
"I have spoken to some of those responsible since and made clear my feelings on this and that she is to be treated as a member of the family and that if I ever find out that they've said things like that to my sons or their sister that they won't be allowed around us anymore."
"Jesus set the example that you can both forgive and set the boundary. Forgiveness, kindness, Grace—all those wonderful attributes of God—are not a get out of jail free card."
"You feel a lot more powerful because you set boundaries or you overcame the fear of setting boundaries."
"Don't look for it to feel easy to do it. It's never going to feel easy to do until you do it. Setting a boundary with a parent that you know you need space from in order to do this work is extremely common."
"It feels really freeing and now I have to set boundaries."
"We actually lay out those boundaries and I think when you give things titles rather than letting them exist in the gray area, you actually get to have these conversations."
"How do I set boundaries so that a relationship can turn out into the loving, committed relationship that I'm craving, and not the temporary, disappointing experience that I keep having?"
"I am so [__] mad that I am going to healthily express my feelings and communicate with you what my boundaries are."
"This year was boundaries, and next year is play."
"Boundaries. That's the only way to recover from that level of betrayal."
"I've learned when to say no and not to overpromise anything."
"The key to firmness, the key to boundaries: just kind and firm."