
The Kingmaker Quotes

The Kingmaker by Kennedy Ryan

The Kingmaker Quotes
"I wouldn’t expect you to notice, but I paid my own tuition."
"You aren’t ruthless enough. You think your brother won that Senate seat worrying about some reservation water supply or burial ground?"
"I wouldn’t want anyone to know I’m a Cade either."
"If you did something other than sit at a computer all day studying, you’d know what it’s like to be responsible for thousands of families."
"What happened to us, son? We used to hunt together."
"I want nothing to do with you. You’re not cutting me off, Dad, I’m the one cutting you off."
"The prophecies foretell a generation rising up to defend, to fight, to recover what was lost."
"I want to change the world. I’m just not sure how yet."
"You’re probably already too conceited for me to answer that."
"If a kiss has a color, this one is the muted shades of the sky overhead, a ménage à trois of midnight and indigo and moonshine silver."
"Shit, Nix." He rests his forehead against mine. "My place is just a few streets over. Come home with me."
"I want us both clear-headed and alert and certain when it happens."
"I want as much time as I can have with you. As long as we’re here. Until I leave for Antarctica or you go home. I just—"
"I felt like I could do anything, and I decided I didn’t ever want to take anything, anyone inside my body that made me feel less than that."
"I’ve got something to show for myself all right. Whether I help you depends entirely on who’s pulling your strings."
"She’s empowered. Sick people come to be touched by her."
"I can’t afford distractions. I’ve got too much shit to do."
"You’re spoiling me. If this is the first date, what’s your follow-up?"
"I’ll never forget how you looked last night."
"Can you feel so deeply for someone after just a few days?"
"Maybe I waited so long to make love because I knew I’d be bad at this."
"The future is not a gift. It is an achievement."
"We have to fight for the right we believe in."
"You don’t have to be a politician to change the world."
"This week with you was really special to me. I don’t regret one minute of it."
"I want to spend my life fighting for what's right."
"I’m not working for Cade Energy, Dad. I have a plan that has nothing to do with you."
"I don’t fuck liars. I’m particular that way."
"I lied. It’s never like this. I thought I could walk away, but I don’t want to."
"You and your family, your father represent everything I want to spend my life fighting."
"Everything of yours I have, you gave freely, and you know it."
"You should have told me the truth and let me decide for myself if I wanted to be involved with you."
"You did the one thing I am so tired of everyone doing. You lied to get what you want."
"If you care about me at all, don’t convince me. Don’t trick me out of my convictions."
"I wish this could be different, and I wish you the best."
"What part of that do you consider discreet exactly?"
"Recognizing their contributions without exposing their shortcomings... is a disservice."
"We have to know what happened if we are to ensure that it never happens again."
"I represent the people of California and have for the last ten years."
"My father is not a ventriloquist, and I’m no dummy."
"We’re doing this because Beltway is the hottest new political show around."
"I love this country too much to settle for the lies written in our history books."
"I may be a little biased, but this country would be lucky to have my brother as president."
"Who knows if I would have gotten over who your father was? You didn’t give me the chance to decide."
"I’ve spent the last ten years getting what I want, not because I’m a Cade but because I work harder than everyone else. I keep working after everyone else has gone home. I take risks no one else even considers. I don’t give up on seemingly lost causes. When I want something, really want something, I’ll do whatever I have to until I have it."
"I’m not a bastard. Asshole, yes. Prick, may—"
"I know what you told Owen, and I’m more than happy to have Kimba as my contact. What the hell does that have to do with us?"
"I make my own compliments. How does it feel knowing you could bring a man like me to my knees?"
"I’m trying to respect your wishes. To respect your decision and your… Your relationship, but I told you I would come back when the time was right. I think the time is now."
"You know I can’t control Lennix. Every time you try to lay a pipeline on tribal ground, she’s coming for your ass."
"I can’t save them all, Lenn, but you’re your mother’s daughter, so I know you’ll always try."
"I want to see if what we had, what we should have had, is still there."
"You did this on purpose. Waited until the whole team was in place and we’d officially signed with Owen to show your hand."
"This isn’t second grade, Maxim. ‘Because’ isn’t a sound or compelling argument."
"It’s just us, and this is where I want to be."
"The me track has to get out of this bed if I plan to make my meeting."
"You could skip the service trip to Costa Rica and come with me to Paris for this climate change summit instead."
"You’re gonna make me lots of money, Doctor Murrow."
"You don’t know what I am, who I am, and if you’re a smart bitch, you’ll make sure it stays that way."