
Mental Health Quotes

There are 34662 quotes

"Sleep is the foundation of mental health, physical health, and performance."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Sleep deprivation isn't just deprivation of energy. It's deprivation of self-induced therapy every time we go to sleep."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Just 10 minutes of walking outside can shift your mood."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"What you get is that mood boost, very, very consistent."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The immediate effects of exercise lasted up to two hours."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"I've yet to see one person who has addressed the trauma and become less functional, right?"
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"We do have far more control over our levels of happiness than we might think."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Quality social connection is extremely powerful in terms of its ability to increase our levels of happiness."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Having an effective gratitude practice can impact a huge number of health variables; both mental health and physical health in positive ways."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Gratitude is a very, very potent way in which you can steer your mental and physical health in positive directions."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Repeated gratitude practice changes the way that your brain circuits work."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"If you have a good gratitude practice and you repeat it regularly, you reduce the fear, anxiety circuits, you increase the efficacy of the positive emotion, feel good circuits."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Getting a quality night's sleep on a regular basis is the foundation of mental health, physical health, and performance."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Regular exercise... engages the norepinephrine system and allows us to increase our norepinephrine levels at will on a regular basis."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Regular social connection, trusting social connection of any kind is going to be very beneficial for that process."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Most people are missing something because they don't know who they are. They never examined themselves."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"What they discovered is that people who did this deep relaxation observed a 65% increase in dopamine release."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Few things scare people more than the idea of getting Alzheimer's, especially if they have Alzheimer's in their family."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Appropriate dosages of psilocybin can alleviate major depression in more than 67% of people that take the drug."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"It works, because you are going to go there. In a sense, you have to really make the therapeutic progress. You're going to have to go back there."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"By the end of today's episode, you are going to have a clear understanding of what placebo, nocebo, and belief effects are, their biological underpinnings, and the way that you can leverage them toward your mental health, physical health, and performance."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Bipolar disorder impacts about 1% of people, but if you think about a room of a hundred people, that means that at least one of them is very likely to have bipolar disorder."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"And yet, on whole, having bipolar disorder is extremely detrimental and challenging to the person suffering from it."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is the one that seems to be best, at least by way of the statistics and papers that exist."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"I want to emphasize that self-diagnosis can be both a terrific, but also a very precarious thing."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Interaction nervosa is the most deadly psychiatric disorder by a huge margin."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Sleep and wakefulness govern everything about our mental and physical health."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Understanding the network of hormones, nutrition, and mental health is crucial for overall well-being."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Our ability to anchor our thoughts in the past, present, or future seems very adaptive in certain contexts."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Avoiding night light and seeking light during the day may be a simple and effective non-pharmacologic means for broadly improving mental health."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Therapy is extremely valuable... it's one of the key components for meshing together all aspects of one's life and being able to really direct one's focus and attention toward what really matters."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Mindfulness-based stress reduction has been shown effective for anxiety, for depression, for pain."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Pain psychology, which has many forms now, can be very effective."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The compulsion does not remove the obsession. Rather, it exacerbates it."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Every time you meditate, it's like making a deposit in a bank. It's always there, every time you do it, you're building a base."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Ketamine has proven to be a miraculous drug for some people, not all people, for the treatment of depression, suicidality, and PTSD."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Light plays a powerful role in our mental health, physical health, and performance."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Getting sunlight in your eyes first thing in the morning is absolutely vital to mental and physical health."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The 30-day reset of the dopamine system is something that's very real and that pertains to most people."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Getting out of doors into nature can enhance various aspects of mental health, physical health, and thereby performance in different aspects of life."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Morning sunlight and afternoon sunlight can significantly improve mood and mental health."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Getting enough quality sleep on a consistent basis is the foundation of mental health, physical health, and performance."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The big six for improving mood and mental health... are the cornerstone for mood and mental health regardless of who you are."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The generative Drive is our desire to create, build, and contribute to the world in meaningful ways and appreciate the process to get there. It is the core feature of our mental health."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"I think it's, you can envision depression as activities sort of going around in a circuit."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Please get as much light exposure from sunlight early in the day as possible because it sets in motion a huge number of things that are beneficial for your mental health and physical health."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"We also talk about how to move past common hindrances to improving one's mental health, such as overcoming intrusive thoughts."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"And perhaps most importantly, today's episode provides information and protocols that anyone can use to cultivate their generative drive, which is a hallmark of mental health."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"He eventually arrived at being truly wealthy with all the components of mental health and peace, contentment, delight."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Try and engage in at least one hour of pure play per week."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"There's extreme excitement about the use of psychedelics for the treatment of various disorders of the mind."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"I consider doing regular weekly therapy as just as important as doing regular physical exercise in order to improve one's health."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"It's very clear to me that asking certain kinds of questions about oneself and one's self narrative life history essentially can be very beneficial in the moment or moments of doing that practice as well as the subconscious."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"But, what are you looking for that the patient might not be aware of? In other words, can you see depression in somebody's eyes?"
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"What is dissociation? A lot of people might not have experienced it, but it's actually very common. More than 70% of people who've been through trauma experience dissociation."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Patients with depression often are stuck. They can't look into the future world of possibilities as effectively. Everything seems hopeless."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The single greatest efficacy we can point to is exercise."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"There's not one thing that I'll tell patients is more important than exercising."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"I'll never think about killing myself again because I know that if I go get stimulated again, it improves, it gets better. I will be able to reachieve it and I can't. And I don't fear that I'm chronically broken."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"It's very anti-stigmatizing that you're bringing this up."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"It's important to talk about it because I think that when we start all talking about it, then we realize that we're all kind of in this together."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"I actually feel some relief just hearing this."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Within one to five days, you know, in more cases than not, and depending upon if you're looking at this open label or in trials, somewhere between 60 and 90% of the time, they will go into full on remission."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"We don't have to be slaves to our hormones. And certainly not the hormones that cause us stress, we can learn to control those both to the benefit of our body and benefit of mind."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Sleep is the fundamental layer that is the most important aspect of mental health, physical health and performance."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"By now I think most people have heard about or experienced the benefits of meditation; improved focus, better sleep, reduced stress, more creativity and insight."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Sleep is the absolute foundation of your mental health, your physical health, and your performance in all endeavors."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Just doing something meditative or reflective every day or so, and it hardly even matters which one you're doing."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Change can happen within a framework of a mechanistic neurobiology. You were now more open to being made optimistic by the good news in the world around you."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Surround yourself with people that you like. Avoid people you don't like."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The key principle here is that mental focus follows visual focus."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The gut microbiome is critically important for our immune system function, for the gut-brain axis, and for our mental functions."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Sleep disruption is both a symptom of and a cause of almost all mental health disorders."
"How you think about stress is really important."
"I think how we interpret the last few years is going to make a big difference in terms of how it impacts us."
"Seeing faces in the morning and seeing faces at some point during the day once you're ready to face the day, very important for mental health."
"So it's pretty dramatic what light can do to the psyche and to the body."
"The psilocybin...not for everybody...But it does appear that the clinical trials on one macro dose...are quite encouraging."
"Psychiatrists don't just have a responsibility to patients; they also have a responsibility to society."
"Interventions designed to change or suppress sexual orientation or gender identity are known to be harmful."
"Supporting queer identities is demonstrably better for the mental health and physical well-being of queer people than refusing to affirm them."
"Transgender people are at elevated risk for suicide, but those who receive high levels of support from peers and especially strong support from parents are at significantly lower risk."
"Post less in general and to consume less of this stuff."
"Her message resonates far beyond the Forum in Detroit, reaching anyone who has felt the weight of mental health struggles."
"We don't want amnesia; we want to be able to maintain a explicit declarative memory of a bad thing that happened but we don't want the overwhelming blackhole of emotional memory that comes with the nightmares, the flashbacks, the inability to function."
"I'm very self-aware. It's just getting to do things to do anything about it is the next step."
"Life's just going to continue to spiral if you're not willing to seek mental health professionals in it."
"Don't give up just because they have not worked; everyone gives up on therapy until they find the therapist that works for them."
"Imagine a world where saunas can treat depression with side effects like reduced death from cardiovascular disease and reduced Alzheimer's disease risk."
"Focus on the present... you can't be in the past or the future when you're doing that."
"Remember, being active doesn't have to be grueling; just move. And if anything, just take a bath and relax, still your mind."
"This is the place where we break down all of the things that make us break down."
"Meditation, specifically mindfulness meditation, is what we're going to delve into today."
"Everyone has exactly the same ability to allow those emotions to be processed. The more you practice, the quicker you can process them."
"The moment you can see thoughts arise as appearances in consciousness... you're actually no longer identified with the thoughts that would otherwise make you miserable."
"When people are under periods of stress, they have trouble considering things that are not right in front of them."
"Meditation is a powerful way to increase your dopamine levels naturally and reset your brain."
"REM sleep is the principal stage within which we dream... and is the state during which we take these difficult, sometimes traumatic experiences from the day and REM sleep acts like a nocturnal soothing balm."
"Together, we can solve the mental health crisis. Together, we can push to bring this science back into the mainstream. Mental health is a human right."
"We saw a significant reduction in anxiety by 81%. That doesn't mean anxiety will go away. It means that you manage it."
"Gratitude and meditation, especially gratitude, reset the whole system."
"Gratitude is not complacency...gratitude is wonderful; it resets the system so that you can be in pursuit."
"The pursuit of constantly challenging our minds to expand might not shorten our life. Engaging in activities that stimulate neuroplasticity could potentially extend it."
"We don't live in our trauma; we don't stay stuck in our trauma; we don't let it consume us because if it does, we're dead."
"Suicide is a permanent solution to what is often a temporary problem."
"Suffering is not a mental illness; it is part of the human experience."
"Your physical health may actually be the single most important influence on your mental health."
"The food you eat has a huge way bigger impact on how we feel and how our brain works than what we think."
"Your mental health is the greatest asset that you will have."
"You unlock this door with the key of compassion. Beyond it is another dimension—a dimension of science, a dimension of common sense, a dimension of sanity."
"For every negative thought that your brain gives you, task it with the task of giving you a positive one or two positive ones."
"If you're mentally suffering, too, like, understand you have to have faith and believe that there is light at the end of the tunnel."
"Mitochondrial dysfunction ultimately is the cause of mental illness."
"Killing ants (automatic negative thoughts): How well are you controlling your self-talk? If you fight for your limitations, you get to keep them."
"When you adjust people's dopamine levels to healthy levels, they start becoming more forward-thinking and more present."
"It's very important that people take control of their mind and their body in a way that allows themselves to calm down."
"Fueled by an explosion of groundbreaking psychedelic research that is revolutionizing therapeutic approaches to depression, PTSD, substance abuse, anxiety, and end-of-life care."
"Therapy is extremely valuable. In fact, I consider doing regular therapy just as important as getting regular exercise."
"Meditation is training our awareness and there are many kinds of meditations."
"You'll notice a lifting of the brain fog that often clouds your day."
"It's great for the mind because you're building your concentration."
"Most mental health problems could be better adjusted for by just making societal wide changes."
"People are sad, anxious, and depressed, and most of that can be fixed by just giving them friends."
"It's okay to be sad. It's so totally okay to be sad."
"There's a sort of social currency to being the busiest, to getting the least sleep. We don't actually talk about the things that are bothering us, and it takes a real crisis for any of us to actually admit that something is really wrong."
"Negative emotions have to be dealt with; they will deal with you and keep dealing with you until you deal with them."
"For me, this is why things like meditation really matter to me because I set my brain up for not spiraling into imposter syndrome."
"The quality of our brain really determines the quality of our life."
"You cannot control events and circumstances, but you can learn to manage your mind, which means your responses."
"There is nothing in your life that has the power to make you unhappy until you turn it into a thought, a negative thought, and torture yourself with it."
"Don't be scared of despair, anxiety, trauma, and depression. They are helpful messengers that are telling you something."
"You've got to stand back and observe your own thinking, feeling, and choosing."
"Cold plunging improvements in managing stress, anxiety, and depression... most of those reports are showing quite a positive correlation with cold plunging and improvements in mental health."
"The research is consistent with the idea that... to be able to see the good that exists in yourself, in your community, and in others... gives you the ability to do what matters in your own life with less despair and less hopelessness."
"Sometimes, that dark thought or the heaviness of or weight of the world sometimes kind of taints the light, you know what I mean, and I think that sometimes we forget about the light, but the light is the thing that keeps us going."
"This is an invitation to take more responsibility to intentionally cultivate our brains in ways that can promote well-being."
"The ability to rapidly recover from adversity is a very important constituent of well-being."
"Gender dysphoria involves a conflict between a person's physical or assigned gender and the gender they identify with, causing significant distress."
"You can't be drowned in negative thoughts and be grateful at the same time."
"Gratitude is actually liberating, it frees you from negative thoughts."
"Forgiveness is linked to reduced anxiety, depression, major psychiatric disorders, fewer physical health symptoms, and actually lower mortality."
"Having gratitude changes your brain and how it's firing and changes your outlook just by having that little practice."
"Put your head on a diet. You have to limit how much social media you let into your life."
"My negative thoughts were huddled in the shadows of my mind and were being kept at bay by this floodlight of grateful thoughts."
"Mental health matters so much for our physical health."
"It's always important to talk about your feelings."
"The mind truly is the final frontier. You are an astronaut into the deep recesses of this uncharted geography of consciousness."
"Always protect your mental health, everybody."
"Up to 600 to 800 milligrams of caffeine a day is associated with better health, both cardiovascular health and mental health."
"Everybody wants to be mentally healthy, physically healthy, and perform well in their various activities."
"Many people suffer from mental health issues every single day and never decide to callously take the life of another person."
"Good mental health will make everything in your life line up."
"Reducing instant gratification and increasing delayed gratification is an investment in your future mental health and success."
"The man you choose to be your partner affects everything in your life: your mental health, your peace of mind, your love inside you, your happiness, how you get through tragedies, your successes, how your children will be raised, and much more. Choose wisely."
"The huge divide between how we think of our physical health and how we think of our psychological health."
"What if you think of anxiety as a little kid that's just going, 'Hey, over here, project over here needs some attention,' instead of a heavy weight that's weighing you down?"
"Master your mind and gain psychological distance from the noise in your head."
"Altruism is the best medicine for your stress hormones."
"I'm excited to chat mental health. This is something I chat with, not only with my patients, but with my friends all the time, 'cause it's a topic I get so passionate about."
"My first thought is, if you're considering it, do it. Because the worst-case scenario is that you go and you realize you're glad you did it, but you don't really need it."
"There's no one-size-fits-all answer. There's no score where you're like, 'If I feel like a five out of 10, that means I need to go see a doctor.' It just doesn't exist, unfortunately, because mental health is a very subjective space."
"It's hard to be hard on yourself when you're feeling grateful."
"You feel trapped; every day feels like you're on a treadmill."
"Look after your mental health. It's normal to feel stressed, confused, and scared during a crisis."
"Supporting other people in your community can help you as much as it does them."
"Everyone should have someone to speak to every week of their life; that should just be a part of being a human being." - Haley Kiyoko
"Deep human connections are a really healthy and adaptive source of dopamine."
"Reading aloud might be good for your mental health as well."
"Serotonin is the happiness chemical and is fundamental to our sense of well-being."
"We've seen massive increases in depression, anxiety, suicide in rich nations more than in poor nations."
"Addiction is born in isolation and but addiction also begets isolation."
"Do not compare yourself to others. It's not a healthy thing to do."
"My mental health has never been this good before."
"My life mission is to help fix the gut health of as many people as I can."
"Awareness of one's thinking seems immensely powerful in this context."
"Every single mental health issue...gets worse if you're not doing those five things and gets better if you're doing those five things."
"Quality Social connection, that people who are really isolated, they don't do well."
"If you're in toxic relationships, just end them."
"Human connection itself is a potent and adaptive source of dopamine."
"Exercise has more profound and sustained positive effects on mood, anxiety, cognition, energy, and sleep than any pill I can prescribe."
"If you're allowed to fail, there's no reason for the voice to yell at you because it's an acceptable outcome."
"It's inevitable that your mental health and physical health is going to benefit."
"Mental disorders are now the leading cause of disability on our planet."
"Ask for help if you need it; there's nothing wrong with asking for help from a professional."
"We need to stop calling these things mental illnesses and start treating them as brain health issues."
"If we can get your brain right, we can get your life right."
"The book that was pivotal in getting me out of that depressive state and giving me hope was 'The Body Keeps the Score'. It just gave so much insight into the feelings that I have been personally feeling."
"I'm super glad that he was able to recognize that he needed help with his mental health."
"Sometimes our minds can be poison, and if you put your attention towards the minor poison that alcohol is and it takes away the attention from sometimes how poisonous our minds are, could be a good trade-off."
"The idea in general is just the fact that our brains can make physical changes at any point in our lives, and therefore we should be able to actively work on treating mental illness."
"The greatest feelings is when your mental energy comes back. It's like the fog has been brushed away and everything is clear."
"Taking a walk where you're just letting your mind go is very powerful."
"Be kind to yourself and others, and don't believe everything you think."
"I need a really regular exercise regimen... it's been extremely helpful for my mood and the way I am with my kids."
"I've dealt with depression my whole life, pretty much since I was like 14, and I'm 30 now."
"It let me get out of these thought loops that I was in."
"Meditation is a systematic practice of stepping outside of your mind and existing in a conscious state without the activity of the mind."
"We must rid ourselves of the ideological leaning towards perfectionism because it is driving us mad."
"If you've got a strong sense of purpose and you know what you're committed to creating in life, and your life is not about yourself but it's about serving others, it's very hard to be depressed."
"Say it with me: The way out of depression is hope."