
Reckless Magic Quotes

Reckless Magic by Rachel Higginson

"He wasn’t afraid. He wasn’t worried. He was just curious."
"The expensive but empty house would be perfect to say goodbye to this life in."
"The hope he had lost so many years ago was suddenly ignited again by these two seemingly impossible infants."
"They cannot have anything to do with each other if we hope to keep them alive."
"Magic swirled around him, as he watched her twin brother be driven away to safety."
"If only I could have gone six months without getting expelled."
"It's not like I ever did it on purpose, it all just sort of happened."
"I was just glad I was able to stop it that time."
"I was just thankful I was able to stop the electrical build-up in time."
"I wanted to go back to sleep. And then it hit me. Oh no! I’d done it again."
"The world around me was perfectly intact, perfectly as it should have been and I was completely confused."
"Unfortunately for them, no one would be finishing anything at that school, since I magically burned it to the ground."
"I was officially humiliated by my erratic behavior."
"I had officially begun my first day at my new school as a freak."
"I am from here, I mean from Omaha. And I recently fainted in front of my entire first hour class."
"Unfortunately, I doubt you ever had a hurtful thought about anyone."
"I closed my eyes and breathed in the fresh air. I pulled my thick hair off of my neck and let the gentle, but humid wind blow through it."
"The campus was beautiful. The grass and trees were still green and the flowers were still in bloom."
"The best way for you to catch up is by full immersion."
"I had enough homework to last me several weeks, a few hours of procrastinating would not get me any farther behind than I already was."
"My house, a cozy Tudor style, four bedroom, three bath, sat in the middle of one of the most beautiful neighborhoods in Omaha."
"I'm in the mood for steak," I sighed whimsically.
"Electricity was still rushing through my veins, leaving me overwhelmingly weak and shaky."
"I would have never thought I would miss school, especially Kingsley, but sitting in front of my window Sunday night, I could not wait to get back there."
"The tests at the hospital all came back normal. I knew they would, I knew that whatever was wrong with me was not going to show up on a hospital chart or graph, unless maybe it was a mental hospital."
"My aunt was an important ER doctor. She was used to constant movement and nights of sleeplessness."
"Every time that Kiran tried to talk to me, Principal Saint showed up out of nowhere to keep us apart. Maybe it was just a coincidence, maybe not."
"I parked my car in the long line of black something or others, taking up two parking spaces. My sunflower yellow Land Rover stuck out terribly, but I could have cared less."
"I felt like I was in a scene from 'Rebel without a Cause.'"
"He laughed gently and then turned around and walked out the front door."
"A shiver ran up my spine and I couldn't decide if it was from excitement or fear."
"Normal people don't keep things like sleeping bags, hiking backpacks, portable stoves, canteens, and two-person tents lying around."
"I took a big bite out of my smoked catfish and tried to enjoy the taste of my future."
"I pushed the food around on my tarnished tin camping plate and wondered what Seraphina had planned next for me."
"I am not exactly sure how this trip was teaching us to survive in the real world."
"I could feel small pebbles and bits of mud still in my mouth, so my grin quickly turned to disgust and I tried to spit it out as quickly as humanly possible."
"I do what I want Eden, Seraphina knows that and you should too."
"Energy was vibrating through my heart at an accelerating speed, feeling more and more like a defibrillator."
"I mean, I may have been a freak, but I was certainly no magician."
"I was coming to terms with the fact that I was comfortable around him and it actually felt good."
"Because a walk will be fun, we can explore the great Nebraska Wilderness."
"I couldn’t look at him anymore; I was finding it hard to think straight."
"I couldn’t remember why I had thought this was such a good idea."
"I decided the poor thing loved crazy people."
"I began to relax after my eyes had adjusted and I could see where I was going a little better."
"The electricity pounding through my veins was intense, but it was also focused."
"I could feel the leaves move in the trees from the light breeze, and the rocks crunch under oncoming feet."
"The energy rushing through my body had set me on a war path, my blood turning to an uncontrollable fire."
"The sweet rest seemed to last forever and consumed my whole consciousness."
"The warm sunlight from my bedroom windows enveloped me as I lay on my overly soft, overly large bed."
"But fighting against my selfishness was the conscious knowledge that I had a moral responsibility to pay the consequences of my actions."
"I was aware of the bus arriving back at school, and I was aware of being taken to my aunt’s car, but through it all I refused to open my eyes and acknowledge reality."
"How could someone really be banished? Where did they go? What happened to them if they were caught?"
"Lilly is a shape-shifter; the monarchy banished her kind a long time ago. They are the outcasts of our society."
"Try it again," Principal Saint…. Amory commanded me.
"The magic flowed through me, putting every nerve on edge."
"I felt Amory’s magic prying the outside of my mind."
"The force field I had built around my thoughts became fortified and I relaxed, this was becoming natural."
"I had no idea what it meant to "work on my powers," and I was not completely sure I wanted to know."
"The more I used the magic, the more magic I had to use."
"I’m afraid the best course of action is for you to avoid him completely."
"If you were to testify on her behalf and she was found guilty you would receive the same punishment as her."
"We live under tyrannical rule and a king who is just as heartless and sick as his forefather."
"Our magic isn’t strong enough. But he doesn’t care about us. He only cares about himself, his bloodline and his damn prejudices."
"All he cares about is that his blood remains pure, and the blood of his line. The monarchy must never become tarnished."
"You are Immortal! Your magic can do the homework for you."
"The only free people are the witches and mediums, but I would hardly call what we have freedom."
"I could hear many voices below us and the strong drag of magic left me certain this was our destination."
"Use your magic," Avalon whispered to me through gritted teeth.
"I was at once thrilled that there were so many others like me, but then cautious again when I realized they were still all strangers."
"I am stronger with her near me. I can’t just run reconnaissance without some type of protection."
"I touched my fingers to my still swollen lips, expecting Avalon to drive away."
"Why can’t you just stay away from him?" he practically shouted at me."
"Do not lie to me," he said sternly. "Eden, don’t lie to yourself."
"I trust him completely, and I knew he would only do what was best for me."
"I may have had a hard time wrapping my mind around the monarchy before tonight, but the facts of Kiran’s power were clearly displayed in front of me."
"I fought to keep consciousness. Our souls were united in that one moment, and I never wanted to leave it."
"His usually clear blue eyes looked a little duller than usual and I noticed black and blue bags under them."
"I could deal with the whole Immortal thing, but all of these royal rules and standards of conduct were an entirely different matter."
"Despite Talbott’s efforts to be nice, I saw glimpses of the side of him that hated me."
"What century did we live in? Betrothal? Out of control."
"It was distracting me, and making me forget how mad I was."
"I don’t think so," I said, half standing up as quickly as I could, moving across the limo and onto the seat next to Talbott. I folded my arms stubbornly and stared out the window, vowing to ignore Kiran Kendrick completely.
"You look nice," Seraphina said sarcastically, after only seconds of entering the vehicle.
"Please, Eden; just humor me with some manners," he offered back haughtily.
"Is it what you expected?" Kiran turned his body to face me and spoke quietly; his blue eyes simmering and slicked back hair gave him a seductive quality I was having a hard time ignoring.
"Did it ever occur to you that maybe I want you all to myself?" Kiran's hot breath tickled the back of my neck when he whispered in my ear.
"I doubt that," Kiran gazed into my eyes intently, his signature smirk flaring up.
"Stop being so over-dramatic. There's no need to jump," Kiran's clean accent sounded amused as he entered through the roof top door.
"I'm not engaged," He said firmly. "I'm betrothed. And the two are very different things."
"It’s time for you to go Eden. This fight doesn’t concern you," the leader of the men addressed me.
"We want a new king," another cloaked figure to my left shouted. "A king who will give us our magic freely."
"I have never tried to kill you; I’ve only ever tried to protect you!" Avalon nearly stood up defending himself.
"You're so weird," she rolled her eyes again and then turned back to Adelaide to pick up where they left off.
"Well, it has many purposes, such as to completely wipe out the royal line so that the Titans may have their freedom back. Also, to protect as many Shape-shifters as possible so once we do have freedom again, our magic will not be missing anything and can be restored to its full glory."
"This whole fairy tale kingdom came with a lot more baggage than you read about in Disney books."
"First of all, you don’t use magic enough for me to trust you."
"Just because you can read my mind doesn’t mean that you should."
"Don’t worry about that. We have permission," Avalon replied confidently.
"We are all so happy to have you here, finally."