
Savage Bonds Quotes

Savage Bonds by J. Bree

"You were never taught to share, were you? Your ‘only child syndrome’ is showing."
"Little do they all know that I’m most comfortable in the dark."
"I’m indestructible. They can consume all they want, it won’t hurt me or do a goddamned thing to me. I’m fucking bombproof."
"I could kill a man today. I could walk into Nox’s class and skin the asshole alive wearing these shoes."
"What I can do… it can’t be allowed to get stronger. That’s all I can say. It’s terrifying, Gabe."
"I’m not going to force answers out of you. I want them so goddamn much but… but maybe our problems have been because I was making my mind up about how things should be and not just letting us figure it out for ourselves."
"I can’t believe you slept for two whole days and now you’re just showing up for class! I’d be locked away for at least a week if I were you."
"You’d better get me on your team as well. I can’t be left unattended around these people or there’ll be hell to pay."
"The word follows me through all of my classes and the dining hall for lunch."
"I keep my temper in check and just get on with my day."
"Other shit happened too, but I'm not— it's not— fuck, I shouldn't be the one to tell you and I probably have half the details wrong anyway."
"Let’s just skip it then. We can order something to be delivered and do our own thing for the night."
"I’ll be spending all of my time in cold showers if it gets any better."
"It’s your bond wanting us all to stay close to you since we’re not Bonded."
"I’m a hard worker, I’m not looking for a handout. If you take me on, I’ll make sure you don’t regret it."
"Am I allowed to tell you guys that if I see someone smile at you I want to gouge their eyes out?"
"I’ve worked at a dozen different cafes over the last five years, this is going to be a breeze for me."
"I could kill anyone who looked sideways at me and I would. I absolutely would."
"The best way to get through five hours is to be so busy that they pass like they're nothing."
"Why, what are you going to do to me, monster?"
"Let this be a lesson to you that you should never provoke monsters."
"If you don’t like it, then learn some restraint."
"The appeal of being indestructible and strong is undeniable."
"If we’re all taken off the street today, my vote is on her to get us out."
"I forgot about all of the history with these creatures and immediately I want to protect Brutus, to shield him from them all thinking bad things about him. He's cute and little and I love him."
"Don't call him a nightmare. He's adorable and I would kill for him."
"I'm more of a skilled amateur who gets shit done through sheer force of will. It works."
"I never had the chance to ask my parents why they decided to wait, and my chest aches a little to think that I'll never have an answer for that question, as well as a million other things I'll never get to know."
"But as I look around the table, I find that not only is he serious, he's already convinced everyone at this table that it's a good idea… if not the only solution available to us."
"I learn how to fight even when I’ve been bested, how to keep fighting even when a man three times my size has me on the ground."
"I already know what you’re going to ask, the answer is no."
"I suck in a deep breath and then just let it all out."
"Hell, I hope he knocks me out and I don’t have to listen to this anymore."
"You can’t do this to me, Sweetness. I can’t spend all day with you looking this fucking hot only to lose you to someone else tonight."
"He helped me out with some pain and then kind of— he never left my dorm room again after that."
"He’s muttering with Gabe who is, surprisingly, leaning against his bike with his leather jacket over his shoulders."
"I watch as Gabe strips down, handing his clothing to me until he’s naked."
"It won’t bite, Bond. I won’t either, unless you ask me to."
"Fuck, I don’t know if I can hold myself back."
"All of them. If it exists, I can shift into it."
"It’s the most heady thing a man has ever done to me and I’m not even sure he’s aware of it."
"We just lie there, wrapped up in each other without any judgement."
"I sleep like the dead, my bond satisfied that he’s mine."
"You say that now, but Gryphon is a fucking nightmare if he thinks you’re slacking off."
"Fake it until you make it, it’s an old but effective strategy."
"I refuse to look like a brat. I’ll choke on those thank you’s but I’ll get them out, even if it kills me."
"Because death isn’t actually an option, I make myself face him."
"You know nothing, Bond. You don’t stick around long enough to know a goddamned thing."
"I’m so fucking sorry that you have to be near me!"
"Getting through my day is almost impossible."
"If you don’t want to Bond, then you need to get out of here."
"Whatever it is, I like it. Kiss me all you want, Sweetness."
"I know you. I know exactly who you are and I know a monster when I see one."
"There’s a quiet moment where only my steady breathing can be heard in the silent space."
"Atlas strokes my hair back from my face, his fingers gentle where they brush against my cheek."
"Oli isn’t going to break, you know what she’s capable of."
"Being around them almost twenty-four hours a day, I’ve started to figure out the dynamics that were already in place before I got here."
"I lift my hand to knock on the door but I chicken out."
"I fucking hate you. I hate every little thing about you."
"If you can’t beat me without cheating, then you’re useless to me."
"The only person I care about proving myself to is you."
"It’s fine. If they all know about all of my gifts, they’ll either let me go or lock me up into one of those little cells."
"Jesus Christ, there’s not enough money in the world to convince me to join the council."
"Trouble is like the ocean: deep, dark, and bigger than all of us."
"I’m doing my best to respect that even when it ruins fucking everything."
"If it wasn’t crossing every goddamn line I never knew I had for him, it would be hilarious."
"With enough money, nothing is ever permanent."
"Grief is an unpredictable bitch of a feeling and it’s riding him hard."
"The perfect man will wait. The perfect man won’t do something that would hurt you, no matter how badly they want to."
"No man, Bond or otherwise, will ever tell me what to wear, Gabriel Ardern. So you better change your tune, and quickly."
"You could go there naked and I would still worship you… everyone else would just have to die. A sacrifice I’m prepared to make."
"If I drink, I’ll end up fighting someone… possibly even Gabe for the way he keeps speaking to these spineless assholes. I’ve never seen so much groveling and sniveling."
"I’m the biggest badass I’ve ever met. Nox is just spying on her because he wants to control her. You all do, at least a little bit."
"If you call yourself a monster again, I will put you over my knee and spank that attitude right out of you. You’re perfect."
"If this is how he plans on keeping me in line, sign me up for ruining this man’s life because I'm not ever going to give this up."
"It’s so much more intense without my bond in control of my mind."
"I want to fling a hand over my eyes to hide what little I can, but Gryphon takes both of my wrists in his hands and pulls them down so I have no choice but to watch him eat me out."
"If he’s trying to prove himself to me, then he’s doing the greatest freaking job of it."
"I don’t have the energy to snark back at him or kick him in the teeth for looking so smug."
"I step into the foyer tentatively, which is just freaking stupid."
"You’re not going to be the villain in mine though, no matter how hard you try."
"His name is August. He’s here to keep us protected while North distracts the fire wardens and the caretaker to get you out of here."
"You need to leave your apron behind, you’ll not be working here any longer."
"Don’t listen to the old bitch, Bond. She’s just a crackpot Empath who doesn’t know shit."
"I would like one fucking day without having to run damage control."
"You’re really going to pretend like she’s some precious little innocent Bond now that you’ve fucked her?"
"I’m on my way, just stay where you are and keep your phone on you. I’ve got you, Sage. Don’t worry about a thing."
"We’re all fucking this entire Bond up, and you deserve so much fucking more."
"No more hurting yourself, I’ll come back and there will be hell to pay, Bonded."
"I don’t want to think about saving that asshole."
"It’s a sign of respect… it was one of the reasons I backed off a bit about them all."
"The guy who did it, he just kept talking about how great North was and how embarrassing this was for him."