
The Supreme Macaroni Company Quotes

The Supreme Macaroni Company by Adriana Trigiani

The Supreme Macaroni Company Quotes
"The Hudson River lay flat and black like a lost evening glove."
"The big Christmas Eve moon appeared out of nowhere, like the diamond on my hand."
"This moment was different from all the others that had come before it."
"A shoemaker would marry a tanner. This could work."
"Sometimes redemption lands in your life like a bird and looks you straight in the eye, even when you believe you don't deserve forgiveness."
"The opera of roaring engines and horns and screeching brakes on the West Side Highway was suddenly mute."
"You can't count on people. You fall in love, you take a shot, you hope for the best."
"The high ceilings and low work lamps over the cutting table remind me of the pools of light over the altar at Our Lady of Pompeii on Carmine Street."
"In a world where time is precious, I spent too much of it working through problems in makeshift relationships, attempting to build something lasting with weak materials instead of insisting on excellence when building my life."
"We’ve got another problem. A different complication."
"Pity is the ruination of women. When we feel sorry for a man, we get into trouble."
"It’s the community of your heart, your allies. You need them even though you think you might not. You don’t know what the future holds, but your family will be there to hold you when you need them."
"I’m not saying it’s going to be easy. But you can do it. You learn from your mistakes. That’s not true of everyone. That’s really what it comes down to."
"A man who can build things is a problem solver. Really, when I think of it, handy is the new sexy."
"All the old guys would sit around and smoke cigars and talk about women. The women would gather around a picnic table and yak for hours about whatever women talk about. This big extended family was what I knew. We were close, sometimes too close."
"Sometimes we forget that talent is a gift and we take it for granted. But it’s important. You have a gift, and you should always be a guardian of your art."
"I never thought money was more important than family."
"You always assume the best in people. And I hope you’re right. But if you’re wrong, it’s okay by me. I will be there for you no matter what."
"When you can make something, you have a certain power. It means you can always survive by the labor of your own hands."
"I don’t want you to give up everything for him. He has a family already—a grown daughter and a son-in-law. And you have everything ahead of you."
"You can't do everything you want to do and do it well."
"We never repeat the ugly. Denial is a good thing."
"Every feeling I had during labor was magnified... love, guilt, insecurity, anxiety, and anticipation."
"A marriage is for life, so what are a few quibbles here and there?"
"Whatever God sends, as long as he’s healthy."
"I miss the light and the quiet and the long afternoon naps in Italy."
"If you wanted to live in a cave, I’d find one."
"This is a country of dogs hanging on to bones."
"Our lives are here, and yet I want her to know Italy."
"Memories, it turns out, take up as much space in the human heart as feelings."
"I have decided that love is only real and true when it makes you feel safe."
"Every person from here to the Rockaways is freezing their ass off. Why should we be exiled?"
"The only way I can thank him is to raise Alfie to be a woman he would be proud to know."
"Grief is like unwieldy fabric, familiar in my hands now. Sometimes it lies flat. Other times, I cannot for the life of me manage it into the desired shape."
"I have everything I’ll ever need in this room right now."
"I was thinking of June Lawton as I put out the silver coffee urn on the server in our dining room."
"I am alone now, and without him, everything seems uncertain."
"But isn’t that true of everyone that you love and who loves you?"