
The Grimm Legacy Quotes

The Grimm Legacy by Polly Shulman

The Grimm Legacy Quotes
"Snow fell hard: big, sticky flakes that got under my coat collar where the top button was missing."
"I had to help. Her hands were icy claws as I pulled her to her feet."
"Not when I had a spare pair of shoes with me."
"Her eyes were surprisingly bright, a pale, luminous gray like storm clouds."
"Fairy tales might not be history, but as I learned in the hours I spent in the library over Christmas break, Wilhelm and Jacob Grimm were historians."
"Fairy tales are complicated. That's what I love about them."
"Make sure you see them next time. They're spectacular."
"Someone had thought about each one and decided what it should be like, what shape, what to make it out of. It was like a whole new world opening up."
"The evidence points where the evidence points."
"I don’t like the way he’s always sneaking around the Grimm Collection."
"The board of governors is conservative about technology—they call it ‘modern magic.’"
"Things kept piling up as I ran back and forth between the dumbwaiters and the desk."
"It’s not hard to make a miniature rocket. I made one myself last year, for the science fair."
"But the Grimm stories weren’t all witches and poisoned apples. Some of them described good fairies and friendly magic, like Cinderella’s godmother."
"Who would have guessed all those childhood hours I spent daydreaming over fairy-tale books would pay off!"
"The people in the fairy tales always seemed to waste their wishes on ridiculous things like sausages or turning each other into donkeys and back into people again."
"I wanted to get away from this magic-soaked room and think about it calmly somewhere safe and normal, somewhere that smelled of daily life—like dust and dinner—not the shifting reek of enchantment."
"I sent that pneum at ten to three. Where on earth is Anjali?"
"Elizabeth? You in there?" It was Marc’s voice. I crept out from behind the picture wall.
"But if there’s a fire, the Grimm Collection is the place to be."
"But it would certainly also cost lives. Not just by turning people into silver, but by starting more wars than it could ever heal the wounds from."
"Most powerful objects have minds of their own—I wouldn’t count on being able to control them."
"As long as it stays on your arm, you should be safe—from bad magic, anyway."
"Magic! And maybe even more important: friends."
"It's an important part of a young lady's education."
"On the plus side: magic! On the minus side: also magic."
"I don’t think it works for muggers or car crashes."
"Keep it safe, and when your need is great, give it to the wind."
"I can’t believe the things they have in the collection!"
"It's as if, for you, the whole world is alive."
"I think I got that from my mother. She cared about objects, but not in a material way."
"You’re not planning to lure any young men to their doom, are you?"
"Everything goes back to normal after three hours."
"You have plenty of choices. We’re quite flexible. The most traditional forfeit, of course, is your firstborn child."
"How would I do my work in the Grimm Collection if I couldn’t smell magic?"
"Forfeit fair and given free, I resign a part of me."
"I was late to social studies on Wednesday—I went to the wrong floor first."
"Getting lost all the time was so annoying, I was starting to lose it anyway."
"I'm sorry. I'm sorry Anjali doesn’t like you. I’m sorry she likes Marc instead."
"If a bug bites you, it’s from inside your clothes."
"Our only hope of finding Anjali is the kuduo, and Doc would never let me take it."
"No," said Jaya. "We have to get Anjali back ourselves. They would kill her if they find out about . . ."
"I would rather be grounded and safe," I said.
"Not if you don’t let me tell the librarians," I admitted.
"I wondered whether he usually kept it that way. Or had he cleaned it up for me?"
"My heart did a little funny flip, like Doc’s mini acrobats."
"Bitsy Rew is brave and true. A pity she’s not pretty too."
"But Liz, your rival’s locked away. Here’s your chance to seize the day."
"In a cabinet of glass, Where only royal blood may pass, From Versailles to the Taj Mahal—There she stands, a real doll."
"Silly girl, Elizabeth—Don’t you know you rhyme with death?"
"We’re terrified for Anjali. Tell us how to set her free."
"I think I’d better go. I don’t think there’s anything more we can do about Anjali tonight, and your mom—"
"I wish I could take him home with me and keep him."
"Come on, Elizabeth, we don’t have time for this," he said. "Give it to me or I’ll take it."
"A project on wood-frame houses and looking for your sister? You’d better come in."
"She’s in excellent condition, considering that the men who transformed her had to use elephants to hold her down. It’s rare to find them with all ten fingers."
"A dealer in Leningrad swore the little one here was Anastasia, the youngest daughter of the last tsar."
"We collectors can get a little obsessive, I know."
"Sorry! You know how I sweep girls off their feet."
"You have to give a command. And fan really hard."
"The same way you got here: just follow your feet."
"The air, the speed, the motion—forward! forward!—the world melting to background."
"With any luck I’ll be able to trade him for a female version."
"The Kiss of True Love—where are we going to find that?"
"You can use the Golden Key, when you can find it. It doesn’t always let itself be found."
"It’s not everybody who gets to be friends with a former terrifying monster who lives in a magical garden!"
"At the end of the fairy tale, the scullery maid usually gets a promotion."
"Your beauty may take you there, but it’s your character that brings you back."
"They’re what connects me to the Garden of Seasons. In the garden, they’re stars in the sky. Out here, they’re only freckles on my face."
"Whatever I think about, it pulls me toward the door."
"Good, then it’s working. You have to go out the door first before you can go anywhere else."
"True love lasts beyond the grave, so perhaps there’s hope."
"He put his hand on my shoulder and said in my ear, "You can lean on me; I don’t mind.""
"My sense of humor doesn’t seem any different to me. What did you leave as a deposit?"
"My most precious memory—of the moment I met you?"
"He tasted of chocolate and ginger and apples. Spring air, books. New grass. Magic."
""I liked you better as a puppet," she said, but she got up and put on her coat."
""My sense of balance," he whispered into my hair."
""My color vision." "Really?" "Yeah. I figured I don’t use it much at night anyway."
""Bye, Elizabeth. Maybe we can hang out in the daylight sometime," said Aaron. "You know, I don’t think I know the color of your eyes.""
""They’re just using reverse psychology," Jaya told me."
"Still, for a smug, pigheaded ogre, he’s pretty darn cute, and he hasn’t stuffed me in a paper bag and fed me to a rat again—at least, not yet."