
In Good Faith Quotes

In Good Faith by Scott Pratt

"The only allegiance was to Jehovah, the king of kings."
"I longed for a deeper, more personal relationship with God."
"What a magnificent sight, Bjorn thought; what a magnificent day. What a wonderful time to be alive and well in God’s kingdom."
"You could stand at the intersection of Marbleton and Smalling roads and unleash an arrow from a bow in any direction without fear of hitting anything human."
"I'm not really sure," Dillard said pleasantly. "To tell you the truth, I don't really know why I'm here. All I know is that Lee Mooney said he called you, and he sent me up here to help."
"You don’t want to look," he said. "The man and the woman were both shot at least six times. Both of them were shot in the right eye. So were the children. I wish I hadn’t seen that little boy… ."
"I’ll do what’s right, Lee," I said, "as soon as I figure out what it is."
"You’re going to hell, Joe. I feel sorry for you."
"I'm nervous as a whore in church, but I'm ready."
"All media. All about the murders," she said. She took the stack from my hand and began to go through it.
"Somebody placed them like that after they were shot," Mooney was saying. "And there’s something else—you see how the bottoms of the legs are bent? The sonsabitches ran over them when they left."
"I got casts of footprints that are useless until I find the feet that match them. I got casts of tire prints that are useless until I find the tires that made them."
"My clients are the people of Tennessee, and it looks like several of them have shown up today."
"I don’t know what all you people think you’re doing here, but if I hear a peep out of any of you I’ll have you removed from the courtroom immediately."
"Because the district attorney’s office refuses to prosecute him."
"The charge has no basis in law or fact, Judge."
"Go ahead, Judge. The first thing I’ll do is file a complaint with the court of the judiciary and seek to have you suspended or removed from office."
"Perhaps Mr. Dillard is right. Perhaps I acted hastily, even unreasonably."
"I’m sorry, Mr. Dillard. I may have screwed this up beyond repair."
"All we have are statements from some of the girls and a diary."
"Even if these girls aren’t as pure as the driven snow, no grown man should be allowed to take advantage of them like that."
"It’s hearsay, and it doesn’t fall under any of the exceptions to the hearsay rule."
"The truth was that I hadn’t done nearly as much reading as I could have, or should have."
"I don’t want you guys feeling sorry for her; at least, I don’t want you showing her that you feel sorry for her."
"What matters is what you can prove beyond a reasonable doubt."
"In exchange for the dismissal of all of the felony charges, my client is generously offering to plead guilty to one count of misdemeanor assault."
"I don’t remember religion as being one of your passions."
"Arrogance breeds sloppiness. It’s just a matter of time."
"My mouth tastes like a thousand elephants took a dump in it."
"The only way to deal with cancer is to kill it."
"I see things that others can’t see. I hear and feel things that others can’t."
"It was in moments like this, when the prospect of sudden, violent death became real and immediate, that he truly appreciated being alive."
"Shock and awe, no bullshit. I want all of them facedown on the ground in less than ten seconds."
"You have a right to keep your fucking mouth shut, you have a right to a scumbag lawyer."
"If we’re right about these assholes, they’ve already killed six people."
"The theory behind the Reid Technique was that suspects would naturally feel guilt and want to unload their burden. The officer was there to facilitate the cleansing of the spirit."
"If he had his way, he’d subject every goddamned one of them to torture."
"He put his palms on the table and pushed himself up. Pain shot up his lower back from the beginnings of arthritis in his hips."
"You shouldn’t have resisted arrest back at the motel," Fraley said. "You wouldn’t have gotten your nose broken."
"I didn’t want to call Fraley’s cell phone; I knew he’d let me know when—or if—he needed me."
"I wondered how such a drastic change in her appearance would affect our relationship, and selfishly hoped it wouldn’t lessen the intimacy we’d always enjoyed."
"How could the benevolent, loving God that Sarah described allow such a thing to happen to a person so kind, so gentle, so full of love?"
"He doesn’t go because there is no God, and if you had the least bit of sense you’d have realized it by now."
"He’ll get through the same way I do," my mother shot back. "He’ll learn to rely on himself."
"And how do you think we found you in the first place? We’ve got a witness. Somebody already gave you up. Game’s over for you, Sammy boy."
"You’re going to get the death penalty. The death penalty. They’re going to strap you into the electric chair and cook you like a fucking Thanksgiving turkey."
"And just what the fuck is this supposed to mean?" Fraley said. "Was this supposed to scare us?"
"She’s not going to confess," Fraley said. "She wouldn’t say a damned word to me."
"We don’t have a choice," I said. "We don’t have enough to hold her. We have to let her go."
"I spent the next week fending off the media, organizing as much evidence as I could, and preparing for the William Trent trial."
"It’s the standard in trial work: you start slowly and then build to a climactic finish."
"All or nothing. A multiple-count felony case with only one witness."
"She looked right at him and held out her hand. It wasn’t shaking."
"I don’t think I’ll ever be married. No one would want me after what he did to me, after what I did with him. I feel … I feel … dirty."
"The truth is that after you turned seventeen, you started using drugs with your friend Rosalie and your behavior became erratic."
"What scares me even more is the thought that if I hadn’t quit doing it, I would’ve ended up just like Snodgrass."
"I think he should suffer. I think he should feel the same pain he inflicted on Sarah. And I intend to make sure it happens."
"I’m not leaving, Sarah. If you don’t open the door, I swear to God I’ll kick it in."
"It was my fault. It was my fault. You know how I get sometimes. I just don’t know when to shut up."
"Don’t ever come near her again. Don’t call, don’t write, nothing. She’s gone. She’s out of your life. Do you understand?"
"In order to save her, they had to poison her."
"It’s all right, Caroline. It’s all right. We knew this was going to happen."
"I’ve always thought you were the prettiest girl I’ve ever seen. I still do."
"Nothing glamorous about this part of the job."
"You just make the payment and keep your mouth shut. Let me worry about the sheriff."
"I’m not moving my operation. For two grand a month, you can afford the gas."
"Gotcha," he said out loud. "Your ass is mine."
"The language she was speaking is called Enochian."
"A satanic curse. One that could bring terrible wrath and violence down upon you."
"Even if what you’re saying is true, she doesn’t have any power over me."
"I can’t do a thing without talking to the boss," I said.
"I knew I hadn’t done it, so that left only Dunn."
"I’d kick your ass all over this parking lot."
"It’s embarrassing. It’s disgusting. It’s … it’s downright shameful, is what it is."
"I hear you got a right hand like a jackhammer and you’re mean as a goddamned badger."
"Word’s already spread like jelly on a biscuit."
"What goes around comes around. Eye for an eye, all that shit. It was justice."
"The cases come to us whether we get publicity or not."
"You can’t change it now. What you can do is fight with all of your strength to make sure this doesn’t ruin the rest of your life."
"Great. Small-time politics and criminal justice. My favorite combination."
"I don’t give a damn where the jury’s from. There’s no way they’ll convict her."
"I’m going to enjoy this. I’m going to enjoy showing people that you’re nothing more than a corrupt hick."
"Who can explain madness? Who can explain evil?"
"Do whatever you want. Please yourself. There are no consequences to your actions."
"I have faith in God, and I have faith in you."
"Thoughts are a type of electromagnetic energy, although we don’t yet understand precisely how the energy originates or is dispersed."
"The human mind is a powerful, powerful tool when one knows how to use it."
"'Leon,' he’d say, 'the sun don’t shine up the same dog’s ass every day. If it did, it’d warp his ribs.'"
"When bad things happen in an organization people get blamed. It’s called accountability."
"Redemption through bloodshed. Sort of like salvation through bloodshed, isn’t it?"
"They ran into the Becks randomly at a rest stop, where Mr. Beck approaches Natasha and wants to talk to her about God. She gets angry and orders her boys to kill them."
"The only thing the nurse would tell me was that they were "treating her.""
"As I paced, thoughts kept flashing through my mind: Sarah being beaten, Lilly being attacked by a Doberman, Boyer dead on the floor."
"Oh, my God. Caroline … this is my fault. I’m so sorry."
"Her survival depends on how she reacts to the antibiotics."
"I couldn’t just go to Natasha’s and kill her. What would I tell the police? That I was defending myself from a Satanic curse?"
"I took a deep breath and walked in. It was quiet, the air perfectly still."
"I got down on my knees, bowed my head, and prayed."
"The problem was it could take days, even weeks."
"Don’t worry," she said, her freakish eyes boring into him. "I’m not going anywhere."