
Oceans Apart Quotes

Oceans Apart by Karen Kingsbury

"You give me wings enough to fly, but keep me grounded in everything that matters."
"Being with you is knowing intrinsically the speed of time, and my helplessness at slowing it even for a day."
"To whom much has been given, much will be expected."
"I can’t slow the ride, but I can enjoy every minute."
"When I write, I feel as though I’m reading, merely taking notes on the picture God puts in my head."
"I tell of hearts and souls and dances... Butterflies and second chances."
"Fear was an owl that rarely lighted on the branches of Kiahna Siefert’s heart."
"Life on earth and life above it, everything was good."
"Life is short; one of these days it’ll be too late."
"How could Mommy be gone? Who would read to him and hug him and love him now?"
"Yes, Max. There is a God. Even on a day like this."
"Tell her I’m being good for Ramey and that Buddy says hi."
"If the plane would’ve landed on the ground like it was supposed to, his mom would’ve been home by now."
"Because just like the caterpillar, the best days are ahead of us."
"But two tears spilled onto his face before he could stop them."
"When you’re sad, remember our song, because it will always be the truest thing I could tell you."
"You have four phone messages, a broken window in Susan’s room, and the girls will be starving in an hour."
"Not one detail was allowed time in the foreground of his mind."
"Life had simply formed a conspiracy against him."
"He could almost see the boy, the way he must’ve looked throwing a ball or walking alongside Kiahna."
"But this was so far out of his league he couldn’t remember how to breathe, let alone think up a way to unravel the ball of knots he’d just been tossed."
"The attorney paused again. 'The child has no one.'"
"Pain seized her chest and she knew instinctively what it was. A piece of her was dying. The part that had trusted Connor without hesitation was suddenly gasping for air, losing its heartbeat, unable to exist in light of the news."
"God . . . I’m dying. I can’t breathe . . . help me."
"Daughter, I am here with you . . . I will never leave you nor forsake you. Never . . ."
"I pray that if that happens, that God will be merciful in bringing forgiveness to Connor’s family. Forgiveness for me and Connor and anyone else who was hurt by what happened that stormy night."
"Know what love is, Max? Love is what happens when people forgive."
"But what was he supposed to do with the mad in his heart?"
"It didn’t matter that he looked like Connor; his eyes were his mother’s."
"The label was the last and greatest blow . . . the surefire explosion that ripped through her soul and told her the truth."
"And the way he held that little boy’s hand, he wasn’t ever going to let go."
"A place from which there would be no return, whether Max stayed with them or not."
"Those moments, all of them, were gone forever."
"But the rejoicing came in knowing that, because of some twist of fate, they’d found each other."
"Warmth beyond description filled the center of Connor’s being."
"His silence over the years was further proof that he had never really connected with Connor in the first place."
"She used to say that all the time. And heaven was at least oceans apart."
"When oceans we’re apart, I’m right here in your heart."
"His son had a Bible? One he read every night?"
"A good breakfast is the first part of taking a camping trip to the lake."
"Mrs. Evans doesn’t like to fish all that much, see. And this week her sister wanted her to come for a visit."
"I want Daddy to have a chance to get to know Max."
"The important thing is that you have a good time. You don’t need me for that."
"You’ll be able to stay up later and eat twice as many s’mores as usual."
"But think of all we’ll have to talk about when we get back."
"Nothing’s coming into our tent, Max, okay? You’re safe with me."
"I love you, Max, the most... I love to make you—"
"Her entire life was devoted to Max and making a good life for him."
"Pray for Connor to change his mind about the boy."
"But she didn’t. Mr. Evans said because she ran out of time, that’s why."
"His eyes and face told Max that he wanted to know the things Max was saying."
"Now, sitting on the rock with their arms touching, Max swallowed hard."
"Butterflies were special for me and my mommy."
"We used to have special butterfly days, where we’d see tons of ’em... A whole butterfly village."
"She said they prove that God gives second chances."
"Then one day the callipillar wakes up and God has done an amazing thing."
"I love you, Max, the most... When oceans we’re apart, you’re always in my heart."
"Pilots—good pilots—carry with them a certain kind of pride, an ability to see everything that goes wrong as a problem he can fix and move away from."
"Everything was just perfect, except one thing. Tomorrow he was going home."
"Her cold treatment toward him had been shameful and wrong, and she wished there was a way she could make it up to him."
"In that instant, gone were her thoughts about whose son he was or what he represented. All that mattered was that the heart of the boy before her was breaking."
"Max was a very nice boy, well-mannered and kind to the girls, polite and thankful with an easy grin and an adorable face."
"Love wasn't based on how a person looked. It was how the person talked and played and spent time that mattered."
"His heart slipped into an unfamiliar rhythm and with a burst of adrenaline he rounded the corner—"
"God . . . thank You for giving us this second chance. Thank You."
"It had to be a dream. The scene was too amazing, too wonderful, to be taking place in his own backyard."
"Yes, Max." He hugged his son tight to his chest. "It’s the biggest miracle I could ever imagine."
"What happened between us . . . it was my fault."
"I’m sorry, Dad. I . . . I didn’t say it the other night, but I’m sorry."
"You mean God answered all my prayers, every single one?"