
Made You Up Quotes

Made You Up by Francesca Zappia

"If I was good at the grocery store, I got a Yoo-hoo. If I was really good, I got to see the lobsters."
"My hair was that red, the kind of red that looks okay on everything but people, because a person’s hair is not supposed to be red."
"My mother said it was Communist red. I didn’t know what a Communist was, but it didn’t sound good."
"Sometimes I think people take reality for granted."
"When you’re in the dream you may not know it, but as soon as you wake up, you know that your dream was a dream."
"My first-ever friend was a hallucination: a sparkling entry on my new resume as a crazy person."
"I didn’t have the luxury of taking reality for granted."
"I don’t know if ‘hate’ is the right word," he replied. "‘Am afraid of him,’ ‘wish he’d stop staring,’ and ‘think he’s a lunatic’ are more accurate."
"I didn’t understand him—he’d come right out of my delusions, but here he was."
"He straddled the line between my world and everyone else’s, and I didn’t like it."
"You’re going to go up there and shut up." - Miles
"They always had laws against things that really needed to be done." - Narrator
"If anyone decided I was crazy or dangerous, I could say good-bye to a future and hello to the Happy House." - Narrator
"I was the lucky one. Alexander to Alexandra wasn’t a huge leap." - Narrator
"I’m his friend. And I think he’s perfectly normal." - Alex
"Imagine a thousand starving orphans on a sinking ship in the middle of a shark-infested sea, and you’re getting close to how much I don’t want to be there." - Miles
"By late September, we had regular labs every week." - Narrator
"Why are you here? In this school? In the club?" - Miles
"Screwing with him was so unexplainably worth it."
"I definitely kind of walked in on someone in a bedroom upstairs."
"Intelligence is not measured by how much you know, but by how much you have the capacity to learn."
"You are never as great or as pitiful as you think you are."
"Those who are picked last are the only ones who truly know what it feels like."
"Schools without bike racks should be convicted of criminal negligence."
"People aren’t hard to understand, except you. And you’re so smart, I figured you had everyone on your puppet strings."
"People communicate surprisingly well when they’re scared—they just don’t communicate the right things."
"I’m above common thievery. Outside of school."
"It’s all schadenfreude. People just want to laugh at you."
"Because the systematic slaughter of millions of people isn't funny!"
"Do you understand what you're saying when those words come out of your mouth? Or do you just repeat what everyone else says because everyone else is saying it?"
"I haven’t seen him smile since eighth grade."
"He’s got no ambition. No drive, no end goal."
"I’m not going to start hanging out or figuring out scoreboard-related mysteries with him or anything."
"I wanted to enjoy tonight’s adrenaline rush if it killed me."
"Trust me, Beaumont doesn't deserve your guilt."
"It's fifty dollars. Surely you could use that for something."
"It's not a big deal. Just a misunderstanding at Hillpark."
"If he had any sense, he would've tossed out that romanticized idea of her he's had for so long and gotten to work doing something useful."
"Sometimes it felt like I only got happy this way around Christmas. The rest of the year, I wondered if the point of Christmas was just spending money and getting fat and opening gifts. Indulging."
"But when Christmas finally comes, and that warm, tingly, mints-and-sweaters-and-fireplace-fires feeling gathers in the bottom of your stomach, and you’re lying on the floor with all the lights off but the ones on the Christmas tree, and listening to the silence of the snow falling outside, you see the point."
"For that one instance in time, everything is good in the world. It doesn’t matter if everything isn’t actually good. It’s the one time of the year when pretending is enough."
"The problem lies in getting yourself out of Christmas, because when you come out of it, you have to redefine the lines between reality and imagination."
"Someday I’m going to travel the world, and you can come with me, okay?"
"And I made you cry. Yeah, well, isn’t the first time."
"People think you’re a jerk because they don’t know you, and you don’t let them. And I said yes, you do have friends."
"You could have friends, you could be happy, but you choose not to be."
"Joseph Stalin himself could’ve been standing in the corner and I wouldn’t have cared."
"The streetlight hit his eyes and turned them into blue stained glass."
"I loved being able to pretend that I was a normal teenager, sneaking around, and everything and everyone was Just All Right."
"Basorexia," he mumbled. "It’s an overwhelming desire to kiss."
"I’m sorry; I didn’t think I would change my mind."
"Sorry," he said. "I’m not used to people touching me."
"I think you're breaking my fingers," said Miles.
"The snake weighed on me like the heaviest piece of clothing I would ever wear."
"You gave me a piece of the Berlin Wall," I whispered.
"Pretend like we're ordering something else," Theo said.
"They can do what they want," I said. "They probably just want to make some more jokes about me being a snake charmer."
"I'm calling Leann." My mother went for the phone. "We shouldn't have waited so long. This has gone too far."
"She was just there. She had always been there."
"You know how McCoy is always calling Celia to his office?"
"Apparently he did a pretty damn good job cleaning up after himself."
"The trick to climbing them was not combusting from the fiery soreness burning through my entire body."
"I know how you like to keep people away, but after this I think you might have your own fan club."
"We didn’t know if we deserved a friend like him, but we were glad we had him."
"It means striving for what you want most, even when it seems out of your reach."
"I am in love with Alexandra Ridgemont, and I don’t care what you think about it."
"Everything was over. There would be no more adventures for us. It was time to go."
"Like good karma was catching up with me. Like someone had opened up the lid to my lobster tank and I was finally breathing in the shockingly fresh air."