
The Book Charmer Quotes

The Book Charmer by Karen Hawkins

The Book Charmer Quotes
"Change never hurt nobody, child. You know that. It’s those who can’t or won’t change who lose."
"Everyone has a story. That’s what makes us who we are."
"Expectations, even inherited ones, could weigh on one’s shoulders like bags of cement if they were unfulfilled."
"Sometimes the only way to begin a journey to the future was with a gentle shove from the past."
"You remember me, don’t you? - Oh, the fun we had when I babysat you."
"Growing up, no matter how badly life had treated her and Hannah, they’d had each other."
"It’s tough letting go of something you only thought you had."
"I owe you a thousand years of being counted on."
"Part of the problem was that while she wasn’t really Daisy’s mother, Grace’d also lost her standing as the Favorite Aunt."
"God, he had so many regrets. Hundreds of them. Perhaps the biggest one was that he hadn’t spent enough time with Dad."
"You’re doing it right, living in the present, one minute at a time."
"That’s not a polite question," Mrs. Giano said, although a flicker of warmth lit her eyes.
"Isn’t it?" She patted his chest. "Think about it, will you? But not too much."
"Just one day at a time," he told himself. "Just one fricking day at a time."
"The nights were the worst. That’s when his memories, bloodied and furious, howled in the blackness."
"Sometimes you just have to scrub out all the silliness and let the sun in."
"I don’t know. She was doing it when I got here. I jumped in because I figured it’d get her out of here quicker."
"It felt good to work out. It cleared his mind and reminded him that there were things he could still do and do well."
"Over the past few years, he’d learned to accept a lot of things, especially after Dad’s diagnosis."
"As time went on, Dad became less able to function, and Trav quietly stepped up, eventually taking over the business."
"I can quote statistics and psychological theories out the wazoo, but none of that helps when you’re trying to get them to eat their brussels sprouts."
"We need to talk about something more important than the Apple Festival. Something that could help the town."
"I’ve been too busy to think about it. All municipalities have to migrate their tax records to the new state system by the end of the month, and Mrs. Phelps didn’t bother to even start getting things set up, so I’m swamped."
"I’m willing to come back and chair the committee, but on my own terms."
"We’re going to gut the festival budget and use the money for an outreach program where we invite potential businesses to visit our town."
"I didn’t want to get rid of the festivals. We just need to reallocate some of the funds for one year, perhaps two."
"You and Sarah both. And Daisy, too. You will need to be there together."
"I don’t want to say anything before the meeting, because it might get people’s hopes up and I don’t want to let everyone down again."
"You’ve both let your anger take over your lives, but it’s time for that to stop."
"I realized I’ve been limiting myself. So I started my own business."
"I’m going to try. I’ll still work with my mom until I’ve built up my business."
"The town lost sight of why we had the festivals to begin with."
"We discovered that the festivals and the town have the same problem."
"The original purpose of the first Apple Festival was to help the people of Dove Pond."
"I went through the town archives, almost three hundred years of history."
"Your spreadsheets do the same thing for you; you just don’t call it ‘talking.’"
"Two is enough. And I’ll always be here for you both, no matter what."
"I’m not afraid of storms for I am learning how to sail my ship."
"The Apple Festival has returned, a true two-day family event, launched with a bang."
"I owe him a word of thanks for his help with Mama G’s late-night spaghetti run."
"You’re the one they’re going to want to see when we get them home, the one they’ll ask for."
"People who really live have a little wear and tear."
"I don’t know what we’d have done without him."
"God bless the Dove Family Good Luck. I love a happy ending."