
Shield Of Thunder Quotes

Shield Of Thunder by David Gemmell

"The pain of your absence will be a constant dagger wound in my heart."
"We are like the seasons. Ever constant in our actions."
"You have obviously not spent long in the company of men."
"It is as if the color of the sky has leached into the earth."
"I’ll not allow the woman to be hurt further."
"To be raped by strangers is less vile than to be abused by those you have trusted and loved."
"May those words float to the ears of the Great Goddess. Let Hera make them true!"
"I am to put out your eyes, then cut off your fingers. I will leave you your thumbs so that you can gather a little food from beneath the tables of better men."
"You boast of your strength when it has never been tested."
"A man’s promises are like the whispers of a running stream. You can hear them, but they are meaningless sounds."
"The world would be a sadder place without stories, Bias."
"Because they listen to your stories of heroes, Ugly One, and they know the truth of them."
"No wind is favorable if a man does not know where he is going."
"All winds are favorable to a man who does not care."
"Sometimes I have seen cruel men being kind and kind men being cruel. I do not understand it."
"You have no idea of how much I wish to be alone, Kalliades. But I am not alone. I am surrounded by men—and pigs. Not a great deal of difference there."
"Always had a way with animals," Bias said. "Except horses. Worst rider you’ll ever see."
"Something has alarmed both fish and fowl," Bias said.
"Well, you were right this time, dung brain," Odysseus said. "I do feel better."
"All living creatures must die. This is his time."
"He has a name. Ganny. So he is not just a pig anymore."
"The seas and the mountains are eternal and unchanging. We are just here for a little while, and then we fade into the dust of history."
"She has suffered enormously these last few days," Kalliades said. "Her hatred of men is understandable. Yet I think she likes me."
"I like her," Odysseus said, "and I think she will need friends in the days to come. Loyal friends."
"Stupid pig," he said fondly. "I shall speak to Oristhenes and ensure you end up on no man’s table."
"I still dream of him, you know," he said. "I still hear his laughter."
"Love is a mystery. We embrace it where we can."
"Truth is a mass of complexities, made up of many parts."
"We recognize a beauty that the eye does not see."
"A voice speaks to us in ways the ear cannot hear."
"I would waste no time, though, trying to teach him the skills of sailing."
"Truth or lies? Both? It depends on perception, understanding, belief."
"I’ve stolen a lot of wives. Believe me, Odysseus, most of them were happy to be stolen."
"A seer once told me I would die on the day the noon sky turned to midnight."
"Not much fighting room if anyone boards. And if those pirates are also wearing leather breastplates, I won’t know who I’m killing."
"Love plays a part, Piria. Listen to the crew when they speak of the Penelope. You will hear nothing but affection and admiration."
"This is Akilina, the greatest bow in all the world. I once shot an arrow into the moon with it."
"Hey, donkey face! Don’t give up now. Nothing worth having ever comes easy!"
"I have always loved watching them," he said. It was a clumsy change of subject, but she was grateful for it.
"My feelings are my own," he said at last. "All I know is that you are sailing for Troy to be with someone you love. If you will allow me, I will see you safely there."
"Nothing of real worth can ever be bought. Love, friendship, honor, valor, respect. All these things have to be earned."
"Most men rationalize their weaknesses and exaggerate their strengths. I am no different."
"There is not enough gold in all the world to buy such a friendship."
"He doesn’t have the sense to know when he’s beaten."
"You see a great deal, Kalliades. Are you as accurate when you glimpse your own reflection?"
"I thought you didn’t like him."
"He is a hard man not to like," she admitted grudgingly.
"You were not unconscious. Banokles was exhausted at the end. He had little strength left, certainly not enough to punch you from your feet."
"Men will tire of women and song before they tire of war."
"He is like my Penelope and will bring you great happiness."
"To truly live we must yearn for that which does not die."
"I have witnessed the compassion of evil men and the darkness in the hearts of the good."
"The maggots will eat away the decaying flesh and devour the sickness within it."
"When we strive for wealth, glory, and fame, it is meaningless. The nations we fight for will one day cease to be."
"You fill my mind, Helikaon. All the time. Even in my dreams."
"Fear and shock did not stiffen your limbs. You acted swiftly and surely while others froze."
"We are tiny flames, Helikaon, and we flicker alone in the great dark for no more than a heartbeat."
"I have seen the army of Mykene on the march. Nowhere is safe from Agamemnon’s ambition."
"We will stroke his ego and smile at his jests. And as we smile, we will picture the day he is on his knees before us, his city in flames, his sons dead, his life a few heartbeats from its end."
"That he had become a hero meant little to him, for when men referred to his slaying of the assassins, they spoke of the 'fat hero.' Even in that they were wrong, he thought darkly."
"I plotted with Agathon to kill you. I only turned away at the last because he planned to murder all my brothers and their families."
"You have a sound mind and a fine grasp of the intricacies of trade and the acquisition of profits."
"Xidoros told me. He said you had spent years eating your pain, and you could never be filled. Now the pain is gone, and you are no longer hungry."
"Nothing wrong with hate, boy," Priam said indifferently.
"I cannot believe any man could ever defeat you," Antiphones answered.
"If nobody knows, then you would not know it, either. Then, when I told you, there would be no way to prove it."
"It is the Eagle Child," she whispered. "The son of Helikaon."
"Axa, you are not plain. Everything you are shines from your face: your strength, loyalty, love, and courage."
"The sun has caught it. There are golden streaks in it. You should wear a veil more often."
"You are a gracious man, Cheon, and there is not a bead of sweat upon you."
"The mother of the wrestler Archeos built it to honor the goddess Artemis."
"He knows the names of his men, the names of their wives."
"I have not been bedded by Priam. I refused his advances."
"I cannot father children, Andromache, or enter a woman."
"I will be a good husband to you, Andromache of Thebe."
"All women look beautiful to a man soused with wine."
"By the gods, I’ve seen hounds who couldn’t run that fast."
"Be so good as to leave your weapons with friends."
"By order of the king this contest is to be fairly judged on the merits of each archer."
"It is a fair point," he agreed. "Bring on your bows. Let us at least practice with them."
"I could shape better weapons than this from dried cow dung."
"These are flimsy weapons," Meriones complained. "Not enough pull to offset the breeze."
"You have had five, Odysseus," the judge told him.
"You ignorant cowson! You think this crowd came to see grown men playing with sticks and string?"
"What I do know is that I have now been shamed twice in a single day."
"All men know you are still the greatest archer in the world."
"By the gods, girl, you seek to disobey me on this and I’ll hand you over myself."
"Forgive that outburst," he said at last. "This has been an ugly day, and I am not by nature a calm man."
"I do not know the mind of Priam. I think, however, that wealth is all he desires."
"It is getting dangerous to be neutral these days."
"Priam recently purchased a thousand Phrygian bows, and he is shipping copper and tin to his armories."
"I am the man with no enemies, Agamemnon. Not Troy, not the Mykene, not the Hittites or the Gypptos."
"I don’t doubt light will shine upon it soon," he said, moving away.
"I do not know, Meriones. What I do know is that I have now been shamed twice in a single day."
"I am sorry, my friend. But whatever happens here, all men know you are still the greatest archer in the world."
"I have liked you from the moment we met, and I admire your strength and your courage."
"Honor and custom dictated I be here tonight. Honor and custom dictate I will attend the games tomorrow."
"War is a noble pursuit and ofttimes necessary to right wrongs against our houses or to deal a death blow to those who would wish the same upon us."
"Eat and drink, my friends, and enjoy the entertainments my sons have organized."
"Kings do not reign long if they let other kings piss on their shoes."
"This is not of my making, Helikaon. I did not declare myself an enemy of Troy."