
Streams Of Silver Quotes

Streams Of Silver by R.A. Salvatore

"Not a very large worm, but foulest of the foul, its mere presence, blackness; its talons, swords worn from a thousand thousand kills; its maw ever warm with the blood of victims; its black breath, despair."
"A raven’s coat was its tested scales, so rich in their blackness that they shimmered in colors, a scintillating facade of beauty for a soulless monster."
"The chill wind that gave Icewind Dale its name whistled across their ears, its incessant groan eliminating the casual conversation the four friends usually enjoyed."
"He was a young man out to view the wide world for the first time and he continually looked about, soaking up every sight and sensation that the landscape had to offer."
"The road was his home now, he was always traveling to avoid the inevitable heartache of being forced from a place that he might have come to love."
"His greatest love was comfort and he worked at perfecting the arts of eating and sleeping as diligently as a young lad with dreams of heroic deeds swung his first sword."
"A week with no word," snapped Cassius, obviously upset. "With my beautiful house empty and unguarded. Why, the front door was unlocked when I came by a few days ago!"
""Fear not, little friend. My hammer shall sweep aside any who stand against us!""
""Here, elf," the dwarf snorted, nudging Drizzt and being obviously pleased. "So the word’s gone beyond the dale and we’re heard of even this far south. What have ye to say o’ that?""
"The jeweled dagger flashed before her eyes and slowly traced the circumference of her face. "I have not much time," Entreri declared flatly. "You will tell me what I need to know. The longer it takes you to answer, the more pain you will feel.""
"Fear not, mighty Bruenor, Guenhwyvar’s eyes are upon us, even if ours cannot return their protective gaze!"
"I be looking for a man named Whisper," he called. "Might that be yerself?"
"Luskan’s night bears a chill wind," he said to the woman. "We’ll find you a warm bed, have no fear."
"Patience, my friend, I have ways of learning what we need to know. The pieces of this puzzle will fit together nicely before much longer."
"Drizzt Do’Urden has forsaken his homeland altogether. He shall never return to the bowels of the world, and certainly not with his dearest friends in tow!"
"One has come in search of the homeland of his father, and his father before him."
"She had to personally respond to that emotional humiliation, or the scars from it would haunt her to her grave, forever paralyzing her along her path to discover her true potential in life."
"The notion of staring at an ox’s ass for near to three-hunnerd miles makes the thought o’ having that girl along for company sit well with me!"
"How much my people have lost by walking in darkness," Drizzt whispered into the night.
"Be knowin’ that nights like that are few," Bruenor observed as the first ray of light crept over the eastern horizon.
"The god answers your call, warrior of the dale."
"His fate is not mine to decide," Wulfgar replied. "Nor yours."
"Humility is also a valuable commodity for a fighter."
"A warrior trained to hate that which he cannot comprehend."
"Everything beyond the field is unseen, though the water and fish within appear normal."
"It defies our knowledge of the properties of invisibility and may actually reflect a tear into the fabric of a wholly unknown plane of existence!"
"The road, my friend, I long for the road, and the orcs. It is safer."
"The true test of the road is not orcs or the wild, but the weather, for many more travelers are defeated by storms than by orcs, because they do not anticipate the dangers when they begin their journey."
"Most of the provisions are lost. You might not find another meal beyond a pittance of dried bread until we reach Nesme."
"Fearless is the dwarf. And ware the drow, Artemis Entreri. He walks in shadows that we cannot see, and strikes from the darkness."
"Nothing can stop you, my pet. The drow is your purpose and you can now sense his presence from any distance. Find him! Do not return to me without Drizzt Do’Urden!"
"The road meandered, continuing on down the back of the hill."
"Tales of the brave people living on the edge of the Evermoors reach far across the northland."
"Sunshine teasingly found a crack in the overcast now and then. The sunlight was nothing substantial, though, and by noon, the day had actually grown darker."
"For two more days they lumbered on through the rain and wind, having little choice and nowhere to go but forward."
"He scooped Regis up from the sodden ground, tossing the halfling easily onto his back, and explaining that he needed the extra weight for balance."
"By sparing the halfling’s pride this way, the barbarian even managed to convince the surly dwarf to ride for a short time."
"The storm keeps the insects and the orcs – out of our faces! And how many months shall it be before we want for water?"
"The bright sunshine and clear blue skies of the subsequent dawn lightened the companions’ mood immeasurably and allowed them to think again of what lay ahead."
"His heightened concentration on Mithril Hall over the last few months had sparked clearer, and new, memories in him."
"But watching Wulfgar handling the hammer, swinging it as easily as he would swing his own arm, Bruenor had no regrets."
"The vitality here was truly obvious, and contagious."
"The drow understood that his own duty in these rough times was to continue his role as sentry, keeping his diligent guard despite the barbarian’s proclamation of safety."
"Regis kept his head bowed, watching his furry feet, visible below the diminishing roll of his belly for the first times in many months, as they plowed through the thick waves of green."
"Faith, Rumblebelly," Bruenor comforted, sloshing through the water to join the halfling. "Tales we be making, for telling to our children's children, and for others to tell when we’re no more!"
"Let the fire taste as much of the foul blood as it may!"
"The smell of the foul beasts grows stronger each step," he said, "from every side."
"Sleep well," Drizzt said softly to the three of them. "You have earned the right."
"We may not pass," the guard said quietly. "You may not pass."
"And I question the honor of one who heeds to unjust commands," Wulfgar declared.
"Her commands follow a righteous course, and are beyond the wisdom of me, or you!" he growled.
"Take heart, Drizzt Do’Urden, noble ranger and trusted friend. Have faith that those who know you would die willingly for you or beside you."
"Let events take their own course. I need no fantasies to belittle the great treasures that I already possess."
"The severe limitations of his options, and even moreso, of his future hopes for change, appalled him."
"You have reminded me that there is indeed reward for those who follow the path of conscience, a treasure far greater than the material baubles that too often come to unjust men."
"Farewell, and keep heart, Drizzt Do’Urden. Your honor and courage do not go unnoticed!"
"But crises in history are more often measured in generations than in centuries."
"I am sure, one of the tales I tell will concern the Companions of the Hall and their glorious quest."
"The only dwarven settlement in the time of Mithril Hall above ground, and close enough to a mountain range to give a reference to a numbered peak, would be here."
"Dwarves are a secretive race, especially where treasure is concerned."
"You should be away at once. Carry the dwarf if you must, but get him to Settlestone before the effects of the potion wear away."
"The companions had apparently beaten their worst enemy: time."
"Keep yer feet moving! Ye should’ve stayed in Ten-Towns with yer belly hanging over yer belt!"
"The potion has forced Bruenor to live again the most painful experience of his long life."
"This is the trial of his life. His vow to return to Mithril Hall holds within it all the value that he places upon his own existence."
"Bruenor could not hope to outdo that accomplishment, nor even equal it."
"By all that is right, I am King of the Hall."
"Sleep well. You shall find your answers when you must."
"I’ve much to think over, elf. I’ll not forget the way, fear not."
"By me owns eyes, I proclaim the legends as true. Garumn is dead and me father, too. Thus I claim me title: Eighth King of Mithril Hall!"
"‘Tis your road to choose. For ‘tis your search. We walk beside you, but do not tell you which way to go."
"Ware yer step. The level ye walk upon is rigged for defending the halls, and a stoneworked trap’d be quick to send ye below!"
"The rumors that came down to Settlestone after me and the younger dwarves arrived there told of a great battle at the entry hall."
"Garumn wears still the armor and weapons of Bruenor, me namesake and the hero of me clan."
"Your master proves to be of much assistance."
"You waste your time. The door is dwarven crafted and will not be found by such inspection."
"It resisted my spell. Not unexpected from a door of dwarven crafting."
"I could kill you, I agree, but to what gain? I take no pleasure in killing."
"You are too honorable to put such doubts in my mind, dark elf."
"No race in all the Realms could claim such pride in their work as the dwarves."
"Perhaps the noise and glare will provide us ample cover."
"The rage at Mucknuggle's death did not play upon Drizzt at that moment, no more than to further confirm his feelings about his vile companion."
"And Sydney slid, ever so slowly, from the blade and into the realm of death."
"Bruenor had no understanding of the magical forces that guided the monster, or kept it alive, and he had little desire to test his fighting skills against it."
"Lines of tears wetted Catti-brie’s face. She had felled goblinoids and gray dwarves, once an ogre and a tundra yeti, but never before had she killed a human."
"Again Mithril Hall loomed as the source of his friends’ suffering."
"The dragon of darkness, the ultimately foul monster that had decimated his kin and sent them fleeing for the smaller corridors of the upper level."
"Absolute blackness enveloped Wulfgar and sapped the strength from his bones."
"The shadow hounds’ baying, though it was still many minutes behind them, closed in upon him."
"Despair had stopped him where fire and steel had not."
"Bruenor trembled in outrage, for his long-dead kin and for his friend."
"Only surprise delayed Regis’s immediate squeals of joy when Bruenor opened his gray eyes and winked."
"Bruenor clasped Regis’s shoulder, lending support to his nervous friend."
"Bruenor put the helm on, more comfortable with its fit, and Regis saw him in the light of old friend."
"Keep the helm safe," Bruenor told Regis. "It’s the crown of the King of Mithril Hall!"
"The loss that faced him now was simply too much for him to bear."
"Flames, stone, and dust flew wildly with each thunderous impact."
"One final image came to Bruenor, a sight that made his heart leap one more time in victory: the piercing gaze of Drizzt Do’Urden’s lavender eyes bidding him farewell from the darkness of the wall."
"Drizzt could tell himself over and over that Bruenor was satisfied, that the dwarf had climbed his mountain and won his personal battle, but in the terrible immediacy of his death, those thoughts did little to dispel the drow’s grief."
"A numbness descended over Wulfgar, the cold chill of mortality and the realization of how fragile life could be."