
The History Of Bees Quotes

The History Of Bees by Maja Lunde

The History Of Bees Quotes
"The trees were as old as a lifetime. The branches were as fragile as thin glass, they cracked beneath our weight."
"It wasn’t until autumn came and the trees were laden with fruit that we would know who among us had actually succeeded in their work."
"Everything around me was yellow. Endlessly yellow."
"Peace on earth and mercy mild, God and sinners reconciled."
"If I have three grains of rice, and you have two, and we put them together, how many does that make?"
"Without knowledge we are nothing. Without knowledge we are animals."
"We all had to work to acquire food, it was said, to make the food we would eat ourselves."
"They had made lots of new friends, they said, listing random names: Laurie, Mark, Randy, Steven."
"It’s not that I lack the will... it’s... the passion, Edmund."
"Nature about to explode with greenery and everyone talked about how nice it was, while everyone just wanted to be outside and enjoy it, I stayed inside under crackling fluorescent lights and hammered away as if possessed."
"Emma was better with words than I was, that’s often the case with women and more often than not she got her own way."
"The yellowed, brittle paper was about to crumble into pieces, but Emma rescued it with glass and heavy gold frames."
"It wasn’t quiet, it was never quiet when you shut everything out, the hissing of the brain, of my own breath, the heart pounding, all of it invaded you."
"I knew of François Huber’s story from my student days, but had never really studied his theories in depth."
"The bees are clean animals. They fly away to die, not wanting to leave their remains behind to contaminate the hive."
"I stood beside the desk. It was placed by the window, where the light was the best, the most suitable place in the room and absolutely the most pleasant."
"I could feel Kuan’s hand resting in mine, completely still. We could have talked. We could have made love. But neither of us wanted to do anything but lie like this."
"The man who stared back at me was someone else, someone who had experienced something."
"I was unable to take my eyes off the drawings, off the bees. I wanted to go in there. Into the hive!"
"One solid spit gob and the fly vanished, didn’t see where, I wasn’t very interested in studying it anymore."
"The shop lay in semidarkness. I lit a few candles and was able to light a brass lamp."
"I couldn’t fall asleep. The pitchfork was still there vibrating in my heart after my conversation with Tom."
"It was a warm night. I didn’t put on my jacket, just went out wearing the T-shirt I’d worn to bed."
"You must forgive me. I forget that you’re no longer a child."
"The food tasted surprisingly good and Dorothea was clearly in the process of evolving into a proper housewife."
"I stood there, in the doorway. The shop lay bright and inviting behind me."
"The eggs are no more than 1.5 millimeters in length. One in each cell, grayish against the yellow wax."
"It was nighttime and I was awake again. Sleep had no meaning; neither did anything else."
"They were the judges, at the end of the day; they were the ones who determined whether the hive would be their home."
"If I said forgive me, it was true. Then I was to blame."
"We’ve been saving for three years. We’ll be too old."
"Because I never grew weary, I could sit for hours and watch them. They moved in clear patterns. Carried, put down and retrieved."
"Something was awakened in me when I understood this, a warmth unlike any other, a fervor."
"But he just laughed. An anthill? Leave it in peace. Do something useful, lend a hand, let’s see what you’re made of."
"I wished I could look away, but was unable to keep myself from watching."
"Never more than half a tank. It was a new gimmick I’d come up with."
"Colony Collapse Disorder. It was on everyone’s lips."
"I’ve never liked parallel parking; I’m not much of a man when it comes to that."
"Parking like this right in front of the bank was just laziness, we were too lazy in this country."
"Imagine if someone had discovered me, imagine if customers had looked in and seen me sleeping in the shop."
"For the first time in my life, I felt drawn to them."
"I hadn’t thought about it before, but the rubbish had been removed."
"Where were they now, all those who had lived their lives here?"
"But now only the shadow of all the smells remained, almost hidden by the massive stuffiness."
"There was nothing else. I had lost everything. Even the money was gone."
"But another face forced its way to the surface. A face from this world."
"Because I wasn’t the one who should do it. They weren’t mine to destroy, but rather his."
"The sound of the hammer against nails, rhythmic. The whining saw, music."
"The bees are dying, Dad. We’re the only ones who can do anything about it."
"It felt as if God had been teasing me. Hung a ladder down from the sky and let me climb up to take a peek, let me see angels on candy floss wings before He suddenly pushed me off a cloud and let me fall back to earth."
"In order to live in nature, with nature, we must detach ourselves from the nature in ourselves."
"The bee dies when its wings are worn out, frayed, driven too hard, like the sails of the Flying Dutchman."
"You have loved him too much. Is it possible to love somebody too much?"
"You mustn’t think like that. I’ve received more than any girl could expect. More than any other girl I know."
"And then I understood. These were her drawings, too, her work."
"Nothing matters anymore. Don’t you see that?"
"The only book he wrote, but that doesn’t make it any less important."
"It wasn’t your fault, Tao. It wasn’t your fault."