
The Last Olympian Quotes

The Last Olympian by Rick Riordan

The Last Olympian Quotes
"The end of the world started when a pegasus landed on the hood of my car."
"The sea is always one of my favorite places, but today it was especially nice—glittery green and smooth as glass, like my dad was keeping it calm just for us."
"My dad, by the way, is Poseidon. He can do stuff like that."
"She was so much easier to be around than...well, than some other girls I knew."
"Even from that distance, the explosion shook the world."
"Word of my arrival spread as soon as I walked out of the ocean."
"I’ve dreaded this day. Very well. Annabeth, we will show Percy the truth—all of it. Let’s go to the attic."
"One darkness, and creatures of the Underworld can use it as a road, or a door."
"A half-blood of the eldest gods shall reach sixteen against all odds."
"It will be good for you to get away. You’ve had some unhealthy influences."
"All of you can fight this war without Ares. Until I get satisfaction, no one in my cabin is lifting a finger to help. Have fun dying."
"With great power... comes great need to take a nap. Wake me up later."
"I resisted the urge to strangle Nico. They’d only stop me. I’d have to wait for my revenge."
"You will not escape me this time, Percy Jackson!"
"Just because I'm a nice person," I snarled, "I'll let you go. But first, tell me about that trap!"
"I love New York. You can pop out of the Underworld in Central Park, hail a taxi, head down Fifth Avenue with a giant hellhound loping along behind you, and nobody even looks at you funny."
"You're the greatest heroes of this millennium," I told them. "It doesn't matter how many monsters come at you. Fight bravely, and we will win."
"Curse of Achilles," Hudson snorted. "They always think that'll save them, don't they?"
"The nearest cars exploded. Monsters dropped their weapons and clasped their ears in pain."
"Loud music can be bad for you. Unfortunately, it doesn’t always kill."
"We’re going to drive the enemy back to Brooklyn."
"Come back alive, Seaweed Brain. Then we'll see."
"You are not going to die while I owe you a favor."
"We’ll give Annabeth some space. We’ve got a drugstore to raid ... I mean, visit."
"You’re cute when you’re worried. Your eyebrows get all scrunched together."
"I’m the god of travelers, the god of roads. If I know anything, I know that you must walk your own path."
"A father is supposed to be around. I’ve never even met you."
"The gods would have you believe that this is the lesson: mankind should not explore. They should not ask questions. They should do what they are told. In truth, Percy, this jar was a trap designed by Zeus and the other gods."
"Hope does not leave without being given permission. She can only be released by a child of man."
"Our parents are hardly ever around. But Luke made bad choices. Nobody forced him to do that."
"Don't you fall in the same trap. Luke has given himself to Kronos now. We can't afford to be soft on him."
"You're the one who trapped Atlas beneath the sky again?"
"The gods need heroes. They always have. Otherwise we would not keep you annoying little brats around."
"I would very much appreciate it if you could keep him that way. I lost his brother Castor last year."
"You filled his head with empty promises. You said the gods cared about me!"
"I am the least of the gods. Why would you trust me with this?"
"My son here convinced me that perhaps I should prioritize my list of enemies."
"As much as I dislike certain upstart demigods, it would not do for Olympus to fall."
"For today the House of Hades will be called the saviors of Olympus."
"For a second I was stunned. I’d been expecting a fight, but Kronos completely ignored me like I wasn’t worth the trouble. That made me mad."
"Paul?" I said in amazement. "I hope that was a monster I just killed. I was a Shakespearian actor in college! Picked up a little swordplay!"
"Jump!" Grover said, which was easy for him since he’s part mountain goat.
"Brick by brick! That was my promise. Tear it down BRICK BY BRICK!"
"Luke would fight with a sword," I said. "But I suppose you don’t have his skill."
"I don’t suppose you mean away," Grover murmured hopefully.
"The hero was Luke. The cursed blade was the knife he’d given Annabeth long ago—cursed because Luke had broken his promise and betrayed his friends."
"We’ll plant new trees. We’ll clean up the parks. Your friends will be reincarnated into a better world."
"I want to grow up. Have, you know, a regular high school experience."
"I couldn’t leave her," I admitted, my throat dry. "Or Grover," I added quickly. "Or—"
"But I didn’t, because I thought—I didn’t want things to stay the same for eternity, because things could always get better."
"Either the spirit takes hold, or it doesn’t."
"This is where I belong, Percy. I finally understand why."
"I accept this role. I pledge myself to Apollo, God of Oracles. I open my eyes to the future and embrace the past."
"Seven half-bloods shall answer the call. To storm or fire, the world must fall."
"I am never, ever going to make things easy for you, Seaweed Brain. Get used to it."