
Midlife Fairy Hunter Quotes

Midlife Fairy Hunter by Shannon Mayer

"The mirror in front of me was most certainly not magical, or if it was, it was kind of a dick."
"A girl had to make do with what she had—or could take—when she was dealing with a vindictive ex-husband and trying to buy her gran’s house back."
"Let me be clear, this was not my first brush with the shadow world, so seeing a tiny fairy was not exactly shocking."
"For twenty years, I was as blind as most humans."
"You see, he’d kissed me. Not like a peck on the cheek but an open-mouthed kiss."
"My hormones had gone into overdrive when I hit forty."
"My brain was still trying to work through the morning fog."
"I should have paid more attention to my gran's book."
"Curiosity killed the cat, but satisfaction brought it back."
"They do not like my first husband, that is part of it."
"I'm going to get Gran's house back one way or another."
"Running is not my forte unless I'm running for my life."
"I mean, how many supernatural blacksmiths were there?"
"We’re going to work on spells tonight, finding them, identifying them, and diffusing them."
"Most spells, with the exception of the most powerful, throw off a different and distinct taste."
"You have not been reading your training manual then?"
"The undead can go unseen by many creatures, and the fae are included in that list."
"Stretching myself and my stamina, Eammon. Important, don’t you think?"
"The power of the Seelie is at its height between noon and sundown, and the Unseelie are most powerful between three in the morning and noon."
"I didn’t think something like that would bother you so much."
"This way, to the graveyard for the rest of the spell chasing."
"I’ve got one!" Luke yelled from the far right side. "Tasted like sour milk, totally!"
"I didn’t need to hear them fight—I’d done enough spying for one day."
"A hot bath and a couple shots of that Jameson you’ve ‘hidden’ from me would not go amiss."
"I didn’t take a step back as he bared his teeth and growled at me. I was between him and Feish and Eric. 'Sarge, don’t make me stab you again. ’Cause this time I’ll cut your balls off to make sure we deal with the obvious overload of testosterone that is frying your brain.'"
"You are being a total shit. I don’t know why, and I don’t care at this point."
"Let’s go get a drink. We can discuss our options."
"Life is much better if you think everyone is out to get you. That way, you’re never surprised when the knife finally comes swinging your way."
"Just because you are young and beautiful does not mean that everyone wants to sleep with you."
"One day, you’ll understand, and by then you’ll have wasted your youth thinking it would last forever."
"Heartbreaking," I drawled. "It really is," she whispered.
"That was honest. Pity no one has told you that you have a leg up that most women would kill for."
"The dead of the ships that went down, of course, but also the supernaturals who scared the locals. They don’t talk about that in the history books, or even in the tours. Dead people suspected of being supernatural were stuffed into coffins full of rocks, wrapped in chains, and sunk out in the river. It’s deep enough they could do that."
"She always told me it was safer this way. That the best way to look after those in the light was by staying in the shadows."
"I need to forget about this for a little while. Just pretend like we’re normal, like we didn’t get spelled, and we didn’t see two dead bodies last night."
"You are cooler than I thought. And the first of us to get shot. It’ll be a good scar."
"I’ve killed someone. A bad someone, but a death was a death, and Douche Canoe was bound to come looking for Pink Eye’s killer."
"The O’Seans are power-hungry killers. That they are back in town does not bode well for Savannah."
"The shadow world is drawn to you, if you hadn’t noticed. The jobs will come. Your name alone will be enough to bring you work."
"Don’t forget that death is bad even when it’s necessary."
"Trouble often follows the women in our family. The O’Rylees produce strong, capable women who don’t always have the best of luck. But that’s part of what makes us who we are."
"There are other reasons. Like packing my money around with me. I need to get it into a bank or something."
"I didn’t think you’d miss me. Just a few weeks ago you would have been happy to see me disappear from your life."
"I dropped into your life without an invitation."
"Forget men and the effect they had on me. I had better things to do, despite what my libido wanted from me."
"Being shot at. Killing O’Sean. Losing my job. Falling into a fae orgy pit. Being chased by men in black. It all felt so far away out here."
"I was across the street and in Centennial Park Cemetery before I heard the door of his loft open."
"You intrigue him, and he likes you well enough that he won’t hurt you."
"Overshoot the normal docking place," I yelled to be heard over the engine and the slap of water against the hull of the small boat.
"You must protect the cross now. From all that would take it and mean harm. Keep it safe, Guardian."
"Holy shit, that’s a relic of the fae. Why did it let you take it?"
"Running people attract the attention of the supernatural; have you not read The Last Unicorn?"
"My gran would prefer for me to lose this house permanently than to help an O’Sean hurt this town, something she is very sure will happen if they have their way."
"You are a prisoner to them, far worse than Feish is to me."
"But youth was also incredibly cocky, and young people so often thought they were immortal. I knew better."
"Because it wasn’t just her magic. Some of it was from Breena."
"You are a mutt with blood that is too diluted to be anything more than a thorn in my side."
"In that moment, I just wanted to stand around and look at things. To wonder at the strange beauty of it."
"Ask for payment first. Or you’ll have no chance of getting anything."
"That’s the best way to face challenges. Not alone, but with your most trusted people at your sides and your back. This world isn’t meant to be faced alone."
"Fairy tales didn’t come true, I wasn’t going to get the prince (or the king in this case), and I wasn’t going to magically get the house back in my name. But we were all alive, and no one was currently gunning for us, and I’d take that much as a small win."
"She has always been a tiger," Gran answered just as softly. "But for years she’s been told she was a sheep. She’s finding her claws again. That’s good. It makes her stronger."
"All outta ducks to give, I needed to know who was hunting my family, no matter what the cost was to my own life."