
The Lady Is A Vamp Quotes

The Lady Is A Vamp by Lynsay Sands

The Lady Is A Vamp Quotes
"Great, a guilt-ridden vampire," she thought wryly and gave a chuckle at the cliché.
"I’ve been better," Jeanne Louise said dryly, glancing down to the chains again.
"But I don’t want it," Livy said unhappily. "It doesn’t taste good."
"She’s obviously ill. Perhaps her illness is affecting her taste buds somehow, like when you get a cold or flu."
"I guess I should take you back in. I don’t want to leave her alone in case she wakes up," Paul said abruptly.
"I’m sure you have enough," Jeanne Louise murmured and accepted the jar.
"Action adventure, comedies, and horror," Jeanne Louise answered easily.
"We should be able to find something we both like in there," Paul admitted.
"This is closer to Livy," she said with a shrug and moved nonchalantly to the love seat.
"It’s okay, sweetie. But it’s bedtime and you want to be all rested and feeling good for the beach tomorrow, don’t you?"
"I’m serious, Jeanie. I would rather suffer the pain of your bite than have you bite others."
"You’re pale still. You need blood, don’t you?"
"I suspect he hadn’t heard with his mortal hearing."
"I know, hon. But it’s bedtime and you want to be all rested and feeling good for the beach tomorrow, don’t you?"
"He smiles more with you around. And he doesn’t seem so sad all the time anymore."
"Shared pleasure was definitely the bomb, Paul decided, and his last semi-sensible thought was to thank God for it and for whatever scientist had created nanos that allowed for it."
"Jeanne Louise chuckled and accepted the plate he held out. She was feeling rather hungry, and they both fell silent as they started to eat."
"Paul smiled wryly and admitted, 'There’s a pretty little redhead named Bev in my department who has made it clear she’d be interested in a… er… friendship.'"
"Paul glanced to her, and then raised an eyebrow in question. 'You don’t seem happy to know this.'"
"Jeanne Louise took a breath, and then told him, 'Each immortal is allowed to turn only one mortal in our life time.'"
"Paul turned sharply at that growl, his eyes narrowing on the man with short dark hair now entering the room."
"Paul shifted uncomfortably under the look, thinking the guy definitely acted like a father."
"Jeanne Louise stared at him silently, knowing that he was right. That would have been much simpler, not to mention easier than sneaking around."
"Jeanne Louise stared at him nonplussed. She’d actually met him? Apparently. Well, sort of."
"Jeanne Louise hesitated, but nodded, relieved to hear that."
"She’s alive,' Jeanne Louise said as she found a pulse. She didn’t add 'barely,' but feared that was the case."
"The sound of something skittering across the floor upstairs made them both stiffen and glance toward the door."
"Paul woke up with a start and then glanced around with confusion. He was lying on top of the covers on the bed in the second bedroom in the basement."
"Jeanne Louise murmured sleepily and arched against the body at her back, instinctively thrusting her breast into the hand caressing it."
"Paul rolled over in bed, reaching automatically for Jeanne Louise, and blinked his eyes open when all he found was empty bed."
"It’s not exactly a done deal. There’s still the agony and shrieking to go through."
"As long as there is life there is hope. Don’t be the living dead like I was until you woke me up."
"You have to promise me that if I should die in an accident or something, that you won’t give up like I did."
"Screw ’em. Let them know. I don’t care. They’ve all been running around pitying me the last couple weeks. Now they can envy me."
"But if it bothers you, we can go back to my place. Or yours if it’s closer."
"Honey, anyone who knows we are new life mates knows exactly what we’ll be doing for the next year."