
The Split Quotes

The Split by Sharon J. Bolton

The Split Quotes
"It's not a ship. It's an iceberg. Oh, thank Christ."
"The ocean is troubled today, steel-grey as the sky and broken like shattered glass."
"The ends of the Earth. That's how far she ran this time."
"How will the terror burst out, she wonders, when it inevitably does."
"The blue lake, which forms every spring from meltwater, has been steadily accumulating for five months now."
"She thinks of the fear inside her like a cancer, eating away at muscles, organs, bone."
"There is a lump in her throat that won’t seem to swallow away."
"Time to get moving. Jack’s voice, rasping over the comms system, is unrecognizable."
"The only sound is that of heavy, laboured breathing."
"When they are ready to leave the glacier, Felicity stands on the edge of the lake once more."
"Felicity puts a finger to her lips. She feels, rather than sees Jack’s smile and then she flips."
"If she dies today, it’s over. No more running. No more hiding."
"She has to get a grip. She has time. She’s prepared, even if the worst happens."
"‘What’s up, guys?’ Alan’s voice crackles at them from the surface."
"She needs to keep watch. If her decoy hasn’t worked, if he’s managed to get hold of a boat, he could be here by now."
"Felicity screams, long and loud and the sound brings her back to herself."
"Without ice, the planet’s finished. We all die."
"I can’t afford to be ill. Who employs a mad woman?"
"I’m angry because someone I’ve never met before has what I believe to be an unreasonable power over me."
"Ice stops water evaporating. More water in the atmosphere means more of the big catastrophic storms we’ve been seeing."
"I study ice. It’s mainly about ice. And its decline."
"Being homeless is always down to bad luck, bad luck leading to bad choices, then a downward spiral."
"I remember being at home before it happened. Having some dinner, catching up on admin. After that, nothing."
"I can’t stand Felicity’s hair. I can’t stand the time she spends on it, washing, conditioning, combing, plaiting, weaving, twisting it this way and that. It’s only fucking hair."
"Closer than you think," whispers a voice in her head in the early hours of Sunday morning.
"You really think someone is coming into my house? When I’m out and when I’m asleep?"
"It’s not about the stuff, it’s – you know – someone to talk to. Knowing someone gives a shit."
"I’m not sure I’d say close. She took good care of me. But she was quite elderly and also, I think, a bit detached. In any case, it’s not the same, is it? Not the same as having an actual mum and dad."
"It’s so bloody frustrating, Torq. She was starting to open up, about the voices, the fugue states. Now almost complete withdrawal."
"Her grandmother had told her nothing about what happened when she was so young, about her mother’s death, what her father did. I’m sure her father had written before and the grandmother kept the letters from her."
"Against my better judgement, Joe. That woman is trouble."
"‘I won’t hurt you,’ he says. ‘I’m Joe, your therapist. Please don’t be afraid of me.’"
"‘You could have been hurt last night,’ Joe says. ‘You could have hurt someone else.’"
"She pushes her hair back away from her face. ‘You can’t know that for sure.’"
"‘I know you can cause me problems if you really put your mind to it,’ she says."
"‘I’m going to South Georgia,’ she says. ‘There is no one there who can hurt me. There is no one I can hurt.’"
"He’s opening the door. He’s opening the door. No, no, no, Daddy, don’t give me to the bad men."
"‘Will you come back to therapy?’ he asks her."
"There’s a gap in my late teens. A couple of years, I think, when I can’t remember anything much."
"‘Her father is dead,’ Joe says. ‘He killed himself when she was tiny.’"
"Her grandmother died, which would have been unsettling in itself. It left Felicity in the care of the local authority."
"When Felicity feels threatened, she acts out of character. She becomes someone else."
"We’re talking about when she was fifteen. It doesn’t help us now."
"She’s a killer, Joe. You can cure her in prison."
"People who have DID develop an ability to take themselves away from difficult situations. They step outside the room if you like."
"When she’s Shane, she completely believes she’s a young man with that name."
"She was a very confused and unhappy young woman."
"I should have been there for you. I should never have left you."
"The glacier shifts again before he is halfway back but this time he is ready for it."
"Felicity, I’m back. I’ve got rope. Not much longer now."
"He sees boulders of ice, gleaming silver, white and blue."
"The cold has become a living thing in Felicity’s mind."
"‘Shush,’ Felicity mumbles, and closes her eyes."
"Felicity! For God’s sake, you have to wake up. You’re sitting in freezing water."
"‘What’s that?’ Joe has spotted a yellow flag in the ice."
"Around him, Joe sees abstract sculptures that could have been carved from human hands."
"‘I’ll take ov—’ Joe begins, but doesn’t finish."
"‘Well,’ she says, ‘that bitch and I have some talking to do.’"