
Princess In Pink Quotes

Princess In Pink by Meg Cabot

Princess In Pink Quotes
"The week of May 5–May 10 is Senior Week. This is the time to honor this year’s AEHS graduating class, who have worked so hard to show you leadership throughout the year."
"Senior Skip Day is not an event sanctioned by school administration. All students are required to attend classes Friday, May 9."
"It was okay. Except for the whole no-bathroom thing. And the part where I kept hitting myself in the thumb with my hammer."
"Einstein Lions, we’re for you. Come on, be bold, come on, be bold, come on, be bold."
"Sexism is still alive and well, not only around the world, but in our own country."
"If they turn out to be ubiquitous on shallow seafloor gas deposits, they could have a significant impact on how methane deposits are formed and dissolve in seawater, and how we go about mining and otherwise harvesting natural gas as a source of energy."
"You are my sole reason for living, the purpose for which my heart beats."
"I am making sure you get some protein at lunch because I think your vegetarianism has finally short-circuited your brain cells."
"My dad expects me to spend two whole months away from the man to whom I have pledged my heart."
"I was so surprised, I nearly blurted out, 'But Grandmère! You hate poor people!'"
"You can’t hold back New York baseball fans when the Yankees win the World Series. You can’t hold back New York shoppers when Century Twenty-one has a sale. You can’t hold back the floodwaters in the F train subway tunnels when it pours. Similarly, you can’t hold back love like the kind I feel for Jangbu."
"Treasure what you have with Michael, Mia. It is a rare and beautiful thing, to love, and be loved in return."
"My eyes have a haunted look to them because I am haunted… haunted by the specter of the dream of a prom that I know now will never be."
"I am sorry, Boris, but I can’t say I really appreciate your condescending tone. Kindly don’t pull your Royal Highness act on me."
"I have to admit, after that, I kind of started thinking Seven Minutes in Heaven wasn’t such a bad game after all."
"I mean, come on, Mia. Proms are for the Josh Richters of the world."
"If you don’t take me back, Lilly, I will drop this globe on my head."
"I don’t know why I behaved so stupidly. I guess I was just overcome with emotion. I love her so much!"
"But nobody else. Because everybody else I know is obviously part of some nefarious plot to drive me to madness, just like Bertha Rochester."
"Never will I, dressed in off-the-shoulder black, rest my head upon the shoulder of Michael (in a tux) at his senior prom."
"It is traditional for relatives to take one another in during times of need."
"I have been dreaming of going to the prom for my entire life."
"I am like a restless bird… I can’t be tied down."
"I never appreciated what we had together until it was gone."
"A woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle."
"Being the proud owner of a cell phone myself now, I know just how completely heinous doing something like that would be."
"I realize now what I am going to have to do. I mean, I think I knew it all along, and I was just blocking it."
"You should have heard Lars and Wahim grousing about having to get into tuxes."
"I thought maybe she’d had him executed, or something."
"Today, I am just like any other girl on her prom day. Today, I am a PROM PRINCESS!"