
One Salt Sea Quotes

One Salt Sea by Seanan McGuire

"As many arrows, loosed several ways, come to one mark; as many ways meet in one town; as many streams meet in one salt sea; so may a thousand actions, once afoot, end in one purpose." —William Shakespeare, King Henry V
"Oberon’s balls, Sylvester!" I snapped. "What are you trying to do, kill me?"
"That’s generally the point of hitting someone with a sword," he said, almost cheerfully.
"You’re only complaining because you’re used to being lazy."
"I’m just not sure giving me a weapon I can barely use is the solution."
"Let’s see some carnage!" hollered May, pumping her fist in the air.
"People will die if we don’t stop this. You could be one of them. So could I. We still have to do what we can."
"Sometimes I wonder why I ever bother thinking life could be simple. That only happens in fairy tales."
"To hell with pleasantries and waiting for people to forget the scandal of his wife’s desertion. We’d waited years, and I wasn’t waiting anymore."
"I don’t like the water, but where Connor was concerned, I was willing to make an exception. If he was the sea, I was more than happy to drown."
"Salt and sand, Toby, I don’t know how to say this, but . . ."
"It’s probably worse. I think we’ll be lucky if we don’t go to war."
"Open roads, sweet tides, and I’ll be back before you know it."
"Spider silk is rare, even by Faerie standards. It’s also unbelievably expensive."
"The lower classes can get away with attending formal events in everyday clothes masked by illusion; members of the nobility are expected to hold themselves to a higher standard."
"Depending on how I wanted to look at it, I either looked fantastic or like a little kid playing dress-up with Mommy’s clothes."
"Being made entirely of light has its advantages."
"These people are difficult to communicate with. They mostly just stare."
"If something happened to my daughter, I’d rip the world down to save her, even if she spat in my face when I did. That’s what parenthood means."
"The candles were throwing hundreds of tiny, flickering shadows across the surface of my wine . . . everywhere but one small section at the rim of the glass, where the reflection of the room was crisp and perfectly clear."
"I realize we’ve just met, and you’re probably going to think I’m insane, but I need you to do exactly what I say, okay? Don’t look surprised, don’t yell, just nod if you understand."
"Fae munitions may be old-fashioned, but they’re frighteningly effective."
"I can’t do anything about it if you did, Your Highness, but if you stole them and you’re about to send me looking for them, it’d be nice to know before I follow the trail right back to you."
"Because, Highness, the day I can shoot an arrow from behind myself and embed it in solid stone is the day I stop needing to shoot arrows at anyone."
"May Oberon see fit to guard us, for we’ll have little power left with which to guard ourselves."
"The next move—whatever it was—was going to be mine."
"Finding the children might stop the war, especially as someone is claiming my Court was responsible for their loss."
"Now it falls to us to keep the next war from beginning."
"It’s not a privilege," said Sylvester. "It’s the worst thing in our world."
"The sea has more fighters than the land. They’re better trained, they’re better disciplined, and they’re not as politically divided. They’re going to slaughter you."
"I didn’t want to say anything that might set her off again, so I simply bowed before taking Connor’s hand and starting for the exit."
"My people will stand with yours, if you’ll have us. One Cait Sidhe is worth ten of any other breed."
"We have too many friends among the Courts to simply close our doors until the chaos passes."
"I cost two hundred an hour, cash on the barrel, and I don’t do anything that might get violent."
"You are what you were made to be, you’re not what you’ve always been."
"Privacy, insanity, they’re basically the same where Amandine’s concerned."
"War is one of the few things that truly frightens the fae, because it represents an ending."
"Purebloods are immortal, but they can be killed."
"The rules she follows aren’t the ones you know, and the penalties for screwing with her are big."
"Even if you said that proving the innocence of the land Courts wouldn’t make you call off the attack, I’d look for your kids."
"Children aren’t pawns. They deserve better than this."
"No part of Faerie is ever completely independent from any other."
"If you’re going to blame anyone, blame whoever broke her in the first place."
"Stay here. Please. I know a lot of people have been through here, but I need to at least try."
"Most people assume an unfamiliar scene is harder to work than a familiar one, since you won’t be able to tell what’s out of place."
"On the Internet, nobody knows you’re a mermaid."
"A familiar scene can become overwhelmingly strange when it’s disturbed in some way, while unfamiliar scenes are strange to begin with."
"Their eyes can just skip over things. That’s dangerous—more dangerous than not knowing what it’s safe to disregard."
"If they aren’t found, her family will kill her as a form of apology to our household."
"But I loved her. I always will. She’s my darling girl, and even when she was screaming for me to leave her alone, I loved her."
"Why didn’t I think to protect her? Why did I need Tybalt, of all people, to do it for me?"
"Dragging a person through the shadows can hurt the Cait Sidhe. I knew that, and in that moment, I couldn’t care. Only Gillian mattered."
"Maybe you should have thought of that sixteen years ago."
"If you can find her, Toby, do it. Bring her home."
"I realized I was shaking just as I felt the solid, comforting weight of Tybalt’s hand on my shoulder."
"I was something out of a bad after-school special; there was no room for me in her life."
"I’ve been upgraded to mongrel? You flatter me."
"Idiots like that are why I sometimes despair for the future of Faerie."
"Magic isn’t one hundred percent unique; I’m not the only one in Faerie who smells like copper when she casts a spell."
"Make me," I snarled, pulling him closer still. "Give me one good reason not to show you what this mongrel can do."
"Do not give the Queen cause to arrest you again. Not now. Not over him. He’s not worth your reputation."
"I never thought you were a genius, Harrow, but by Maeve’s bones, I never knew that you were such a twice-cursed fool."
"I outrank you, and I’m pretty sure I can outfight you, so yes, I dare."
"If I were Daoine Sidhe, I’d know about being hungry for power and position."
"For someone who spends so much time bleeding, you have very little resistance to vertigo."
"The natural order of things is going to have to cope, because I need May to keep paying her share of the rent."
"This is very kind of you. I know you don’t have to do this."
"I don’t know where she is, but I know who has her."
"There’s still time, but that doesn’t mean that we should be wasting it."
"Her face held an odd mixture of fear and resignation, like she expected me to start yelling at any second."
"I’m hoping there might still be a blood trail for me to follow."
"Maybe he’d be able to tell me about a stone room in a shallowing where redwood trees grew."
"The chair had no back, but it did have sturdy arms, positioned at exactly the right level."
"I can be very convincing, when I have to be."
"The truth is so much more dangerous than a lie."
"Children are the most precious thing Faerie has."
"Purebloods seem to build things according to two mutually exclusive camps of design aesthetic."
"I was happy to let them duck out if that was what they really wanted, but I hadn’t been quite as enthused about the idea of facing the Undersea delegation by myself."
"Maybe we’d talk about it later, and maybe we wouldn’t. It was only going to matter if we made it through alive."
"Her apprehension put some of the things they’d said to me into a new context, one that almost made sense."
"The Roane are practically extinct, and have been for centuries. I’d never seen a Roane pureblood before."
"The overall tone wasn’t good. They sounded angry—and some of their whispers sounded almost like accusations."
"The only thing the gate did right was creak when I pushed it open, rusty hinges wailing our arrival to anyone and everyone in earshot."
"Half the lights were out, casting the whole hallway into a deep shadow."
"Footsteps—or something like them—approached the door from inside the apartment, followed by a scuffling sound."
"Seconds stretched out in the silence, sliding into each other until they threatened to become minutes."
"But I’m not, and you’re not, and we can either be family, or we can be enemies. Don’t you have a preference?"
"Now open the door, or I’ll start to think you don’t love me anymore."
"I’m low on time, I’m low on patience, and I haven’t had nearly enough coffee."
"You’re a traitor to the Kingdom of the Mists, Bucer O’Malley."
"If you come back, no one will ever charge me with breaking Oberon’s Law, because nobody will ever find your body."
"Sometimes, when your options are limited, honor takes a back seat to necessity."
"Once you’ve pried open the gates of Tirn Aill with nothing but a headache and a stick, padlocks are surprisingly uncomplicated."
"If I let you out, will you stay and help us?"
"Using pixies as living light bulbs wasn’t just wrong; it was unnecessarily cruel."
"You’re my daughter. You can be whatever you want to be."
"This is going to hurt, okay? But it has to hurt if you want to go back to your dad."
"I love you. You can forget everything about tonight, but never forget that. I love you."
"War," I said, and closed my eyes for a moment, willing myself not to cry. "This is why it's bad, Raj. Remember this, for when you're King someday. People get hurt."
"No. Not really." I wiped my eyes surreptitiously as I turned to look down the beach toward the Luidaeg and the Lorden boys.