
Red Country Quotes

Red Country by Joe Abercrombie

Red Country Quotes
"All struck with a madness of hope. Or of greed, depending on the observer’s faith in humanity."
"Better to do it than live with the fear of it."
"You don’t need a big dream, a little one will do it."
"You can always tell a thief, on account of all the care they take with their own money."
"Men of conscience and conviction might find themselves better suited to other lines of work."
"It might be best if you didn’t mention this to Temple. He worries, bless him."
"Innocence is not for you to judge. Nor is it given to man to understand God’s design."
"Every great man faces them. Abandons dreams wrecked by betrayal and finds new ones to pursue."
"I made a promise to your mother. ’Fore she died. Made a promise to look to her children."
"To have the world against you and pick your path regardless–there is courage."
"Conscience and the cock-rot are hardly equivalent."
"Never leave to God what you can do yourself."
"The sooner you put [the past] from your pinprick of a mind the happier you’ll be."
"I never in my life felt so sorry for a horse."
"Never own a thing you couldn’t swim a river with."
"It’s the Far Country, true enough! Far ’cause it’s so damn far from anywhere a civilised man would care to go."
"You can strike off south to the Empire and ask old Legate Sarmis for a bath if that’s your style. Or trek back east to the Union and ask the Inquisition."
"Guess you never know how folk’ll fare if things get ugly."
"I find the trouble is, though, wherever you run to… there y’are."
"People spoke over him, looked through him, and when they passed a bottle round it never got to him, but he had eyes, and he had ears..."
"But hearing it’s one thing, and living it another. The work, the sheer graft of it, and the weather always wrong."
"Sometimes she hated her children, with their whining and their sore spots and their endless, gripping, crushing needs."
"Every one of these people came out here to make something!"
"The trees grew taller and taller until they were pillars of wood that seemed to pierce the sky..."
"What is so is so because of the choices we make."
"It saddens me, that this might be your best."
"You can't tell what'll light the fire in some folk."
"Enough to make a man believe in God. And that He's somewhere else."
"I reckon folk have the right to pick their own method of destruction."
"There's rarely such a thing as a right side."
"Long as it takes. Ain’t like I got better offers knocking my door down."
"I’ve killed better men for worse reasons, I’m sorry to say."
"The only laws people seem to respect out here are the ones with a point on the end."
"Once you begin, there is always someone else that needs killing."
"A face is no more evil than a coat. It is the man beneath, and his actions, that count."
"Treat folk the way you’d want to be treated and you can’t go far wrong."
"You’d best watch out for that prick Sacri, though. Don’t think he sees it that way."
"Life’s one certainty," rumbled Jubair, rolling his eyes towards the heavens. Or at least the mildewed ceiling.
"Far from a certainty," muttered Shy. In spite of Cosca’s talk about haste his Company had loitered around Crease like flies around a turd for a whole two weeks to resupply, which meant to cause every kind of unsavoury chaos and steadily desert.
"Can’t fathom your meaning," but tweaking one of his sleeves down even so.
"Scared is good," he said. "The dead are fearless and I don’t want either of us joining ’em."
"You’d have to fucking know some to teach some."
"Death loves me." Lamb smiled, black-eyed, wet-eyed, and the smile was worse even than the snarl had been. All the work I done for him? The crowds I’ve sent his way? He knows he ain’t got no better friends.
"You’re taking your time about it, all right."
"The world is filled with folly and waste," he said. "It is enough to shake a man’s faith."
"We disagree on what is best and how to get it."
"The Maker taught us it is not fear, but how we face it that counts."
"It is best never to give your enemy what they most desire."
"The only good way to fight is that which kills your enemy and leaves you with the breath to laugh."
"The losers are always the villains, only winners can be heroes."
"Sometimes it’s better to do a thing than live with the fear of it."
"You might want to cut down on the drinking, though."
"Sooner or later you have to do something, or you’ll never do anything."
"It’s all about putting the practice in, like anything else."
"Never fear your enemies, but your friends, always."
"It is a treaty. Bringing Crease and the surrounding country into the Empire."
"The only laws that matter are those backed by force."
"I sign with the name Goltus, for this hand is the hand of the Emperor."
"Sometimes, I think you're hardly like me at all."
"I want my money. It isn't your money. It never was."
"I suppose a person should stick to what they're good at."
"I've always had the very same problem. I would ask one of my men to pour me a glass, but thanks to Master Lamb’s fearsome talents and Master Temple’s underhanded machinations, my Company is somewhat reduced."
"I want a chance to do it all again. To do it... right."