
The Mistletoe Promise Quotes

The Mistletoe Promise by Richard Paul Evans

"The commercial changing of the seasons was more obvious than nature’s."
"The holidays depress me because it's lonely just watching others celebrate."
"If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it—but if it’s already broke, it don’t matter what you do."
"I stayed up all night to see where the sun went. Then it dawned on me."
"People do it all the time. Besides, it’s contractual. You don’t have a choice. You’d be amazed at what people accomplish under contract."
"The secret to happiness is having something to do, something to look forward to, and someone to love."
"You don’t take care of things you don’t value."
"The trick is to enjoy the ride while it lasts."
"Anyone can open a book. Not everyone can appreciate the beauty of the writing."
"It’s been a long time since I’ve had anyone to give to, and I’m having a lot of fun. Don’t ruin it for me."
"Hope that we can be better than our mistakes."
"In a world growing increasingly entitled, you are truly grateful."
"Everyone makes mistakes. That’s why forgiveness is so important."
"What I like most about you is how grateful you are."
"Some people are born thinking they’re pretty important. Some aren’t."
"No punishment society could give could match what I was already feeling."
"When you grow up with crazy, you don’t know what sane is."
"The amount of money a guy spends on a woman is in inverse ratio to his looks."
"It doesn’t matter," Zoey said. "I’ve got first dibs."
"In spite of everything Nicholas had said about forgiveness and redemption, I knew there was no chance we could ever be more than friends."
"I don’t have a lot of happy memories from my childhood, but when she made pie, life was good. Everyone was happy."
"My mother was old school. She said that lard made the flakiest piecrust."
"My father used to say that," he said. "He used to make a big breakfast Thanksgiving morning."
"I’m happy to cook for you whenever you want."
"Let’s watch this," I said. "I love Jimmy Stewart."
"When death comes for her, she’ll slap his face and tell him to get her a Dr Pepper, no ice."
"It’s funny how different kids can be from their parents."
"Your subconscious mind doesn’t know the difference. You need to be your own best cheerleader."
"What we have might be more real than much of what we saw out there tonight."
"That’s like saying the Mona Lisa is beautiful because of its frame."
"Everyone has struggles. Everyone has suffered more than you know."
"There’s no place like New York at Christmas."
"As long as you’re in the air there’s no problem, right? It’s coming back to earth that’s the problem."
"I had never felt more swept away, more lost in someone else, or even my own head."
"Fear doesn’t listen to reason. It takes its own counsel."
"All fear is born of the imagination, which means that the danger we fear doesn’t need to be rational or even real to be potent."
"You don’t know me. I know that in spite of a harsh childhood you’re kind and giving and sweet."
"It seemed like anytime I started to feel happiness, the memory of the Hayeses’ deaths or my mother’s death would rise up to smack me back down."
"How can you be happy when they’re in the ground?"
"May you always look up. It has been my greatest joy spending this holiday season with you."