
Timeless Quotes

Timeless by Gail Carriger

Timeless Quotes
"Well, there, that explains everything. That was a grunt of displeasure."
"God’s teeth, woman, how could you possibly tell?"
"The most interesting thing about this dress is how remarkably easy it is to get into and out of."
"I believe we may, just possibly, survive, my little periwinkle."
"I suppose they must be alerted to the fact that we have arrived."
"Isn’t that just like one of your progeny? Couldn’t just let sleeping mummies lie, could she?"
"I shield in the name of fashion. I accessorize for one and all. Pursuit of truth is my passion. This I vow by the great parasol."
"All of the old ones, I’m afraid. Fortunately, most of them die fighting off challengers. But the really strong ones, the ones who live past three or four hundred, they all go—as you say—sour."
"What Queen Matakara says is never the whole truth, and what Queen Matakara is has been hidden by the sands of time."
"You are not above playing all the cards you have been dealt, are you, my darling girl?"
"It is not so bad as I had feared, working for the hive."
"There is also a matter for the Parasol Protectorate to handle in Egypt."
"He should never have even given them a thought. The Woolsey Pack had its own problems."
"Such a pity. That's one of us sorted. I guess you could do worse than Conall Maccon."
"The nappy and the pantalettes did not survive the transition. The dress did."
"Prudence’s werewolf nature seemed less driven by the need to hunt and feed than it was to run and play."
"Gracious me, where did you come from, you adorable little fuzzball?"
"Catch her!" ordered Alexia, but it was too late. Prudence was off down the corridor.
"You look tired, Professor. No insult intended, of course."
"London’s rove vampires are acting up. I had one in the shop this very evening, throwing his weight around like he was a queen."
"And the rove parties are getting rather wild as well. Do you know BUR had a missive from Queen Victoria on the subject?"
"Mama!" said the wriggling girl who resulted from this transaction. And then, as they were on the outer deck and she was wearing only a pink party dress, "Brrrr!"
"Any mail for Casablanca? Departure in ten minutes! Any mail?"
"But, Alexia, it isn’t sunny." "Not that kind of testing." Lady Maccon gave Mrs. Tunstell a wink.
"Now, Alexia, why would I want to do a thing like that?"
"By George, that is an idea! Perhaps she feels a limiting of her abilities, or perhaps she has a way of sensing others out of the aether that she relies upon that is shut off by water."
"And no thought of what this will do to Professor Lyall or this pack?" "What do I care for a middle-class professor or a gaggle of werewolves?"
"I’ll thank you, Lady Kingair, to remove my ankle from your mouth," he said.
"You nasty, manipulative little maggot," said Lady Kingair to Professor Lyall, her words more rancorous than her tone, which was fatigued.
"So we must wait until Lord Maccon dies? How macabre."
"Conall, really!" she hissed. "At least pull on some boots so you have a facade of decency!"
"Sharing the same air. I believe that was the Templar’s phrasing for two preternaturals in the same place."
"One would perhaps call her feather-head?" suggested Tunstell to much general hilarity. The spell of the ancient world around them was broken.
"You should look farther south. The answers to your questions lie in Upper Egypt, Miss Tarabotti," said the Drifter.
"You have no idea how bad this is going to get."
"Do you know how many strangers the queen has allowed into her presence over the last few centuries?"
"Never did you think it might be better to have been told by you than to have you ally against me?"
"You have made a chump of me. To hell with the lot of you."
"So Sandy discovered something in Egypt so severe it was included under the act even though it was outside the homeland. For the good of the Commonwealth."
"It’s important to have a part of the world that is free of supernaturals."
"I think we should wait, Alexia. It is enough to know."
"I think Matakara started it all those thousands of years ago. I think she started it to get rid of the werewolves and it got out of hand."
"Conall, do be careful! Inhale one of those and you could be mortal forever! Or something equally nasty."
"I can manage anything if we get some answers at the end of it."
"I married an idiot," thought his loving wife, and she rushed down the hillside.
"Be fair, my love. When have I ever done as ordered?"
"I can't faint again. Now is not a good time, even if I were the fainting type," she remonstrated with herself.
"Conall Maccon," she cried, shaking off the blackness, "I forbid you to die."
"She feels remarkably restless and wanted to know if she had to stay in Alexandria for the rest of her life."
"It is the modern age, my dear Lord Akeldama. I think we must learn to accept such things as a consequence of shifting times."