
Don't Go Quotes

Don't Go by Lisa Scottoline

Don't Go Quotes
"The last thing she remembered, she was rinsing the dishes after lunch, eyeing the sun through the window, like a big, fresh shiny yolk in the sky."
"Chloe used to teach art in middle school, but now she was a new mom with no time to shower, much less paint."
"Chloe should have been more careful, but she was a beginner alcoholic."
"The fog in her brain cleared, and Chloe remembered she’d been loading the dishwasher, and the chef’s knife had slipped, slicing the underside of her arm."
"She felt her life ebb away, borne off in a sea of her own blood."
"Mike always said a prayer before he cut, though his wife Chloe was the religious one."
"Each minute counted and the FST was in constant motion, but Mike had learned to slow time down while he operated."
"If Mike was a superhero of anything, it was that. He was the Batman of Compartmentalizing."
"Emily started to wake up, moving her head back and forth, then opened her eyes and looked directly at him, something she hadn’t done as a newborn."
"But I think you’ll be pleased with her appearance, and it’s absolutely fine to have an open casket. You’ll see what I mean."
"My sympathies on the loss of your wife. I understand it’s a difficult situation, with your being home such a short time."
"We may not be perfect, but we’re good, and good people can’t imagine evil. It catches us by surprise, and it always will."
"The train is leaving the station. You don’t know how Davy operates."
"You can’t say yes. You just lost your wife. You have a baby. You want to make her an orphan?"
"This cannot happen. This is just unacceptable."
"You didn’t say no. Go to Joe and tell him, so he can tell Davy. The train is leaving the station."
"I wish I could take it all back. I wish I could take everything back."
"If we add in the very severe injury, or ISS that’s greater than twenty-four, and severe injuries, or ISS between sixteen and twenty-four, our DOW rate only goes up to 9 percent."
"You can’t unsee what you saw. You can’t unknow what you know. I wish I didn’t know about her cheating. But now that I do, I can’t ignore it."
"This relationship was wrong when it started, and continuing it only makes it more wrong. I know that you are not the answer to my loneliness or depression. I have to get back on my feet."
"I appreciate everything you’ve done for me and Emily, but the first thing I’m doing this morning is to go to a Realtor’s office and get him started on finding us a place, at least to rent, until I can buy."
"I know that you are not the answer to my loneliness or depression. I have to get back on my feet."
"Neil, you should thank him for his service to this country."
"Why do you think we babyproofed everything? She’s an active child."
"You’re not at war. You’re home. You need to realize that."
"He’s a big cat. This is a whole book about big cats. Isn’t that so nice? I love big cats."
"Mike, welcome! Carly, this is the famous Mike Scanlon, who worked here before his deployment. He’s a genuine war hero, did you realize that?"
"Teachers touch people’s lives in ways they can never imagine."
"Sometimes you pick your fights, and sometimes they pick you. Litigation is just another kind of war, and a custody fight is toughest of all."
"I thought you might feel that way. Maybe we’ll leave that door open, but we can’t know—"
"No one was waiting, and she asked me a question, so I answered it."
"I was running out of time. 'Danielle, please! This isn’t right it! She’s mine!'"
"It’s wrong to set aside your child’s welfare for Sara’s murder case. You’re Emily’s father, and that’s why we have police departments."
"I understand I injured Pat. What did I do and how much did it cost?"
"I have to thank you. It helps so much to know that MacFarland’s going to be punished for what he did to Sara, and to all of us."
"Did you even think about the legal implications?"
"I’m glad I could do something, anything, to help."
"Your Honor, I didn’t misspeak. I meant what I said."