
Kaleidoscope Quotes

Kaleidoscope by Kristen Ashley

"I’d give anything for just one more chance to curl up on the couch with you and right the world’s wrongs."
"You think you lost beauty, Jacob, but you didn’t. Just turn the dial."
"It’s been years, Deck. A lot of them. People change, and it isn’t lost on either of us she has in a big way."
"You figure that’s why she was the way she was?"
"You’re on the case, their days are numbered."
"I hope you're here because you want to be here and not here because you feel you have to be out of some old-acquaintance duty."
"Babe, not lost on me and you can't think it is that you are not the you I used to know."
"It was a little scary because the doctors didn't know what it was."
"Keep sayin' it's fine. Keep sayin' it isn't a big deal. It wasn't the first but it was the last."
"I also forgot how annoying it can sometimes be."
"I bought this house that... is... the... absolute... bomb!"
"You’re the smartest woman I know, baby, you’ll learn to give me what I like."
"I want us finally to go where what we got has always been leading."
"Everyone in town knows your pad but a big giveaway of how to get to it is that it’s called Canard Mansion and it’s on Canard Lane and there’s only one house on Canard Lane, your house, so I reckon I can find my way."
"You’re heating the mountain, Emme, and payin’ for it. It isn’t fine."
"I missed it. For years. There are three people in this world I trust with everything about me: my father, Chace and you."
"I didn’t know about the hand-shaking thing but I wasn’t surprised. That seemed a Dane thing to do."
"I’m lying in bed lookin’ at your kaleidoscope sittin’ on my nightstand, knowin’ you’ve been with me every day for nine years. Which means I wanted you with me every day even when I didn’t realize it."
"You got great hair. You got unbelievably beautiful eyes. You got a winning personality. You’re funny. You’re smart."
"I was feeling so mushy-happy at these words I didn’t have the ability to speak."
"I loved dogs. I wanted a dog. I just wanted to start with a puppy and I didn’t want a puppy chewing on exposed wiring and getting electrocuted so I’d start my first tenure as Puppy Parent by digging a Puppy Graveyard in my garden."
"You’re sleepin’ in my bed the first time without me. You do not get in that pool for the first time without me."
"I’m not sure I can face Buford again. He saw me naked."
"Jacob, I’m a slut," I announced, still giggling. "In the blink of an eye I go from a felon to a mysterious crimefighter or whatever you are."
"I was with him. This annoyed him. So Jacob could be seriously bossy and bossily serious, the second one when discussing my criminal, very-soon-to-be official ex-boyfriend."
"It’s environmentally unconscious," I pointed out.
"You’re a citizen of this earth just like me, Jacob Decker. It isn’t about money. You’re accountable to future generations."
"I hated it about as much as I loved it (the second part after it was over, of course), when Jacob started teasing when we were debating."
"God, he was beautiful. His weight was heavy, his body strong, warm. And those eyelashes. Amazing."
"But I was docile in the morning when I had back-to-back orgasms I didn’t have to give myself."
"This was why, back when Jacob was with Elsbeth, he and I almost always ended up during a party or after dinner (or during dinner, even with people around us) holed up away from everyone else, or focused on each other, deep in a conversation or in the throes of a heated debate."
"I loved it that he knew that about me and I loved it that he was willing to move to protect me."
"But it wasn’t that I wasn’t big on socializing. It was that I wasn’t very good at mingling. Small talk did nothing for me. Connecting in a vague way that was meaningless left me cold."
"I'll give you that play," Jacob said, regaining my focus, referring to my change of subject away from Harvey, " 'cause I'm tired, I just came hard, got two outta you, so I don't wanna go there, but more, I don't wanna take you there."
"What that guy did was not good, it was not right and not just because it was not legal. It was whacked. He paid, which was right."
"Good, bein' annoyed means you feel somethin' so I'll take that," he returned.
"Baby, a lot I’d do for you ’cause you’re my Emme, but lyin' naked in bed with you sortin' out your feelings for McFarland is not top of that list."
"It’s because we’re working things out, finding our way in a new way, but you always find a way to lead us back to who we were. Taking me to familiar. Making me know I won’t lose that. And I loved that. I lost it once, so I don’t ever want to lose it again. That’s what I like."
"You are very intelligent," she said quietly. "But because of that, you do not know all and get to do whatever the fuck you want to do."
"This isn’t a work issue, this is a guy issue," he corrected.
"So, say, you’re out crimefighting or whatever you do and I feel it necessary to make sure you’re fed properly because I feel it’s my job to see to you, it’s okay I infiltrate your secret lair without your knowledge or permission to bring you chicken noodle soup and crackers?" she asked sarcastically.
"I meant to tell you about the call to your dad," he reiterated.
"You’re right, baby. I acted out of concern but fucked up. It won’t happen again."
"You get a good man, he’ll think of it that way. And he won’t give a fuck it’s a pain."
"Sleep four hours a night. Use the extra time to do shit I don’t have time to do during the day."
"Bottom line, nice to spend time with you again seeing as I enjoyed having that opportunity occasionally back in the day."
"You don’t forget that feeling. You wake up tasting it in your mouth and you go to bed and send your thanks to God you got through the day and she’s somewhere you know where she is, sleeping safe."
"As her father, I got to let her be free to live her life, make her decisions and make her mistakes."
"I’ve shared my concerns with the right people, including Emmanuelle, and she’s got a lot of eyes on her, including mine."
"I’m gonna hit it and try again to sleep. See you in the morning, son."
"You’re not the only one’s been lonely, Emme, hoping the right one will come along so you don’t go home to an empty house and climb into an empty bed."
"She had a fine run, what with allowing Alice to cook all those meals for Greg, Marcia, Jan, Peter, Bobby and Cindy."
"I like you now and I wanna fuck you later. I don’t mind fuckin’ a woman I don’t like, especially if she looks like you, but it’s more fun fuckin’ one I do."
"I didn’t say we weren’t going swimming. I said you won’t need your suit."
"This kind of thing is about giving you good stuff you’re really gonna fuckin’ like."
"It’s important to me, Emme. It’s also important to me you have a new kitchen but you aren’t seein’ me rip out this old one to give it to you against your wishes."
"You give every fuckin’ day, and what you give, I like takin’."
"This was because he knew he didn’t have it totally right. His girl had it all. And now he did too."
"Had eyes on him and ears on his phone for weeks. Nothin’. Just a feelin’. But I get those, they’re rarely wrong."
"Victims of shit like that, especially kids, things can get twisted."
"What I’m sayin’ is, funds put aside to contract with me were not enough in the first place."
"So I made a split-second decision and finished, 'But you’re right. I know in my gut we’re missin’ something. So I’ll do it.'"
"First priority, getting Faye to the hospital since her water just broke."
"Pacing is not going to make the baby come faster."
"This baby solidified the destination of that journey."
"I find it fascinating, and indescribably hot, that the most intelligent, most logical man I know totally loses perspective when his best friend’s wife is having a baby."
"This is a kaleidoscope of beauty, the dials spinning, ever changing, but never anything short of spectacular."
"Now that," his father announced, "that’s what I like to see."
"They aren’t pancakes. They’re crêpes. And crêpes suck," Jacob returned.
"Unless they have that hazelnut chocolate spread in them, something I don’t have."
"It’s not funny," he declared. "He’s a nosy bastard. Always was."
"This is true but we weren’t exactly hatching plans for our world takeover so now that he knows, we have to kill him," I pointed out.
"Can you two do me a favor and bond when it’s not three thirty in the morning?" Jacob asked.
"I started my day with sawhorses, utility knives and sheets of drywall. So I should probably rest up so I’ll have the energy to eat pancakes tomorrow in whatever form they come to me."
"Deck, he doesn’t like simple," Rich continued. "Never did. Doesn’t have the patience for it. He likes complicated. The more complicated the better."
"I’m not sure this discussion will give me sweet dreams."
"Be that girl," he whispered fiercely. "Be that girl who just gave my boy sweet. Please be that girl, Emme."
"And I’m the woman who loves him. I’m obviously going to want the same."
"He’d drowned out Emme’s light. Now it was beaming so bright, he was blinded."
"Fuck, but Feldman was right. That beam was blinding."
"I think Dad would break down the door. He’s a little in my space right now, and I need to give him that."
"I have to say it. You have to know. You have to know that I’d be alone, lost and alone forever, if I didn’t have you."
"You know exactly what I’m talkin’ about and you got three seconds to produce it."
"You will never get another job. You will never have another credit card. You’ll never own another car. You’ll never lay another woman. You’ll never find another house. You’ll never have another friend."
"Your ass landed in jail ’cause I got deputized and put you there."
"Every day, for the rest of your life, you will remember putting that kaleidoscope in the trash."
"It was her tellin’ me she needed me and me not hearin’ that shit."
"I’m fine," I whispered the obvious in an effort to get that look out of his eyes."
"This summer, we’re puttin’ a pool in at your place, south side."
"Not to mention the fact that I was exhausted and jetlagged."
"And not to mention the fact that, yesterday, I got that weird feeling in my sinuses."
"I wondered what Niles was thinking, though he probably wasn’t thinking anything."
"Time to myself to get my head together. Time to have a bit of adventure."
"Thank God," I whispered when I’d stopped and pulled up the parking brake."
"I’m dreaming," I muttered. My voice was raspy.